
Chapter 741 - Of course, because I’m a hero from another world

Chapter 741: Of course, because I’m a hero from another world

It seemed like a nice game. Seiji decided to check it out later.

He told Hana about what happened today, and asked her to help him obtain information on Inner World Crystals.

Although Seiji had the option of contacting Yui and asking about the crystals, he felt that his older sister wouldn’t tell him something considered top secret by Soul Society. And, he only asked Hana because he figured it couldn’t hurt to ask.

“You developed your own alternate dimension… How were you capable of such a thing?” Hana couldn’t help but ask.

“Of course, because I’m a hero from another world, with powers over space and time!” Seiji made a pretentious pose.

Hana was rendered speechless.

‘I shouldn’t have asked such a question!’ she thought to herself.

Currently, the cat-eared hat girl was feeling similar emotions to Natsuya from earlier. If the two met each other and talked, they would surely have many comments to make about Seiji.

She promised to do what she could to obtain information. Of course, whether she succeeded or not would be another matter entirely.

After chatting with Hana for a while, Seiji ended the video chat. He then immediately went to the game Bright Heaven Scroll’s website and purchased the digital version of the game, starting to download it.

This game wasn’t very large, so it downloaded rather quickly.

Seiji immediately installed the game, and started playing it from the tutorial.

Since this was a small game in file size, of course the scenes were all drawn in 2D. This was fine, but the issue was that the character art and background art weren’t exactly high quality, either…

Seiji withstood his urge to comment, and continued playing. Gradually, he started experiencing the abundant content of the game, just as the advertisement said.

This game had an incredibly deep story fully immersed in the Xianxia genre. With how deep the game was, it was quite easy for any player to get absorbed in it after the beginning.

However, the game also had evident shortcomings.

The biggest shortcoming was obviously the artwork. It was understandable if it was only 2D, but the character art needed to at least be higher in quality. The music could also stand improving, and the interface could be simplified. There were also too many unnecessary actions that could be simplified… Although this game was published by an independent publisher rather than a major studio, so it was all understandable, this game’s allure would surely improve even more if these areas were improved.

After playing for a while, Seiji sent his opinions of Bright Heaven Scroll to Hana, and recommended this game to Hoshi and Hisashi as well. He then wanted to close the game and do something else, but felt like he still wanted to play.

“I’ll close the game after I catch one more fairy…” With such a way of thinking, he continued to play.

Thus, Seiji spent an all-nighter playing this game… such a thing didn’t happen.

However, such a thing really might have happened if it wasn’t for Shika reminding him to go to sleep.

Even though he had only wanted to catch one more fairy, he unknowingly got addicted to the game, sheesh.

The more he exclaimed over it, the more Seiji felt that it was a pity about Bright Heaven Scroll’s current shortcomings. If only this game could improve on its artwork and other areas, it would become even more popular for sure.

“You make this game sound so interesting. Why don’t I try playing it as well?” Chiaki smiled while walking next to him.

Seiji was currently out on a date with Chiaki.

She wore a blue-and-white strap one-piece dress with a small jacket on top. She also wore white stockings with sandals, giving her a girl-next-door appearance. However, the tender skin she showed under her neck along with the mesmerizing absolute territory between her dress and stockings seemed so tempting and alluring. Seiji’s eyes had lit up the moment he saw her, feeling like his spirits perked up.

It was already like this for her boyfriend who had gotten accustomed to Chiaki’s beauty. Of course, men on the street were attracted even more, and even many women’s eyes paused on Chiaki.

Seeing how naturally Chiaki was clinging onto his arm now, Seiji couldn’t help but recall that incident where he pretended to be her boyfriend…

Seiji also recalled a certain beautiful girl with light blue hair and a quiet aura of beauty about her. However, he instantly stopped himself from thinking about her, because he felt that he shouldn’t be thinking about Chiaki’s ex-girlfriend.

“Be patient when you start the game at first. You should find it fun after a while. Still, it’s normal if you can’t enjoy the game, since this game’s a little difficult…” Seiji continued talking about the game, picking the interesting parts to talk about. He then naturally steered the conversation to other topics.

