
Chapter 465 465: Te Boreas: The Wolf War IX

Chapter 465 465: Te Boreas: The Wolf War IX

So it came as no surprise to Cole when he finally reached the palace. In the end there was no reason for Cole to have asked and slaughter the initial army at the entrance of the inner district, they had no idea, neither did the second army or the third. But the fourth was half way decimated before it was pointed out that the king was still being held in the palace.

The king was waiting for him, armed to the teeth along with 5 other people he was sure were the leaders of the guild. On a balcony above the king at the entrance of the palace was a group of people cradling bloodied hands, Cole could feel Aiteen choke through the bond, her rage so strong that the spilled out, the wolves started huffing, growling, their animal like presence and mannerisms were so on point with how actual wolves actually act, that it made some people worried.

"This is as far as you come Cole….your rebellion ends here. The rest of you still have a chance for a full pardon as long as you surrender, do not throw the sanctity of our home for that of a foreigner." Cole did not say anything as the king spoke, the people behind him were pressed up close enough to him that even a blind man would know the king was under threat, but Cole didn\'t like what the King said.

"I don\'t give a shit how much of a spineless fuck you are, does not matter if your entire bloodline is at stake, if you have an alliance with me, a deal! You respect and honor it even at the cost of all your children dying. Cause then you can be damn well sure I will respect and honor you and be there to fight your battles when you need me…. I must say your Majesty that I am disappointed in you.

So I will give you one chance, get the fuck out of my way, I\'ll kill them…and then we can have a chat about your lack of balls after. Regardless you or your family or your Kingdom 2ill not fall to these guilds today, if not for anything but for the sheer fact that your daughter….is a She-wolf that belongs to me, would you like to see what she can do? Don\'t worry ladies and gentlemen….let me give you\'re a demonstration."

Cole had not ordered it, but suddenly the wolves started stomping their feet down on the ground, their voices rising up in a collective, and in collaboration with howls from the wolves, the chants of \'Cole! Cole! Cole!\' filled the air, and soon enough he could hear it being echoed from the city, from the spots where the military of the city had taken control, or. Districts that he had smashed through and saved citizens being used as Cannon fodder.

There was a loud bang as the doors to the palace slammed shut behind the king and the leaders of the guild. The adventurers and Craftsmen holding the royal family hostage sank into the concrete until only their heads were exposed, and then with a simple flex their heads were popped out of their body, leaving a bloody scene for the queen to look out as she dragged the remainder of her three children away from the edge.

They took went into the palace with shut with a loud bang behind them. Then to the naked eye, the entire structure 9f the palace began to change, shifting and changing as Aiteen utilized her ability to control structures to turn the palace into a maze of bloody death for which ever guilds member was still trapped in there.

Cole clapped his hands twice, drawing the attention of the king and the guild leaders back to him. They had a sizable force hidden on the palace grounds, and these were much stronger than what he has been facing so far. An elite troop about 3 to 400 men and women strong, and half that number was in Animechs.

"The palace is under my control now, so you have no hostages and I won\'t lie to you, by the time Aiteen is don\'t playing architect with her father\'s house, any of the \'friends\' you left behind would be dead…or drained … which is still kind of dead so….. maybe you guys should just surrender? I\'m sure the king would wisely pick a befitting punishment for you." Cole said as he gave the King a targeted look as if to say \'Dont fuck up again?\'

"Please my friends, once as youths we fought together to protect this great city. Surrender on account of our old friendships I promise you that I will not make thing hard on you, let this all stop, please, you have lost." The King said as he took several steps away from the guild leaders, as for the leaders themselves they looked like they had been fed a pile of steaming hot shit.

This confrontation kind of reminded him of the 4th floor with Irma and her father….kind of like history was repeating itself in a different sort of way. Why was it princesses always, couldn\'t he bond with a prince instead and not seem like he\'s going around gathering a harem of extremely badass and powerful females.

"You think this is over….. \'your majesty\'? No this is just beginning. And we will not bend over while that ugly aspirants comes and turns over everything that we and our ancestors have built! So no! Instead just die!"

There were two women within the five, and one of them was the sake lady Cole had met during the king\'s banquet. Cole was sure she ought to have been preparing and plotting meticulously for a chance at revenge. Plus with the way they had attacked and somehow conveniently sent all the militia soldiers out into the wilds, was more than enough proof that even with Cole\'s presence, this is something they have been planning for quite a while.

She rushed the king, slashing a massive halberd towards the waist of the king. Cole shot forwards infusing his body with energy to give him a extra boost in strength and speed, he shifted Black Malakai into a great sword form and smashed it against the halberd, causing a powerful shockwave that flattened the ground underneath them, creating a small crater as they were both pushed back a couple of steps.

Cole grinned and rushed at her again, his body releasing a sonic boom as the remaining four guild kings, rushed him Cole shifted Black Malakai into a massive Warhammer, as he wrapped it in Chaos, laying it around the weapon in undulating rings as he used [Shock Wave] to smashed against the spear of the woman that had been stabbing towards him.



She was blasted backwards her right arm bent at an awkward angle as gone pieced through flesh and she was thrown backwards to smash against the doors of the palace. The four that bared down on him were intercepted as beak of lightning rushed through the air towards, them as the King took a stance besides Cole.

The time for talk was over true and true, it was time for a fight as Cole took a step back, evading a blade from our of nowhere as he used [Shadow Dance] to appeared behind the second woman, who\'s skills seemed to revolve around being able to telekinetically control knives.

Her blades gathered around her body in the form of a huge spinning fan that blocked his strike as she turned and slapped her hands together, releasing a surge of blades that Cole had to use [Gravity] to defend against as he took was pushed back until his back smashed into the face of the woman from earlier who was still trying to extricate herself from the door she had been blasted into.

"Oops! Sorry about that." Cole said to her as he used [Shadow Dance] to once again get out of the way, leaving the woman behind to receive the barrage of knives and blades that peppered her location.

There was silence all over as Cole made his way back to the king. They put a little bit of distance between them and the guild kings while the [Company Of The Wolf] to the fight to the rest of the enemies. They all waited for the dust cloud to clear, and when it did, the woman was nailed to the palace doors, the knives had stopped just and inch from her skin, however stuck right in her chest was a green spear that looked like it was carved in the shape and feel of a tree.

Her corpse was desiccated, completely drained and there was only one person capable of attacking someone like this. They turned to Cole who raised his hands and shrugged, giving the Guild Kings and extremely sinister smile as he said once again


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