
Chapter 236

“How dare you!?”

Rothschild, who was standing on the high spire of Cyamodus, bellowed angrily at Kang Chul-In .

“You dare step into my territory? You bastard!”

His voice contained a mixture of resent and murderous intent .

“How scary . ”

Kang Chul-In snorted .

However, Rothschild couldn’t hear him from afar .



Kang Chul-In pointed his middle finger at Rothschild to reveal his intentions . Wasn’t it just the best to insult Rothschild?


However, Kang Chul-In’s entertainment didn’t last long . The lightning strikes had yet to cease!


Kang Chul-In flung his body away .


Immediately, a lightning strike struck at where he was standing just moments ago . He had no luxury for a relaxing conversation with Rothschild .

“You, you bastard, will never get out of here alive . I swear to make this place your grave!”

Rothschild declared .

That’s what you think .

Kang Chul-In simply ignored the infuriated Rothschild and chased after the escaping Cyamodus soldiers .

“D-Don’t come near me!”

“Y-You devil!”

In the soldiers’ eyes, Kang Chul-In was the death reaper himself .

The Lightning God!

Who could even challenge Kang Chul-In, when just standing next to him could guarantee an electrocution? All they could do was run .

Rothschild grit his teeth as he watched this .

“Alright then, let’s see how long you can keep up that rampage of yours . I will slaughter you, Kang Chul-In!”

Whatever .

Kang Chul-In paid no attention to Rothschild . He continued to run here and there, summoning lightning bolts everywhere . Cyamodus soldiers, beware!

“Let’s go, Cyamodus!”

Rothschild shouted .


Cyamodus, the giant fire turtle, slowly raised its body .

Kang Chul-In, I will do whatever it takes to capture you!

The territory’s capital would be in ruins after deploying Cyamodus, but Rothschild believed that it was inevitable .

He could pour in gold to reconstruct the territory anytime he wanted to, but opportunities like this didn’t come by often . It was a worthy investment as long as he could capture Kang Chul-In .


Upon deploying the fire turtle, the territory was completely ruined .



A lightning bolt struck towards Kang Chul-In .

Flick, flicker!

Cyamodus, the fire turtle, breathed a pillar of flame .

Thump, thump!

To top it all off, the gigantic fire turtle fumbled around, creating harmful vibrations throughout the city .

All of these factors contributed to the destruction of Rothschild’s territory, even without the squall and earthquake promised by the artifact .


“Y-your Majesty!”

“M-Mercy… Kuhuk!”

The casualty rate was extremely high as well .

Many lives were lost from Kang Chul-In’s electrocution and the fire turtle’s stampede . It was almost as if a war had happened .

“Go, capture him! I said to stomp on him!”

However, Rothschild was focused solely on inciting the fire turtle . He couldn’t care less about his people and soldiers .

That’s right! You’re doing well, Rothschild!

Kang Chul-In was highly motivated thanks to that .

What a hilarious situation!

It was entertaining and energizing to watch Rothschild break his own territory apart just to capture him .

Rothschild’s rash actions didn’t just cost money . If he continued to neglect his soldiers and people, how would he handle the aftermath? They would lose faith in him as their leader, which was difficult to recover from .

Rothschild should have maintained his composure even if he suffered a little damage . Lee Gong-Myung would have done that without a doubt .

Damn it . . . when are these lightning strikes going to end…?

Of course, Kang Chul-In was on the verge of collapse as well .


At that moment,

The Aura of Jealousy will stop soon!

Lightning strike will stop soon! (Remaining: 20 bolts)

A notification popped up to inform him of when the lightning strikes would end . It was fantastic news for Kang Chul-In who was desperately trying to find the right time to escape .

A lightning strike takes roughly… five seconds .

Kang Chul-In calculated quickly .

Twenty bolts, each five seconds apart… that’s 100 seconds in total . The problem is how do I escape . . .

He laid his gaze in the direction towards Laputa .

The escape route was to the west .

The problem was that he still had 100 seconds of torture left and he had not yet established his escape route at all .


Another bolt of lightning struck .

A bit more!

Kang Chul-In flung his body aside with all of his might .

He had to endure this penalty before he could even plan his escape . If not, the lightning bolts would just be a neon sign revealing his location to Rothschild .


While Kang Chul-In busily ravaged throughout Rothschild’s territory, Kwak Jung visited Lee Chae-Rin’s Dorado territory as Laputa’s diplomat .

“Welcome . ”

Lee Chae-Rin, who was sitting on her mithril chair, greeted Kwak Jung .

“Thank you for coming such a long way . ”

“Haha! No worries! I came here via a magic circle! Anyway, Ms . Chae-Rin . . . ”

Kwak Jung was about to continue his statement when . . .


A chilling glare could be felt from his surroundings .


Kwak Jung immediately realized his mistake .

Lee Chae-Rin was a Lord .

In fact, she was an Overlord .

To call her ‘Ms . Chae-Rin’ was not only rude, but also a diplomatic disaster .

