
Chapter 272: Preparation for War

272 Preparation for War

After Jun Hua disappeared, Ming Hui took the glass from the table and drank hastily. He felt that the experience just now was truly amazing. The little girl whom everyone scorned for latching to her brother was actually latching to herself. This kind of thing was really funny to think about.

"Maybe in the future, I need to write the story about her."

A girl who hid her identity to fight the enemies of her family, she was really interesting. Ming Hui wanted to know what Soujin\'s reaction would be when he found out that Jun Hua and Jun Min was the same person. Unfortunately, he wouldn\'t get the chance to tell the other party personally.

"Time to return, Soujin will berate us if we don\'t return quickly."

Paying for the food to the keeper, Ming Hui quickly rode his horse from the city towards the plains. In the meantime, he met with Soujin who was also riding his horse.

"Soujin, I found he-him."

"Where is he?"

"He\'s already in hurry to Mountain Kingdom for war preparation. I have told him about the one you want to talk about. After the attack to Kai Kingdom, you can meet with them."

Soujin nodded. He waved his hand and not long after that Lou appeared, looking haggard. Ming Hui felt that his luck was really incredible to find the right person at the correct city. If not, he would probably look like Lou right now, highly haggard.

"Call Yan back to the territory," Soujin ordered.

"Yes Master."

Soujin looked towards Ming Hui. "You tell us the detail."

Ming Hui forced a smile out. Since he had promised the girl that he would hide her identity, it would mean that he couldn\'t tell the real story out. He needed some time to think of what he would tell them without Soujin being suspicious.


Nanglong family territory

"Ming Xiao, is there any guest?" Lin San heard the ruckus from their courtyard and walked outside. There, she saw the face of a person that she had missed so much.

Ming Xiao smiled. "Your brother came looking for you."

"Brother!" Lin San hurriedly went to Lin Hong side.

Lin Hong stared at the girl before him, feeling highly surprised. 15 year old Lin San were nothing like the 14 year old Lin San. She has already grown up and, Lin Hong couldn\'t see any trace of childishness anymore. He felt bad for not able to protect her, but she already had someone else by her side to protect her.

"San\'er, are you alright?"

Lin San nodded, her eyes watered. "What about you, big brother? Is the institution hard?"

The word \'hard\' was not enough to describe that place. But Lin Hong didn\'t answer her, he just smiled. All the harsh experience on the institution may be hard, but for him, it was a lesson he needed to take. That person had told him that he wanted him to change and he did.

Seeing his sister alive and happy was all he needed to know. He promised the other party that he would come to Jun family after getting out. Now that he has the chance, he would go there to fulfill his promise.

"Are you happy?" Lin Hong peered to Ming Xiao.

Lin San blushed, her face was red. "Don\'t tease me, brother. Ming Xiao treats me well and… you\'re going to be an uncle."

Lin Hong face blanked for a moment to process those words. "You\'re pregnant?"

Hearing her brother blurted the word out, Lin San blushed hard. She felt embarrassed, but it was fine if it was her brother that said it. On the side, Ming Xiao looked towards them with questions on his face at the sudden burst of Lin Hong.

"Mhm…." Lin San nodded her head. "One month."

"Congratulation, San\'er."

Lin Hong was genuinely happy. His sister was going to have a child. He truly wanted to stay here and see it if he could…

However, he knew that he couldn\'t stay by her side anymore. Lin San was happy with Ming Xiao, their marriage was something that he too didn\'t expect since the emperor would often forget about Ming Xiao\'s existence.

Ming Xiao came over. "What is that ruckus?"

"Lin Hong is surprised at the news about he\'s going to be an uncle," Lin San answered. "But, your reaction is no different."

Ming Xiao laughed and took Lin San to his embrace. The girl\'s face immediately turned crimson.

"Not here! There are a lot of people seeing and…"

Lin Hong laughed at their antics. These two were really good for each other. He was happy for his sister while at the same time wondered whether he would get the chance to have a happy ending or not. Probably in the future he would meet with someone suitable for him. But that could wait, he was only 15…

Only at this time Lin Hong felt like telling the emperor to change the age for adult man. Why was he needed to wait until 18 years old before he could get married while the ladies only 15? That sounded really unfair.

Lin Hong thought again about it. If he wanted to get married, he would need to have a partner first though, so it was fine to wait for a few more years for it. He didn\'t need to get married that soon too.

"I will go and didn\'t disrupt you two. When I get the chance, I will return back here," Lin Hong said with a smile.

Lin San didn\'t really want Lin Hong to go too, but she couldn\'t possibly stay with the other party again. They were going to live in a different place and only meet occasionally.

"Have a safe journey, big brother."

Ming Xiao looked towards Lin Hong. "You can rest assured. I will take care of San\'er well."

"I can see it," Lin Hong smiled back. "Well, if you change your mind, I will take her back."

"No way, she is my wife and the only wife I have."

With that, Lin San\'s face turned red again which make her looked even more adorable. However, Ming Xiao had to hold himself in.

Lin Hong laughed. "See you later in the future, Lin San, Prince Ming Xiao."

Bidding his farewell towards the couple, he returned to his horse. The journey from here to the Jun family territory would take him around a week or even more. It was better to prepare enough food and all before going.

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