
Chapter 554 Return

Chapter 554: Return

" That’s right. I forgot about that," Ryder muttered as he slapped his forehead.

"I do have a question, though. Are you sure he won’t come back to life after his body recovers the strength? I don’t want him to attack me next time I bring him out," he explained.

"Don’t worry. His body will regain the divine strength that a god should have, but his life is gone. And it’s not going to return," Janus comforted Ryder.

"That’s better," Ryder said before he kept Aluren’s body in his inventory.

As he finished up everything, he stretched out his arms as he relaxed his tense body.

He hadn’t really thought that it would be so easy. He literally killed a god even though he was a human in his mind.

At every single point in the plan, he was thinking that something would go wrong and he would be in trouble. Even when Aluren was killed, he was still worried that the guy might come back.

Ryder was alert until the end, for the battle if the plan failed. Fortunately, he didn’t need to now. And now that Janus had confirmed it, he could finally put his mind to ease.

He could return to the Estate while bringing Alice back.

"Before I bring her back, I need to check the Estate. The last time I went there, the blood and everything was cleared by them. Nothing seemed wrong there, but I still need to make sure," he said as he started flying back.

He went to the place where he had parked the car and went back to the Estate. He also turned his phone on since there was no need to keep it off. Aluren and the Kings were gone. For the time being, he was safe.

As Ryder reached the Estate, the first thing he did was repair the main door that was broken by the Kings when they came here for the first time.

He didn’t have to work hard to get the door back to how it was. This was where his newly received ability came to use. Unlike the living things, this ability had less limitations on objects

With his powers, he was able to reverse the time of the objects. As he returned the time of the door, it returned to how it was the day before the arrival of the Kings.

Ryder walked inside the Estate and went straight to his room, and repaired the door of his room before he started checking the other rooms.

No servants were still inside the Mansion. The guards were killed at the start, whereas the servants that were kept hostage by Aluren ran away after finding a decent opportunity.

"Sigh, this is nothing more than a ghost mansion now. Good thing I already knew about this. At least Shu won’t say anything. I had informed him that something like this might happen," Ryder said as he called Shu.

"Oh? You’re calling from your real number? Everything’s normal, it seems?" Shu asked Ryder as soon as he picked up the call.

Throughout the last few days, Shu was in constant contact with Ryder. But the number Ryder used to talk to Shu was different. He was using a different phone to contact people so that he couldn’t be traced. His old number remained off throughout.

Throughout those days, Shu kept trying to persuade Ryder to let him help, but Ryder was also stubborn. He had warned Shu that if he even dared to help, he would leave forever and never return or talk to Shu. He also told Shu that he was perfectly safe and there was no need to worry.

"Yeah. Everything’s fine now. You can return whenever you want, but yeah, you might need to hire new guards. And those maids too," Ryder told Shu.

"Don’t worry about that. I already arranged for that, but I’m happy that you’re safe. Even though I don’t know what you were against, I’m really proud of you," Shu said to Ryder.

"Alright, I’m cutting the call. I also need to bring Alice back. See you later," Ryder replied before disconnecting the call.

Now that the house was back to normal, it was time to bring Alice back.

He left the Estate once again and entered the car.


"It has been so long. I wonder how he is," Alice was lying on the bed, talking to herself.

Her friend was lying right beside her. Hearing her words again, she couldn’t help but smile wryly. She had listened to this line for close to a hundred times, but now, and it had only been a few days.

She didn’t understand why Alice didn’t just call her brother. She didn’t know the circumstances surrounding Ryder and the real reason Alice was here.

Instead, Alice had told her that her brother was going on a foreign trip, and since he wasn’t going to be here, she decided to stay here.

"Shouldn’t you talk to him now? If you’re worried about him, then talk to him. Call him and ask when he’s going to return."

"He should return soon. I don’t think I should disturb him," Alice answered, still not telling her the truth.

"As you wish," her friend replied, feeling defeated.

Knock! Knock!

A knock was heard at the door.

"Come on in."

After getting the permission, a servant entered the room and said, "Young Miss, Mr. Ryder is here to take his sister."

"He’s here?" Alice jumped in excitement as she got off the bed and ran towards the door.

As she reached the door, she saw Ryder standing there, perfectly safe.

"You’re safe! You’re safe! I’m so happy," Alice repeated as she embraced Ryder tightly.

Alice’s friend also reached here. Seeing her actions, she couldn’t help but smile.

"Of course, he would be safe. He went on a foreign business trip, not a war. You’re so emotional."

She looked at Ryder before she continued, "Alice really worried about you. I’m glad you’re back."

"Thanks for taking care of her," Ryder told her friend before leaving with Alice.


Alice and Ryder were sitting in the car, talking about what had happened.

"Is it really over now? You’re not at any risk?" Alice asked.

"Don’t worry; I took care of everything. No risk to anyone," Ryder replied as he smiled.

"Are you really not going to tell me what had happened?" She asked Ryder.

"I wish I could," Ryder responded as he sighed. "Just think of it as some bad guys coming after me for business related reasons. And I took care of them. Now no one will disturb us ever," Ryder replied.

"As long as you’re safe," Alice muttered.


Janus had searched the entire England, but he didn’t find the Lord of Space.

"Lord Janus?"

He was just about to leave when he heard a voice coming from behind him.

Janus turned back only to find the god-son that had a trial in this world, Suliven Salazar.

He was the Prince of Britain, but not really. Not a single person knew that he was a god that had come here on a trial. Moreover, most of the memories of his birth in the Royal Family were fake, created with magic for the trial.

"Ah, it’s you. How are you, young man?" Janus asked Suliven.

"I’m good, but what are you doing here? Aren’t gods not allowed to come to the trial world?" Suliven asked Janus.

"Don’t worry about me; I got permission from all your parents to come here," Janus answered.

"Their permission? Did you come regarding the trial?" Suliven asked.

"Not really. Don’t think too much. I’m not here regarding your trials. I’m here for a different matter that doesn’t concern the trials. You can call it a personal matter," Janus answered.

"Anyway, I’m taking my leave. It was good meeting you," Janus said before he disappeared.

As Janus disappeared, the smile on Suliven’s face disappeared, returning to a serious expression.

"This Janus, calling him Lord, hurts my tongue every time. To know he’s the brother of that Traitor of God Realm. I don’t understand why the other gods don’t just kill him as well. He did fight against his brother, but still. He has that guy’s bad blood."

"Treachery runs in the blood. Every time I see him, I feel like he’s not the right person. He doesn’t deserve to be in the god realm, and they allowed him to come here? Why? Just what could be so important?" He talked to himself as he started leaving.

"Could it be that he was lying?"


Janus appeared in a different country as he left England. He appeared in China this time, trying to find the Lord of Space.


While Janus was searching for the Lord of Space all around the world, the Lord of Space was still walking on the streets of America.

It seemed like he was trying to find something or someone too; as for what, it was unknown.

He was also searching like Janus.

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