
Chapter 400: Fundamental Matter Material

Chapter 400: Fundamental Matter Material

Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Did you enjoy the Onyx Snails?”

The Myna smirked and looked dumbfounded while he sat in the cabin of the Starfall Reconnaissance Craft that flashed through the sky, and he could not stop drooling.

“Hehe, hehehehehe...”

The Myna replied Grimm with a giggle as he was still immersed in the delicious meal that he had earlier.

The Seven Rings barrier had allowed Grimm to pass through with a slight ripple and he entered into the barrier as his Rank-1 Honor Badge had captured the attention of the Principal Will of the Sorcerers World; therefore, he was not required to go through the stationed checkpoint on the ground.

“Onyx Snails!”

The Myna shouted in the cabin while he pointed at the top of Grimm’s head, he had slowly awaken from the delicious meal stupor, and as Grimm looked upwards, he was left speechless.

It was only a Seven Rings snail messenger that was walking on top of the Seven Rings barrier.


The aircraft landed on the lawn in front of the Demon-Hunter Castle and opened its cabin door, as soon as Grimm stored up the aircraft, he went back to his lab with the Myna on his shoulder.

Grimm’s second ‘Observation tool of Destructive Energy’ had now been completed after seven days of assembling work!

Both of the observation tools were about fifteen meters in height, underlaid with eighteen interconnected fire elemental bases and capped on top with another eighteen interconnected water elemental bases, while the middle compartment was made from Crystal Barrier of Energy Conservation Seal and was filled with Energy Intensified Rubber Cubes.

From now on, Grimm would be focusing his experiment on filling in the rubber cubes within the observation tool with every fundamental material that he had discovered, including fundamental energy, combined complex materials, combined complex energy, unrecorded and unknown materials, exotic energy...

Constantly discovering materials that could allow Grimm to withstand and harness the Destructive Force.

As the knowledge system of the Sorcerers World on fundamental energy was still insufficient, Grimm was unable to precisely perform reverse calculation on the seal computation law to find out the characteristics of the material that could store and harness the energy of the Destructive Force; therefore, similar to what sorcerers from ancient times would do, repetitive experiments would be done by sorcerers to find out the suitable container for the Destructive Force.

Once this problem had been resolved, other barriers that were related to it would be easily tackled by then.

By that time, Grimm would be able to cast out sorceries with the Destructive Force as his own fundamental element; the output from it would be horrifying and unimaginable, especially for low-level sorcerers.

With that in mind, Grimm forced himself to calm down and he sat down quietly before his workstation, while he took up a goose feather writing brush to gather and write down his thoughts on the experiment notes.

In the sorcerer knowledge system, the endless world was classified into four main categories.

They were the material world, infinite void, spectral world, and unknown world beyond latitude.

As Grimm was one of the living creatures from the material world, he would need to try his best to actively control and experiment every form of matter against Destructive Energy.

Matter from the material world was divided into two divisions of systems of matter and energy.

According to the theory from the sorcerer knowledge system, the matter system comprised of fundamental natural matter and sorcerer cultivated combined matter, also known as high-level alchemy material.

While the energy system comprised of natural fundamental elemental energy and sorcerer cultivated combined energy, also known as leverage law energy.

As the note recording continued, the sound from the friction of the goose feather was constantly heard.

Two months had passed, and with reference from more than ten reference books, Grimm’s experiment notes were densely recorded with more than thirty thousand types of fundamental materials.

There were fundamental metal materials, liquids from all sorts of plants, hair from certain special animal species, internal organs, bones, fractions of plant specimens, stones, and even excretions that were specially categorized...

At that moment, a sign of slight despair could be seen on his face.

“There are so many...”

Assuming that the observation tool could run at its maximum capacity, and experiment would consistently take place every fifteen minutes; even with the two observation tools that Grimm had, it would still require five consecutive years to go through more than thirty thousand materials.

In reality, it was impossible.

Also, there were other time-consuming activities to be incurred; such as, obtaining materials, recording and analysis of experiments, break time, and etc...

Grimm had a rough calculation in his mind, he would require fifty to sixty years to complete the list of experiments that he had listed down in his notes, any addition of new elements in the future would also add up to the time required to complete all of the experiments.

Furthermore, the estimation was only for fundamental materials; if the combined alchemy materials were used in the experiments, the number of materials could be in folds of thousands and tens of thousands, the number would grow even larger if the energy system were to be involved in the experiments...

No wonder!

No wonder none of the sorcerers from ancient times were able to develop a method to harness Destructive Force!

Grimm was hopeful about the experiment before he began, as he did not realize that he had only seen a small part.

As Grimm delved deeper into his experiment, he was able to see a bigger picture of the entire field of research; and only by then, he was able to experience the despair that sorcerers from ancient times once had.

It all started with experiment as simple as mixing water and fire together, followed by the development of the ‘Observation tool of Destructive Energy’, then upgrading to an observation tool that had eighteen times of power; and until now, the search of the material that could harness the Destructive Force from the endless list of materials...

One would only realize how small and insignificant they were once they had widened their view to a wider scale.

In accordance to sorcerer theory, any identifiable energy law would be movable by even the smallest amount of energy, and it was the same theory that had contributed to the development of so many Stigmata Sorcerers and the Celestial Sorcerer.

