
Chapter 111 The Doctor Is In 7

Chapter 111 The Doctor Is In 7

Zombies are strangely cheerful beings. Zero didn’t know if it applied for all zombies but Manny and Peter were very cheerful. On the other hand, their summoner looked very solemn. Soon was a short man who appeared human but really wasn’t one. Zero got a shock when he met the man for the first time because the aura emitted from Soon was very cold. Zero actually shivered when he entered the apartment.

"I didn’t think we would be expecting guests, please forgive the sudden attack earlier. I sensed an unusual presence and unknowingly summoned a defensive barrier."

So that was what the coldness was. Zero didn’t know if auras could feel cold but now that Soon had confirmed what it was, the brunet knew better. He didn’t know much about magic but it didn’t hurt him so it was all good.

"I’m sorry for dropping by unannounced, I’m Zero!"

Soon nodded and Manny laughed heartily before slapping the young apprentice on the back.

"You’re a wee fellow, aren’t you? Are you even eating enough? You won’t grow right if you don’t drink milk."

Peter noticed Zero’s discomfort and pried the tall zombie off him. "Sorry about that, Zero. Manny can be a little rough at times. He’s a musclehead with no awareness about the strength he possessed. Not when he was alive and certainly not even now."

"When he was alive?"

Manny grinned in amusement. "Did you think zombies were born from zombie mothers or something? We’re undead summoned by that grumpy looking shortie over there... Of course, we were alive once. But that was a long time ago."

Said shortie landed a kick on Manny’s bottom and Zero winced. He was surprised to know that Manny’s body didn’t break like how Peter’s did. After all, that kick was nowhere near gentle. Manny didn’t seem to feel any pain from the impact, he didn’t even budge from his spot. Soon glared at him.

"This shortie is in control of your body. You’ll find yourself babysitting the kids if I hear that one more time."

Zero saw how Manny turned an unhealthy shade of blue and Soon smirked. Peter did nothing to save his fellow zombie friend. Soon ignored them and invited Zero to take a seat while he prepared some light snacks for their guest. Manny didn’t argue any further and sunk into the chair unhappily. Peter decided to engage Zero in some small talk while Soon was readying the tea.

"What were you doing back there? It’s quite a distance from the clinic..."

Zero blinked. He’d almost forgotten what he was doing just before. "I was playing tag. I’m still playing tag so if anyone comes finding me, I shall have to run..."

Peter chuckled and promised to let Zero know if there was anyone coming to tag him. Soon who overheard their conversation from the kitchen smiled. "I’ll watch out for Rima if I were you. That girl can sense everyone within an active radius so even if you turned invisible, you can’t hide from her."

Zero made a face. "That’s almost cheating..."

Soon laughed. "It’s not very effective against Leon though. That werecat child has speed and reflexes that can easily escape from her radius. It doesn’t help that he has keen hearing. Rima is a bad match against Leon but great against Jacqueline."

Zero thanked the magician and accepted the steaming mug. He inhaled deeply and grinned. Soon was a fan of Jasmine tea and Zero found something in common with the solemn-looking magician.

"Jacqueline ran off to chase Leon earlier. I doubt they’ll be finding me any time soon. Has anyone ever hid in houses during a game of tag?"

Manny who seemed to recover from the threat earlier took a seat across Zero and grinned. "Nah, they prefer hiding up in the watchtower instead. Jacqueline will catch Leon in no time so I’ll say that you’ll be safe for the next twenty minutes after she does. That kid is a great runner but not a very good tagger."

"He could outrun Rima so he could tag her just as easily..."

Peter snorted. "Him? Perhaps he could if he had half her intelligence. Leon’s like an arrow with no direction. Rima is good at hiding and misdirecting him. He’ll never find her. Jacqueline may be a quarter mermaid but you shouldn’t underestimate her ability to create illusions. It’s normally easy to break the illusion but Leon’s a little dumb so he’ll just continue walking circles for a while before he figures out something is wrong."

Illusion magic? He didn’t think that Jacqueline would be capable of using any magic. Now he was curious to know what Jacqueline could do. His expression must have said it all because Soon smirked. "Would you like to experience illusion magic?"

Zero jumped at the chance without hesitation.

Soon chanted a short incantation and Zero found the living room distorting into a forest. Logically he knew that what his eyes perceived wasn’t real. However, what was scarier was how Zero couldn’t sense Soon or his zombies in the same room. In fact, everything seemed so real. Zero wouldn’t be able to tell it apart if he didn’t know that he was entering an illusion in advance.

"This is a high-tier illusion. It fools all your senses successfully and only those with very keen magic perception or a strong sense of self can see through it. Of course, Jacqueline’s illusion can only fool the eyes. You’d be able to tell by touch or sound that something was wrong. Leon the fool couldn’t do it, he’s a lost cause for magic."

