
Chapter 356: Chasing

356 Chasing

After Soujin had gotten the map from Jun Miao, he returned to their room. Ming Hui was still busy dealing with the poison and he continued to experiment in the room. Fan Lanying and Yamin were resting while the rest were guarding them heavily.

"How is it, Soujin?" Yan asked.

"We will depart as fast as possible," Soujin answered. He knew that Jun Hua didn\'t have the power to see the future, but he was worried something bad happened to her. After all, hearing that the Jun Tribe women whose name was Jun Hua had the power to see the future made him worried over his little wife.

Yasha explained everything to Yamin, which resulted in the girl got extremely angry. She cannot believe they took their Miss because of such reason.

Ming Hui looked towards the bottle in his hand as he pondered, "Do you think it has something to do with Ye Jiu gained the power to see the future?"

Soujin stared back as his brain work at double the usual speed. The one who has the power previously was Ye Jiu\'s fiancée, but then the power\'s owner changed to Ye Jiu while his fiancée dead. Could it be that Ye Jiu wanted Jun Hua for the same reason?

"Ming Hui, when will you finish the experiment?" Soujin asked.

"I\'m not sure. You can go ahead if you want, but first, make a copy of that map," Ming Hui pointed to the map.

"Wait, if Soujin go first, how about our protection?" Yan complained.

"There are others and Jun Hua safety is surely his first priority. You go ahead with your guard, Soujin, I will catch up after I finished with the medicine," Ming Hui said in a firm tone.

Soujin nodded his head. He took his equipment before disappeared from the inn along with Lou. Jun Zhenxian wanted to follow, but he knew that he wouldn\'t be able to help much with his handicap. With no other choice, he could only stay behind and wait patiently.

"You sure say something amazing," Yan commented. If it was him, he wouldn\'t be able to say something so outrageous and told Soujin to go first.

Ming Hui didn\'t move his eyes from the tube in front of him, "It\'s because I know that I would want to do the same if the woman they captured is Fan Lanying."

If the one they kidnapped was Fan Lanying, he would surely do anything he could in order to take her back. There was no way he could have any patience to not go straight away towards her place when he has the location.

"I see," Yan sat down on the chair as he crossed his arm. He didn\'t really understand their judgment, but he knew that he too wouldn\'t want to lose his friend.

"Someone like you won\'t know the feeling."

"…" Do you have to insert a knife at the end of your speech?

While Yan was grumbling, Jun Zhenxian took the map Lou had copied and looked at it carefully. He picked up the map Jun Hua drew previously and compared the two of them.

"Even without the map given from the old lady, the two of them still can find the hideout."

"What are you talking about?" Yan stood up and peered towards the map. He could see the location of the mark on the map was extraordinarily similar. Although the map Jun Hua drew didn\'t point out the way to go, the end of their destination was perfectly the same.

Yan drew his breath with resigned feeling. How in the world the two of them judge the location when they almost couldn\'t see anything in the fog? These two were truly an amazing pair. Well, in his opinion only the word \'monster\' could describe the two of them.

"They just guessed it," Ming Hui shook the tube as he wiped the sweat on his forehead, "Because of their martial art, they can guess how long we have to walk and the direction. With some calculation, they guess that the core of this forest is in that area."

Jun Zhenxian nodded his head, "Ming Hui, you have higher intelligence compare with your brother. Why did you not become the emperor instead?"

Yan: "…"

He was already struck by a heavy blow from Ming Hui before, should this old general added it more? On the side, Shu couldn\'t help but nodded his head in agreement. If it was only about negotiation, Yan was number one, but about intelligence, there was no way this blockhead can compare with the others.

If Yan knew that he was agreeing with them, he would surely get the third blow today.

"I\'m not interested to become the emperor," Ming Hui scoffed. People were always eyeing the throne because they can become the most powerful person if they get it. After all, the word of the emperor was absolute.

In his eyes, those are bullsh*t. There was no way he wanted to be like his father after seeing how the power could make him blind and how the entire family was in chaos. He has absolute power? That was correct. But did his judgment solely base on what he thought? No way! The officials were affecting him through their speech and conduct, the women used their charm to get what they wanted from him.

In his eyes, the person in the throne was simply a person was the most unfortunate. If he was not powerful enough, he will just be used by other people to gain higher ranks, money, and women. Unless the emperor has enough power to bring himself to lead the court, he will simply become a puppet. Those people who have second intention in this matter was numerous. Point at random people and the chance for him to have hidden intention was more than fifty percent.

Of course, he didn\'t think that his brother was that weak. After all, he knew that his brother was quite powerful in his own way. In a way, Yan was indeed the most suitable one to become the emperor during this time as he was the only one who had the experience to talk with those sweet lipped people. His time as a merchant helped Yan quite a lot to deal with a lot of different people and guessed their intention behind the trade.

Trying to fool Yan during their speech was simply impossible unless they were an absolute expert who could conceal their intention extremely well.

Still, Ming Hui knew that in terms of dealing intelligently, he was still better than his brother. In this terms, Yan still has a lot to learn because this brother of his loved to sneak out of his lesson countless times in the past. However, he would never want to become the Emperor. Also, he certainly would never tell Yan that the way he saw the throne previously was this bad. If Yan pestered him because his view about the emperor was this bad, he would get into a different trouble again.

"Why?" Yan asked.

"If I become the emperor and Fan Lanying become the empress, do you think the people would accept a general empress?" Ming Hui arched his eyebrows and gave different reasoning. He was tired of being scrutinize at every corner. When Jun Hua wanted to marry Soujin, they already have more than enough trouble. If it was Fan Lanying, they would have double because she was not that accomplished enough and Ming Hui wouldn\'t want to wait for another year.

"You have an amazing reason," Yan nodded his head.

Ming Hui didn\'t bother with him again as he busied himself with the experiment.

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