
Chapter 690 - Truth Unveiled

Kyle noted this, as well as Sayuri. They looked at each other, both understanding and their impression of Samantha increased a bit.

Just a bit.

\'He\'s still in trouble though,\' Sayuri thought to herself as she began thinking of the various ways she was going to make him pay later on.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

That night, Kyle sighed as he sat on the sofa in the living room. Junior was asleep on his lap, his little hands holding onto his pants in a death grip. Kyle leaned back on the sofa, letting the back of his head be on top of it.

Hearing the familiar footsteps of Sayuri, he opened his eyes to see her face right above his.

"How are things?" Sayuri whispered, careful not to wake the boy.

"Terrible," Kyle admitted.

"So? Was it as you feared?"

He nodded.

"Derek came clean," Kyle said, "He\'ll be arriving here tomorrow morning."

"I\'m surprised that you can remain so calm," Sayuri said, coming to sit on the edge of the sofa.

Kyle placed his hand on the top of the boy\'s head, "I admit, I wanted to punch Derek senseless, but that would not have achieved anything. The main thing now is to resolve this with the least amount of casualties."

Kyle wasn\'t worried about the boy would wake up and hear them. He had already pressed the necessary acupuncture points to allow the boy to sleep peacefully. He didn\'t like using it on young children, but this was necessary.

The boy had been too agitated, despite his excitement at coming to his \'father\'s\' house. He was upset because he saw the nursery and the fact that his parents getting back together did not seem possible.

"And this little one is the biggest casualty of all," Kyle said softly.

"I\'m surprised Derek admitted it so fast though," Sayuri said.

Kyle\'s mouth twitched slightly. Seeing this, Sayuri gave him \'the look\'.

"Just what did you do?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I didn\'t," Kyle replied innocently.

"It was your Team, wasn\'t it?" Sayuri guessed accurately, "So all your talk about \'punching Derek would not have achieved anything\' was pure bull, huh?"

Kyle shrugged, "He was already beaten up badly by them. One more wouldn\'t have achieved anything more."

"I swear, Kyle," Sayuri said, smacking the back of his head, "You\'re getting worse. So who\'s his father?"

"He doesn\'t know," Kyle said, "She kinda went wild the moment she lived with him. Partying all the time, doing drugs, and sometimes not coming home. Apparently, she only went only for the blue-eyed guys, too."

"That doesn\'t explain why he did what he did," Sayuri pointed out, "I mean, come on. He\'s her uncle. What\'s with all that whole charade thing? Didn\'t he think it would bite them back in the end?"

Kyle stroked the hair of the boy and he explained, "He was overwhelmed, I guess. He didn\'t know how to deal with her. She was out of control, his wife was stressed out and pressured him to deal with it. Plus, he had to take over his brother\'s business."

"When Samantha got pregnant, she changed. She became calm and her attitude turned 180 degrees. However, it was all on the basis that the baby was mine. The fact that she got pregnant two months after we split up wasn\'t even an issue."

"It was as if she lost her mind," Kyle said softly, a bit of guilt tinged within him, "No matter the logic, it was ingrained in her that the baby was ours."

"I guess part of it is my fault. She had lost her father, then found out that he was such a scum, then she lost her boyfriend, and finally, was in an entirely new place."

He remembered what his Team had told him.

Initially, Derek stuck to his story that Kyle was the father but after a few intense? \'persuasion\' for him to tell the truth, he finally confessed. The only reason why he was so adamant at sticking to his story was because he was afraid of Samantha\'s reaction.

Would she reject the boy?

Worse, would she go berserk and attack the boy?

Derek had said that when she told him she was pregnant with Kyle\'s son, he had tried to talk some sense into her. The reaction was not good.

Instead of accepting the truth, she started screaming hysterically and tried to kill herself. He had no choice but to placate her with the lie. When the child was born, she actually became a doting mother and rational.

So he did the only thing he could.

He kept the lie going.

He didn\'t know how to stop it.

Kyle was really upset upon hearing that.

Derek had affected another life because of it.

"What\'s going to happen now?" Sayuri asked, as she also looked at the sleeping boy with sadness in her heart.

"Slowly unravel the lie," Kyle said, "Cushion the boy as best as possible and hope for the best."

"How are you going to do that?"

"Samantha is being admitted into the psychiatric hospital as we speak," Kyle said, "MIB went in, sedated her and took her there."

"You kidnapped the woman and forcibly registered her in a mental institution?" Sayuri said.

Kyle shrugged, "Someone had to. Derek was too much of a wimp to do so and Samantha would never go voluntarily."

"And the boy? You\'re going to separate him from his mother? It\'s going to be traumatizing enough for him to find out the truth about you. What is he going to be like when he can\'t even be with his mother?"

Kyle sighed deeply, "I just hope he\'s able to understand."

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