Zero giggled at Soon’s explanation and marvelled at the illusion. Zero noted how detailed the illusion was. The smell of moist earth and humidity on his skin felt exactly like a real forest. There was chirping of birds in the distance and slight breeze that felt all too real to the touch. Every bar had a unique pattern and nothing seemed amiss. It was a perfect illusion.

Then, something touched the back of Zero’s neck making him scream. He leapt up onto his feet and spun around only to be greeted by a huge tree trunk. The chair he was sitting on earlier was now a tree stump. Zero frowned. That was clearly something not within the illusion.

"Now then, I heard that you have a gift for magic. Allow me to test your innate abilities. Are you able to find a way out of the illusion or break the spell?"

Zero blinked and then grinned. Soon was testing him and Zero loved challenges. He didn’t know much about illusion magic but from what Soon mentioned, it fooled the senses if done right. It could only be detected if one had a very keen magic perception or a strong sense of self. Luckily, Zero had Mii to help him out.

The strawcherry assistant got to work immediately, pulling up the map. Zero grinned gleefully at the thought of being able to escape quickly. His initial optimism faded away when he noticed something odd. There was nobody showing up on his map even though the layout of the apartment was accurate.

"What’s going on?"

Mii ran some checks of the apartment again. Nothing changed. The same thing happened earlier when Zero bumped into Peter earlier. The zombie didn’t show on the map. Was the map malfunctioning?

"Why can’t I detect anyone in the room? Shouldn’t the map show me anyone or anything in the selected area? I could use this before to find rare herbs at Endow Hill... does it not work in Half Moon village?" he wondered aloud.

There was silence as Zero tried to figure out what was going on.

"That map you speak of... is that a kind of detection magic?"

Soon was intrigued after hearing Zero’s monologue. He knew that Zero might have some tricks up his sleeve but didn’t expect for the young child to possess such powerful unique magic. No wonder Hua Tuo was enthralled by the child. According to Lovina, Zero had come up with some rather bizarre but ingenious ideas about using healing magic. The lich wanted to test if that was simply a moment of fluke or if Zero was the real deal who would take the world by storm.

Zero hesitated for a bit. Mind’s Eye wasn’t magic. In a way it was but it was more of an innate ability. He couldn’t quite explain Mii’s existence without compromising his promise with Hua Tuo to keep his identity a secret so he opted to remain silent. Thankfully, Soon didn’t pry. Instead, he told Zero that detection magic wouldn’t work on them because of the nature of their creation.

"Detection magic only detects anything with the existence with life essence in them. If life essence or mana was infused into a rock, you would be able to detect that rock. Anything living possesses life magic. Unfortunately for us, liches are magicians who’d sacrificed their mortality for greater powers. The same logic applies to zombies who are merely souls bound to dead bodies using undead magic. Generally, the undead can avoid detection magic. A few exceptions exist like vampires and ghosts who possess a soul."

Zero nodded in understanding at Soon’s explanation. Then he wondered if Zoe could be detected with detection magic. He’d have to try that out later. For now, Zero had to find another way to escape the illusion. Then Zero remembered that he knew someone who as good at illusions. Perhaps she could help him out if he asked for help.

Soon observed how Zero sat down in the middle of the illusion and started meditating. Did Hua Tuo teach the brunet some kind of special skill that could break through his illusion? He wouldn’t be surprised seeing how Hua Tuo was able to easily disintegrate illusions easily with the mysterious energy called qi. Hua Tuo didn’t know much magic but his ability to control life energy or anything relating to it was very useful against illusions.

Zero quickly entered that familiar state of trance. His hazel eyes began to change into inky pools and Soon frowned. The magician didn’t know what Zero was doing but he could feel the magical aura around Zero reacting to the change. Still, he observed silently and wondered what Hua Tuo’s apprentice would do.

Peter and Manny who stood by the side tried to close in on another sneak attack. Peter wanted to poke Zero’s cheek this time but halted when he felt that familiar sense of dread that he hadn’t felt in many years. Manny who experienced the same thing leapt back quickly and assumed a battle stance. His ex-paladin reflexes kicked in as he readied for battle.

Soon was horrified. As a lich, he knew what this was. Black eyes and horrifyingly potent magic that originated from only the deepest parts of the abyss. How could such a child possess any healing magic? It was absurd!

"Stand back!" Soon told his comrades. He’d lost them once to the demons, he wouldn’t lose them the second time. The demon they faced off against many years ago in a special raid quest wasn’t even as powerful as the one residing within this brunet.

