
Chapter 223: Heading to Yuan Kingdom

223 Heading to Yuan Kingdom

Border of Mountain Kingdom

"Grandpa, why are you so adamant on chasing after me?" Jun Hua looked towards her grandfather with questioning face. When she said that she wanted to pay a visit on Yuan Kingdom after the rescue event, he wanted to come with her. Because of the difference in their way of coming, Jun Zhenxian only arrived today.

Jun Zhenxian smiled awkwardly. "It\'s because the Yuan Kingdom is dangerous."

Going to another kingdom was obviously dangerous, especially at the times of war like now. Jun Hua knew that there was danger there, but she was not someone who cannot protect herself. Additionally, she didn\'t come there to make trouble. She wanted to look around at the place and found out the strange things she felt regarding the place.

Jun Hua looked towards her grandfather and pouted. "I\'m not a kid. I can take care of myself there."

"That\'s not the main point, Hua\'er…. There are things that you don\'t know yet."

Seeing the complicated look on Jun Zhenxian face, Jun Hua felt intrigued. All this time, she had been trying to gain enough information from all the other kingdoms. Nevertheless, the information was limited and there were still a lot of things she didn\'t know.

"Then, tell me."

Jun Zhenxian exhaled. "There was once a rumor going around in Yuan Kingdom that the crown prince is not the emperor son. Because of that, the emperor doesn\'t want to pass his throne to the prince. He was waiting for someone to take the throne from him."

Jun Hua eyes brightened. "I will go there now."

Jun Zhenxian wanted to slap his mouth. What had he done? Rather than making Jun Hua didn\'t want to go there, he instead made her wanted to know even more. Looking at his granddaughter, he felt helpless.

"Why are you becoming adamant to go there?"

"If the rumor is true, doesn\'t it mean I can get the Yuan Kingdom without any need of fight?" Jun Hua said with a smile.

Jun Zhenxian was speechless, and he refused to say anything to his granddaughter during the rest of the journey. He felt that the shameless trait of his has passed to his granddaughter.

He didn\'t care if Jun Qing was also shameless, but not Jun Hua!

In truth, it was not Jun Hua wanted to take over Yuan Kingdom. It was because she was interested in their soldiers. When she was fighting them, she found that their martial arts were unique and seemed different compared with the rest of the kingdoms. If she went there, she can examine them even closer.

Jun Hua was really interested in those martial arts. It was not like she wanted to learn them since some of them have restriction. She just wanted to learn more about them. If her guess was correct, it was these martial arts that allow them to be stronger than the other soldiers.

Although it was only her guessed, Jun Hua still insisted to go. Staying at the palace was not really fun for her who loves to travel around. Besides, she had finished the task she had to do during this time and have become an idle princess. The days of staying inside from the time in Ming Kingdom had come to an end.

"Grandpa, are you still mad?" Jun Hua looked towards Jun Zhenxian with helpless expression.

Jun Zhenxian shook his head. "If you return back, I won\'t be mad."

"I still want to go."

"Then I will stay mad."


Jun Hua sighed at her grandfather antic. She looked towards the view from the carriage as they continued their journey. Jun Zhenxian wanted to sulk for the entire journey, but in the end he cannot hold himself and talk with his granddaughter again.

Because the location of Mountain Kingdom was near Yuan Kingdom, it didn\'t take long for Jun Hua to arrive to the capital of Yuan Kingdom. Using the same way as Nanglong Souka previously, she was disguised as a merchant.

In regards of her facial features, Jun Hua had to wear a face mask and boy clothes. That way, it will make her didn\'t look too stand out from the crowd. Her face became an average face of a young man.

Seeing the transformation on Jun Hua, Jun Zhenxian coughed hard. This little lass was really something. How could she change completely in the span of a few minutes?

"Grandpa…. Why are you looking at me like that?" Jun Hua said helplessly.

Jun Zhenxian laughed a bit. "You look really different than your usual self. I\'m just a bit surprised, that\'s all."

The one who follows them was Yasha and he rolled his eyes in secret. How could the old man say that he was only a bit surprised? Going by how hard his reaction was after seeing Jun Hua dressed like that, it was clear that he was truly surprised about her change in appearance.

Even after seeing her transformation to Jun Min dozens of times, the old man still can\'t get used with her change in appearance.

Jun Hua didn\'t bother with her grandfather\'s lie as she walks down the street. The items she saw on the store were unique. Some of them couldn\'t be found in neither Ming Kingdom nor Ming Kingdom. Were they the special things produced only in Yuan Kingdom?

As she walked and looked around, her eyes suddenly lit up. She looked towards the store by her side while her ear was listening towards the conversation near her.

"Your Majesty, please wait for a moment, the goods we bring this time is not ordinary."

"How many times should we tell you, our master would not accept them?"



The sound of kicking can be heard loudly, but Jun Hua didn\'t turn her head and continued to look towards the items in the store. People around her did the same. They didn\'t even bother looking towards the man as they move to give the prince way.

The atmosphere was tense and even Jun Hua can say that it was to the point of abnormal. The villagers seemed to be afraid of the prince yet at the same time they listened to him. It made her curious just what kind of man that prince was.

It was only after the prince and his men had gone did the villagers started to gossip around.

"It seemed Prince Tang Xuan is in bad mood."

"I heard that the war prisoner escaped after he had left. He punished everyone on the prison and didn\'t allow anyone escapes."

"Isn\'t it already the usual things? Stop gossiping around, his people may be nearby."

"You\'re right."

Jun Hua moved her eyes from that store as she walks down the streets again. That conversation made her realized, there was indeed something strange about that prince.

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