
Chapter 526: Vigor

"Wow! He seems good."

"Hush! Stop talking! He is far from good. He is wonderful!"

The audience talked in whispers. Qin Guan felt neither constrainted nor hurried, as they had originally imagined.

By then, he was in character. He was Paris, the man who had fallen in love with Juliet. If it hadn’t been for Romeo’s interference, he would have made her happy. His own heart had been buried along with Juliet.

Suddenly, Qin Guan knelt before her grave, shedding tears of sorrow as he delivered his lines loudly.

Everyone was shocked by his performance. There was no more whispering, only astonishment at his perfect performance.

The beach was as silent as a grave. Everyone was absorbed into the play. Qin Guan buried his head into his loose costume, his grieving, desperate voice bursting out of his throat like an injured beast.

"I came to visit you, dear Juliet." The words were full of admiration and fear, for he didn’t want to disturb her in her eternal sleep.

Suddenly, Qin Guan couldn’t go on anymore. Choking on a sob, he said, "Oh Juliet! Why were you so obsessed with that bastard? Did he poison you? If you had known how much I loved you, you would never have left this beautiful world..." Qin Guan looked up, his eyes filled with love.

The women in the audience couldn’t control themselves. They felt sympathy for Paris, even though they were moved by the romance of Romeo and Juliet.

Why did you abandon such an outstanding young man? This nobleman was handsome, rich and blessed by his family. Can only forbidden love be true love? Could love at first sight be worthy of your life and your parents’ happiness?

As they began to weep, Qin Guan moved closer to the grave.

"Sweet flower, with flowers thy bridal bed I strew,——O woe!Thy canopy is dust and stones..."

He spread flowers around the grave, his tears sparkling on the petals.

His performance attracted some locals, who stopped on the beach, even though it was a tourist resort. In Los Angeles, even a taxi driver could have an opinion on a film, just like their peers in Beijing [1].

"It’s difficult for an Asian guy to interpret Shakespeare."

"Doesn’t he look familiar?"

"Is this a good play? I think entry is free."

"That volunteer looks familiar! He is wonderful!"

Qin Guan’s face was covered in tears and snot. It was a pity that this was a play. If it had been a T show, he would have been recognized immediately.

Before he could run out of tears, Romeo rushed to the scene. Thanks to his elegant costume, he looked much more handsome than Qin Guan.

When he saw his love rival kneeling before the grave, he asked impolitely, "What are you doing here?"

Infuriated, Paris stood up from the sand. The audience suddenly realized that Paris was much taller than Romeo...

Romeo’s vigor instantly diminished. Taking advantage of this, Paris stepped forward angrily. Romeo felt the impulse to escape. The man across from him was about to kill him.

However, the play had to go on and he had to stay there.

Suddenly, Paris shouted loudly, "I should be asking you that! You are that banish’d haughty Montague, who murder’d my love’s cousin. It is that grief that killed this fair creature!"

He pointed to the grave fiercely. "Stop thy unhallow’d toil, vile Montague! Can vengeance be pursued farther than death? Condemned villain, I do apprehend thee: Obey, and go with me; for thou must die."

His resonant voice echoed all over the beach. If the play had taken place at a formal airtight stage, the audience would have experienced a shocking performance.

[1] In Beijing, Taxi drivers like to talk about politics.

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