
Chapter 544 - A Promise

Sari pouted, starting to twirl her finger on Kyle\'s chest, "You\'re so bad."

Kyle gulped and lowered his head, saying, "Sari, if you keep doing that, I\'m going to show you how bad I can be."

Sari froze when she realised what she was doing and started blushing. Kyle laughed a bit, kissed her forehead and let her go. It was only then that she realised that they were alone.

"Where did everyone go?" she asked, looking around in puzzlement.

"Oh, they went to work," Kyle said with a laugh, "Apparently, can\'t stand PDAs."

Rather, they are so unused to seeing their beloved boss being so lovey-dovey that it made their skin crawl. Playful boss, yes. Skilled boss. Killer boss even.

But this?

He looked like a normal teenager in love.

It was just too weird.

? Author only posts on w.e.b.n.o.v.e.l. ?

The week flew by in a flash.

Sari spent all of her days during the school break at Kyle\'s house, and got to see another side of Kyle that she had never seen before.

First, since he was in the house and rarely went out, he didn\'t bother with his disguise of having his long hair and those big dark-rimmed glasses covering his face. His contacts were not on either and he tied his hair back.

So she got used to seeing \'Kyle\' more often, and he was acting like a real live \'working\' Kyle. Something like how she envisioned Kyle would be from the poster of him in her room.

The way his men acted around him: with respect and a little bit of awe. The way Kyle ordered them around: with authority and confidence.

It was amazing how they emptied the house within that week.

Everything that Kyle didn\'t need, had been packed.

All the furniture and kitchen appliances were going to be donated to a shelter a day before he leaves, the books had all been donated to the library and most of his clothes had been given away.

The one that required the most preparation, however, was Kitty.

Sari was stroking Kitty, who was purring contentedly on the sofa.

"I wish I was you," Sari whispered.

Kyle was bringing Kitty back home with him, since she couldn\'t take care of Kitty. She had been surprised at that, thinking that he was going to find her a new home. When she had said that, he had looked completely shocked.

"Kitty is family," Kyle said, "Family means no one gets left behind."*

Nialla had obtained the services of PetAir, a company that specialises in relocating animals. They had handled everything: from the vaccination process, getting the necessary approval from the airlines and countries (both Country M and Country Tz), providing the carriers and check-ups.

Kyle opted for a more personal service, whereby Kitty would be in the carrier in the cabin with him. Even though they had assured him that they were experts in handling animals on long-haul flights, Kyle didn\'t want Kitty to be sedated, alone and in the cargo hold.

Thus, Nialla arranged that Kitty would be with him and a vet and/or nurse would follow them all the way to Country Tz and back.

Kitty had been made to get used to the carrier, so that she would not be too agitated in the plane. Kyle had also booked the entire first-class suite cabins, so he did not need to worry about Kitty disturbing other passengers.

It made going home more tolerable as well since he\'ll be in a \'hotel suite\', of sorts.

The vet/nurse would be in the suites to the left while he and Kitty would be using the other remaining two suites. The Team would leave separately, and after Kyle, for they had to handle the final arrangements of the furniture and appliances.

Nialla would be staying the longest, for she needed to settle the house and would be on bodyguard duty to Sari until a replacement came. The latter being something Sari would not be aware of, of course.

Sari watched as Nialla carried herself around the house and with Kyle, with envy in her eyes. She didn\'t like the jealousy that sprouted within her, but she couldn\'t help it. All the while Kyle had been here, he had not given any girl any sort of attention but this time, he did.

Seeing him interact with another girl - a gorgeous, capable one at that - made her feel unsettled.

This separation would truly be a test for them.

Kyle had already assured her that he will call her everyday if he could, but that there would be times that he would not be able to due to work. After all, it would be daytime at his place during the times she is free here.

Sari sighed again.

Two years, huh?

Sari didn\'t think it would be two years. It may be longer.

She is 16 now and would graduate from secondary school next year. She would most likely take some sort of foundation course before entering university, which would take another four years.

"What are you thinking about?" Kyle asked, hugging her from behind.

Sari jumped in shock.

Just how does Kyle go about silently like that? She could have sworn he was across the room earlier, with Nialla and now he\'s here?

Kitty came alive then, getting up and jumping onto his shoulders.

"Traitor," Sari said under her breath as she looked at Kitty who was now rubbing her head on Kyle\'s cheek.

Kyle laughed.

Sari leaned against Kyle\'s back and said, "This is our last day together and tomorrow, you\'ll be gone."

Kyle hugged her tighter, "Wait for me."

"I will," Sari promised.

Kyle kissed her, their final kiss together, sealing the promise made between them.

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