The two of them had fun chatting and joking around with each other. Time passed quickly for them as they arrived at the business district’s movie theater.

They had agreed upon a movie to watch for today’s date. Seiji purchased a pair of movie tickets and some popcorn, and then entered the theater with Chiaki.

This movie’s title was “Silver”. It was a highly praised historical fiction movie.

The movie started right away with a fierce battle where a barbarian army was invading the city. If the city was lost, the residents would surely be slaughtered as the barbarians pillaged the city. The defending army was resisting with everything they had, but was almost about to lose.

In this moment of danger, the handsome and heroic Second Prince led reinforcements to save the city. He fought together with his soldiers right on the frontlines, and succeeded in defeating the vicious barbarians, saving the city.

The Second Prince was venerated by his soldiers and citizens alike. He had countless supporters in the country due to his heroic bravery and kind personality. He was far more supported than the rather average First Prince for the position of crown prince.

However, the camera revealed that this incredibly popular Second Prince entered a secret room and kneeled before a person that looked identical to him!

It turned out that the other person was the real Second Prince, while the Second Prince who appeared in battle was nothing more than a body substitute whose real name was Silver.

The real Second Prince wanted combat achievements, but didn’t dare to personally go on the battlefield. That was why he found a body double that looked just like him, and trained Silver to fight in his stead.

The real Second Prince left the secret room to go join the celebration party and enjoy all the attention, while the real hero who’d risked his life in danger stayed behind in the secret room all by himself, only having the cold walls as his company.

Such days continued for quite a while.

Silver fought heroically in front of everyone, but couldn’t take any credit for it. He began to doubt his very meaning in life. He fell in love with a gentle and considerate maidservant, but was unable to express his feelings. He struggled between his loyalty to the Second Prince and his own desire to express himself.

Support for the Second Prince to become the Crown Prince, taking the First Prince’s position, became ever stronger. The fissure between the two princes’ factions kept deepening as they fought for influence. The First Prince noticed that something seemed off about the Second Prince’s behavior, and tried to discover the Second Prince’s secret. Naturally, the Second Prince tried his very best to keep Silver a secret.

Silver felt enormous pressure from all of this. He was able to overcome many dangers thanks to his sharp mind and quick reactions, but a tragedy was still destined to occur.

The maidservant that he loved saw something that she shouldn’t have. The Second Prince killed her off to keep his secret!

The girl that Silver loved died right in front of him. He felt tremendous anger and sadness, and finally started hating the Second Prince.

Meanwhile, the Second Prince’s wife was also under significant pressure from knowing about the Second Prince and Silver’s secret. After receiving a beating from the Second Prince over a small matter, she suddenly discovered that she didn’t love this man with a noble bloodline at all. Instead, she loved the other fake Second Prince who didn’t have a noble bloodline, but seemed far more like a real prince.

And so, she made a difficult decision. She confessed her love to Silver, and proposed a certain plan.

Silver agreed to her plan as he wanted revenge on the Second Prince… perhaps he had no other choice at all.

The Second Prince’s wife used her hidden forces to assist Silver in either convincing or killing off all the others who knew Silver’s secret. One person who knew was an old general with many combat accolades.

Since Silver was unable to convince this general who was absolutely loyal to the kingdom, Silver was forced to pull his sword. After a fierce fight, he finally ended up killing the kingdom’s hero general who had been both a friend and a teacher to him.

Silver was uncertain whether it was his swordsmanship that won out in the end, or if the old general chose to intentionally die under his blade. Silver sunk into a state of confusion.

But no matter what, blood couldn’t be shed for no reason.

Finally, Silver had a direct confrontation with the Second Prince. He viciously beat the Second Prince into the ground with a look of hatred in his eyes.

The Second Prince cried and begged for mercy, yet Silver wasn’t moved at all. While looking directly into the Second Prince’s eyes, Silver slowly stabbed a chopstick right through the prince’s eyes… with a cold and icy expression, just like the real Second Prince.

From then on, the person known as Silver no longer existed. There was only a heroic and courageous man who loved his wife and had the soldiers’ and citizens support as he became the Crown Prince instead of the First Prince.

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