
Chapter 89 089: Sierra Corp




Not many people have had the chance to be in the conference room of the massive conglomerate that is the Sierra corp. Lemuel had been one of the lucky few to have been given a chance to do so, but that was mainly because he was a janitor and it was his sole responsible to make sure this conference room was clean.

It might not seem like some sort of glorified job, but considering what would have been waiting back on earth for him, this was the best job he could possibly have. And that was saying something as his salary was roughly what you would pay a fire chief back on earth. He was making a lot of money and because he was mostly here 6 days a week for the whole twenty fours with just eight hours of break, he hadn\'t been so inclined to spend any of the money he was earning.

And because of that his daughters were going to the best colleges the Milky Way galaxy had to offer. He loved his job, and in his free time when he was resting he spent it playing games. There was literacy nothing more he could ask for. Either way the conference room had not been used for close to eight years now. Even the president\'s office has been emptied all this while, as the former president had went on to back to earth to prepare and facilitate the final event for Titan Rising Online.

So he pretty much had the run of the place, and while he would not admit it, he had spent more than a few nights asleep in the conference room. Today was one of such days, but how was he supposed to know that for the first time in eight years that the conference room was going to be used once again.

There were exactly 25 chairs around the table in the conference room, and he was sleeping under the table, wrapped tightly in a thick blanket. Never the less, 25 holograms appeared on each of the twenty five chairs. Each of the hologram was a depiction of various races that could be found in Titan rising online. In fact you could say that every other race within Titan Rising online was actually a variation of anyone of this 25 races.

"It has been some time since we were all gathered like this, and I honestly can\'t say that it is a pleasure to see most of you. Especially you Chance…. Still hunting outlaws in your backwater planet. I hear that now your criminals now have more power than your governments, up an at them cowboy." A female voice spoke, animosity laden in her voice as she directed at the person she had just called chance.

"Well Degira, if you weren\'t such a bitch and low class whore I\'m sure, the people inn your world would raise their heads up for longer than five minutes fucking everything that moves to actually do something meaningful with your lives. But of course you all know nothing more than to jump on the first hard dick you see, and with how it is over there, it is a miracle that there are still any hard dicks for you cursed race of succubus\'s to jump on." The man called chance replied.

"why must the two of you always fight any time we get together like this, I do not have time for quips and banters we are on the clock here and I have something really important to do. So let\'s get this meeting on the road, One you have some information for us right?" another female voice spoke up, shutting the two who had been speaking earlier.

"Indeed, it\'s good to see that you are all well and that all of you still have seats on this table… it would be a shame to see anyone of you replaced, after we\'ve all been together for close to two thousand years. So do keep an amicable atmosphere, id really not want to waste my time." The person called one said, and it was all too obvious that this was a threat as the look on Chance and Degira shifted to something absolutely ugly.

"Very good, well I will continue. The newest iteration into our collective, is a bit peculiar. This is the seventh variation of earth that is joining the wider universe. However while we predicted that the entire integration would happen by the time the first player gets to the 25th floor, it looks like we are wrong in that estimate.

Abilities should be able to manifest in their reality by the 5th floor, but there individuals amongst the first 5 million that have begun to show their abilities in real life. And beyond that some of them have now become capable of carrying items and tools from our universe into theirs and have it work at 100% capacity. The integration is happening way too fast, and while a perfect candidates for the 26th seat has been found, there are too many of the, and not enough resources to nurture them.

And the other matter that is important is that, with how fast the integration is happening, the universe would be fully over Earth VII by the time it gets to seventh floor. And that is way ahead of schedule. It means that not a single one of us would be able to get the chance to build our forces, and that would really put us in a difficult position. It has not been easy building influences in all of these universes before full integration.

With this development it means we are losing…. So what do we do? We cannot afford to have any one of us loose out in this as it would cause quite a bit of problem, and we cannot really change the fundamental aspects of the event as a whole as that would alert the arbiters and bring them down on our heads. And the arbiters are one thing, we can handle them, but what if moderators get involved, and while us really haven\'t done anything too wrong, we\'re still breaking a lot of rules to have Sierra Corp in an uninitiated universe." One Finished as he looked at the other twenty four individuals in the room, his metallic skin and body obvious for all to see, along with the sparks of electricity that jumped from his right to his left horn in a constant arc.

"I don\'t think we have to be too worried about this One, when you think about it, they have all had Titan Rising online for quite a few years. We made it a game and had them gain access to all of our individual forces, billions of players are already familiar with us, and once the integration is complete and the universes are one, they would flock to what is familiar to them. So why are we too worried about this?" a nasally voice asked, but the person who replied him next was a dark skinned man, obviously human, but with white hair and piercing blue and white eyes.

"Because Rowan, these are humans, and take it from someone who is a human you absolutely cannot predict what the fuck we are going to do. I can\'t be bothered about this, and I really don\'t care how this turns out. Unlike the rest of you I am a god! It will take more than those unworthy cretins to shake me, however this does raise an issue that we have to tackle.

Humanity breeds faster than anything else, and it would take close to five hundred to a thousand years before systems birth control parameters kicks in, you all have enough time to build an army and bolster your forces, and we already have the advantage by seeding this universe with Titan Rising Online… a weird name for a game but still, there is no need to panic. We just have to speed up our timeline and plans. Nos is there anything wrong with what I have just said?" the man asked as he gave everyone a lazy and bored look.

"The Voice of wisdom as always Lord Divyat… we all can work around that. Say how is Lady Mei, Hilda and sweet Lady Laila? Last I heard they had destroyed a planet of dark spawns in the eastern quadrant of Kisellion space. Fearsome warriors those women of yours." The older man Rowan said to the now identified Divyat. Them Chance spoke up.

"Wait! So the missus\'s? Went to go massacre some planet of dark spawns and they left you at home with the kids? Aww the great and powerful High God of Ice, Bandits, Adventure, storms and revenge is on babysitting duty… hah! This is the funniest thing I have ever seen or heard, sucks to be you sir." Chance said with an amused smile, then Divyat gave him a cold look and said.

"Good bye."

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