However, sorcerers would often be required to contribute more than what they could afford, and also with a little bit of luck in play; only then, they could discover the secret in moving the law.

Grimm kneaded his forehead and suddenly thought of something, he drew out the dimensional gap and looked at his wealth reserve.

“Hmm, the fundamental materials do not cause too much of a problem as they do not mean much to sorcerers; however, for the precious alchemy materials and high level energy...”

Another despairing situation was placed before Grimm, similar to what had been encountered by sorcerers from ancient times who had also experimented on the discovery of Destructive Energy.

Grimm had now encountered the same difficulties that were encountered by the sorcerers from the past!

Suddenly, an idea struck Grimm; if he were to give up and declare his failure, would he still be recognized by sorcerers of the future generations as one of the ancient sorcerers that had contributed towards the discovery of Destructive Force?

The path ahead seemed to be dark and hopeless, which had also affected Grimm’s confidence, and he felt lost and fearful.

It also explained why energy degeneration would always symbolize Stigmata Sorcerers, and now that Grimm had chosen the difficult path towards the Destructive Force...


Grimm called out for the Myna while he recorded the fundamental materials that he needed with the crystal ball.

“Ah? What’s the matter, Master?”

The Myna was resting under the sun on the balcony of the second floor, he awoke as he heard Grimm calling for him, flew downstairs and landed on Grimm’s shoulder.

“Look for the trade association of the Purple Tulip family at the Holy Tower of Seven Rings, and inform them to gather these listed materials, then deliver them to the lab in batches as I am about to start the experiments.”

Grimm placed the crystal ball into the dimensional gap.

“Got it.”

The Myna flapped his wings and flew towards the direction of Tree of Life at high speed.

After three days, Grimm received the first batch of materials from the Purple Tulip family, and there were more than six thousand different materials from the delivery.

The person who came was an old sorcerer who had long and white eyebrows.

After delivering all of the materials that were requested by the Myna on behalf of Grimm, the old sorcerer mentioned, “Sorcerer, although the requested materials were not that valuable; however, they were all requested in huge amounts and were too fragmented; therefore, an extra fifteen percent will be added on top of the mission reward.”

Grimm frowned, and after a moment of thought, he nodded and replied, “Alright, however, as I am unable to gather the required number of magic stones at the moment, I will first utilize some of the magic stones that had yet to be received from the Love Contract to offset against the cost of the reward.”

Grimm still had some sorcerer essences left, but he was planning to use them for the purchase of higher-level alchemy materials; therefore, he did not use them to pay for the cost of magic stones.

The old sorcerer nodded and replied in a deep voice, “Alright.”

After half an hourglass.

A tooth from a Fulvous Mouse was placed into the rubber cube within the observation tool, and the rubber cube would soon transform from liquid to solid form.

Fulvous Mouse had rarely made their appearance on the grounds of the Sorcerers World, as they mainly fed on high-density crystals, some of it would even remain under the ground for their entire lifespan; therefore, they were unknown to many sorcerers.

As a result, their teeth were classified as rare and precious fundamental material, mainly because of their stiffness and extremely high magic properties.

The Tumour Resin that was being placed earlier into another observation tool had now started to solidify, and it was similar to the Energy Intensified Rubber Cube.

A Tumour Resin was an exotic energy insulated material, and because of its special properties, it was often used by alchemists to develop unbelievably fine apparatus.

Machinists had exceptionally high demand for such a material.

While waiting for time to pass by, Grimm took out the two severed branches.

From Grimm’s small daily movements over the past hundreds of years, Thunder Marks have been constantly accumulated within his body; with the aid of Dynamic Vision from his Infinity Eye, Grimm had a feeling that he had completed half of the observation work on the branches.

It seemed like...

With just another few hundred years, the secret behind the branches would be truly discovered.

It was really unimaginable that there were no findings from the branches that were being discovered a few hundred years ago, it was when Grimm was still a sorcerer-apprentice; if it was not for the Dynamic Vision, another tens of thousands of years would probably not make any difference...

As soon as Grimm was able to discover all of the Thunder Marks from the branches, he would be able to replicate a similar thunder law by referring to the same theory and discover the secret that lay within.

A short moment later.

As soon as Grimm had fully triggered the observation tool, a loud humming sound was heard from the energy mixing process and vibration started to spread across the ground, while the lights within the Demon-Hunter Castle were being twisted irregularly and forcefully drawn into the crystal container.

The pressure that was being generated within the crystal container was hardly describable.

With the rate of once every one-eighth of a second, there were fifty-four times where consecutive intense mutual repulsive energy mixing had occurred within the observation tool, and a ball of intense black fire was formed.

Grimm let out a sigh as soon as the reaction within the observation tool had calmed down, as there was nothing left within.

The Tumour Resin cube was obliterated completely along with the Energy Intensified Rubber Cube.

It was not that much of disappointment for Grimm as he had expected the outcome, he continued to insert another material into the observation tool along with the rubber cube, and he marked a red cross for the ‘Tumour Resin’ on his experiment notes.

Soon, the rubber cube that was being placed in the observation tool along with the Fulvous Mouse’s tooth had started to solidify as well.

Another booming sound was heard...

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