I-I screwed up…!

Kwak Jung shuddered .

Lee Chae-Rin’s subordinates were glaring at him with such unbearable intensity .


A low, heavy voice let out a fake cough .

“Excuse me . ”

A man stepped forward .


Kwak Jung was shocked to see this man .

He had seen plenty of other races, including Drakan, the dragon-human of Laputa, but it was different this time .

It was because this time, the man in front of him was,


A three-headed canine .

“Tactician Kwak . ”


“I am Anubis, a humble servant of her Majesty and the leader of the royal guards of Dorado . ”

“Ah, yes… nice to meet you . ”

Kwak Jung thought otherwise .

Wah… this guy looks real scary . . .

He wasn’t wrong .

Anubis was originally a low-level canine who used an S-rank Infinity Stone to upgrade into a three-headed canine . His new appearance was horrifying indeed .



In addition, the other two heads attached to his shoulder growled menacingly, further escalating the pressure .

“Tactician Kwak, please do mind your language . ”

“ . . . ”

“You may be from the same hometown as her Majesty, but she is still an Overlord . Isn’t it common courtesy to greet her with some respect?”

Anubis was speaking the truth . Kwak Jung couldn’t rebut him and consequently apologized to Lee Chae-Rin .

“I apologize, your Majesty . I am not fantastic with words… Please forgive me . . . ”

“Not at all, Tactician Kwak . ”

Lee Chae-Rin smiled and shook her hand .

“I understand . You don’t usually put up a pretense . ”

“Haha . . . ”

“Moreover… I can accept 10, or even 100 mistakes from someone who receives full trust from Mr . Chul-In . ”

“I-Is that so?”

“Of course~!”

“Hahaha~! As I expected, your Majesty is no normal heroine . ”

“You flatter me, hohoho~!”

Thanks to Lee Chae-Rin’s witty comments, a comfortable atmosphere could form between the two of them .

“Your Majesty, I have something to tell you . ”

That was at least until Kwak Jung mentioned ‘that story’ .

“It’s a crucial matter . ”

“Go on . ”

“Do you mind if I just tell you now?”

“Not at all . ”

“Your Majesty . ”

Kwak Jung’s eyes gleamed .

“Yes, Tactician Kwak . ”

“Let me ask you as the chief tactician cum diplomat of Laputa . ”

He spoke in a heavy, serious tone unlike before .

“Do you, the ruler of Dorado, have any intention of marrying his Majesty, Kang Chul-In?”

“M-M-Mar . . . ”

Lee Chae-Rin didn’t expect this question at all . She was too shocked to continue her sentence .

Heh, she’s surprised as expected!

Kwak Jung grinned inwardly .

Now, shall we start fishing for more?

And hence began Kwak Jung’s plan .


Meanwhile, Kang Chul-In was fully occupied with dodging the 19th lightning bolt . He had not the slightest clue of what Kwak Jung was planning to do .



A lightning bolt landed on the food warehouse, which was one of Rothschild’s most essential infrastructures .


To add on to that, Cyamodus, the giant turtle, stomped on that very same warehouse . The territory now had no means of preparing for the incoming winter .

This was very satisfying for Kang Chul-In .

He intentionally ran towards clusters of people and vital buildings to dodge the lightning, while Rothschild was thankfully causing havoc on his own land .

“You little rat!”

Rothschild screamed in fury .

Shudder, shudder…!

Kang Chul-In slipped out of Rothschild’s grasp every time, as if mocking him .

“Keke! How long do you think you can last?”

However, Rothschild was somewhat confident .

Despite his incredible abilities, Kang Chu-In was still a human . He couldn’t possibly dodge at that speed for 365 days straight .

Wasn’t he bound to hit his limit someday? Rothschild’s judgment was precisely on point .

One last bolt .

Kang Chul-In didn’t care .

Immediately after the 19th lightning strike, he swung his body towards the west --- the direction towards Laputa .

It was time for him to escape without even turning back .

Escaping here is my first priority .

Kang Chul-In was about to turn his body when,

Crack, crack!

With a sharp screech, hairline cracks began to appear on his armor .

“ . . . !”

Kang Chul-In stopped moving for a moment .

He wasn’t the one who stopped .

He was bound by some kind of effect .


The culprit was a metallic string which boasted an enormous durability .


Tens of metallic strings instantly began to wrap around Kang Chul-In’s body, locking him down .

The opponent had formidable skill .

God damn it!

Kang Chul-In could identify the user of these metallic strings, but that was the least of his concerns . The impending 20th lightning bolt was of a much bigger concern .


The lightning bolt appeared .

…I can’t dodge this .

Kang Chul-In was fully locked down now . Any movement of his could rip him into pieces . As even his neck felt a stinging sensation, he could be headless if not careful .

Damn it, I guess there’s no choice but to get hit .

He had to acknowledge that he couldn’t possibly dodge the last lightning bolt .


However, before he was hit, someone dropped straight down from the skies and embraced Kang Chul-In .

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