From outside, several other villagers reacted to the powerful magic. Coux shot up straight the moment she felt the dark magic. Mitchnew grabbed her bow and Lovina dropped her cup. Sekkin stiffened. He didn’t think that he’d be found so soon after escaping. To think that one of his kind would appear just as he settled down... he growled and jumped out the window. They wouldn’t take his home away... not again. Qin Yun allowed her human appearance to fall, unleashing her full powers as all nine tails materialised. There was an unwelcomed guest and Lovina told Cleo to help the rest evacuate. Vishnu who was on watch at the tower sprang to his feet and hurried to deliver the news to Zenobia. All these transpired quickly while Zero continued his pleasant conversation with the Demon Lord he’d made friends with.

Hua Tuo was surprised by Lovina’s sudden aggressiveness and asked what was going on.

"A demon has appeared. Please evacuate with the others, we have to prepare for battle. It’s not something we can hope to return alive from but we can buy some time for the children to run."

The Sage God became serious. "What’s the disaster level?"

The witch looked grim. "Code black if not more. It’s probably on the same level as an arch-demon or even a Demon King. It’s coming from where the kids are playing tag."

Hua Tuo’s heart dropped. Zero! He couldn’t let anything happen to Zero. He didn’t want anything to happen to Half Moon village either but if what Lovina said was true, not even Hua Tuo would be capable of subduing such a powerful opponent. The Sage God of Medicine never thought that he would ever battle a Demon King. He did well to stay out of all conflicts but his luck simply ran out after centuries of running away from reality. Karma was coming back to collect the debt.

"I’ll get the children," he told the witch who gave him a thankful look.

"We’re in your debt. Please help to take care of Karris too. It’s too pitiful for both mother and unborn child if they should both perish now."

Hua Tuo nodded and left immediately to find the pregnant mother.


"Oho? You thought it would be a great idea to disturb me from my nap again to request for a little parlour trick. You have quite the nerve there, young friend."

The brunet stuck his tongue out at the Demon Lord before him. Demon King Baal was immensely amused. He’d been extremely bored of destroying worlds. Naps were only wonderful while they lasted and he was too lazy to do any real work. Torturing mortals sounded like pain and waging wars with heaven was also a pain. All he wanted to do was watch a good show. Hell wasn’t very hard to rule. A simple sneeze of his would get all the demons and devils quaking in their hooves. Any idea of rebellion would be quelled and everything would fall back into line like how it should be. Such was the life for Divine Entity Duu’s ’hardworking’ fragment. Duu was too lazy to look for the Great One after Great One went into slumber even after Nel’s persistence so Baal was created to do that in his place, not that Baal spent any real effort.

The Demon King was simply glad that Zero, who was Great One’s other side, spared him the hassle of having to seek him out. What’s better was how amusing the brunet was. The Demon King yawned. "What do you need me to do now? Please don’t ask me to tell you another story about hell... I’m too lazy to recall all the details."

Zero grinned. "Come on, Bell! I’m not that mean. I came to ask you to help me with a teeny-tiny favour... there’s this powerful magician who’s made a powerful illusion that not even Mii can break out of. Apparently, detection magic doesn’t work on the undead? Could you sneeze the illusion away or something?"

King Baal blinked. "Sneeze it away? You think too highly of that small lich. Just a yawn will do. In return for this request, what will you give me this time? My services aren’t free."

Zero frowned. The last time he asked Baal to entertain him when he first met the Demon King in the space-time crack he entered during meditation, Baal demanded to be entertained. Zero grinned. He was very good at entertaining the Demon King.

"I’ll tell you three new stories!"

Baal frowned. "Five."



"... two and a half?"

Baal raised an eyebrow. "How does one tell half a story?"

Zero grinned. "I learnt something called cliffhanger. It’s really good."

Baal felt his eyebrow twitch. How dare this chipmunk threaten him with a cliffhanger. Whoever taught the young child that should burn in a cauldron for eternity. Baal would also gladly see to it personally.

"No deal. Four. I don’t listen to half stories. Cliffhangers aren’t even real endings. Besides, you woke me up just as I was falling asleep. I demand an extra story for nap cancellation."

Zero pouted and Baal almost caved. Almost. He wasn’t shameless enough to actually admit it as a Demon Lord so he held his ground.

Knowing that he wouldn’t win this, Zero begrudgingly agreed to tell Baal four stories. The Demon King smirked and borrowed Zero’s body, ready to yawn whatever illusion the child was having trouble with away.

Baal wasn’t exactly expecting an army awaiting his arrival when he transferred his consciousness into Zero’s body. He recognised the fear in their eyes and was slightly surprised to see a familiar face in the crowd, one he didn’t think he’ll ever have the pleasure of meeting.

"Alright, can someone tell me where the illusion I was supposed to yawn away disappeared to? I’m not dealing with an army for only four stories."

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