
Chapter 103 N: Neutralize

" So, you have been running around for months without telling us." Grandpa Kenneth asked. He was calm on the outside, but there was a hint of anger in his voice.

" Sami, You should have told us what was going on? Oscar, too, I am disappointed with both of you." Grandma Margaret followed up.

" I am so sorry! You should not blame Sami for it. It was my decision to keep it from the family." Oscar said and bowed deeply; he was feeling ashamed.

" I know you were worried about involving us in your trouble but are we strangers? You have been with us for so long that I consider you my little brother." Father asked; it was a sincere statement that bought tears to Oscar\'s eyes.

" Yeah, you should not shoulder everything on your own." Mother chimed in.

Oscar saw everyone\'s faces which made him appreciate them even more. He, who was once abandoned, felt more closer to this family than his real one.





" Are you sure about it? You don\'t have to do it if you don\'t like it." Mother said with worry in her voice. She heard Samuel\'s plan to unite the two families with marriage. Although it was a fake one, it will definitely tie him down.

" I am sure. We can avoid major conflict and, in the process, root out the real perpetrators simultaneously."

" But, isn\'t it too early? We can handle ourselves even if you don\'t go forward with this plan." Father asked; elders also nodded along with his statement.

Samuel knew fully that the Rothschilds were a large consortium with immense power. They could definitely not lose much even with this plan. But on the other hand, the loser will be Hanson, with evil getting a hold of a large conglomerate like Hanson would make people suffer. That included Iblis; if a little pretending could save his friend from the cruel fate, he was ready to go through with it.

" I am sure. I can\'t leave it alone, not with Iblis\'s fate on the line."

" You are really a kind child. Ok, the family will give you full support on the matter. In the meantime, I would also meet with Oscar\'s father to discuss things. I have put off this matter for too long." Grandpa said, and everyone agreed to it. He still had the final say in these matters.





[ Present time inside the Hanson Mansion]

" O-one, I didn\'t hear it wrong, right? He said R-Rothschild, right?" someone from the crowd asked.

" Y-yeah, look, the head of the family is also there. I have seen their photo before, Robert and Laura. It is not a mistake."

" But it\'s the two families at each other\'s throat? How come they both make an appearance here?"

" Forget about that! Who is that handsome boy! Wow, look at that face. How can anyone be so perfect! I didn\'t know that they had a son like that."

" Che, newbies are making a ruckus. You don\'t even know?"

" W-what? Don\'t try to sound high and mighty all the time and tell us."

" Didn\'t you hear about the large party at Buckingham Place a few weeks ago? I heard the Rothschild family booked the whole building for unveiling their son there."

" Oo, but I thought that it was just a rumor."

" Sheesh, the real show is about to begin. Look at the original groom-to-be. His face is all red, probably due to anger."

" What can he do? It is a huge slap on the face of Both Eric and his father. They were boasting to other just a while ago."

" Quiet! Look, Master Kester is about to announce something else."

" I know you must be feeling confused about it. Why I decided to change my daughter\'s fiancee last minute? Why am I doing it in front of the public? Let me tell you." Kester began to explain the crowd.

He started by mentioning the fourteenth-year-old incident and revealed the masterminds behind it, which happened to be his most trusted subordinate. He explained their schemes which stretch all the way to the present.

" Shit! He knows everything!" meanwhile, Eric was frozen in place, not knowing what to do. The father and son duo were taken aback by the details.

" Father! What should we do?"

" Fuck! It\'s over. We were so close! Why is it happening now?" His father, who was still in disbelief, began muttering to himself. Deep down, he knew that his and his family\'s life was over, but he struggled to accept it. They had a perfect plan!

" I know it is hard to believe, but recently I contacted someone who witnessed the whole incident. With their help, I uncovered the truth." He said as he motioned toward the door once more.

A few more figures entered the room, Oscar\'s grandfather, Gerald. Oscar, pushing his mother Olivia in a wheelchair, had Karoline alongside him.

They were dressed for the occasion, especially Karoline, who wore a beautiful red dress. One could tell at a glance that she was uncomfortable in those high heels, but she held Oscar\'s arms like a proper noble lady.

It was part of Samuel\'s plan to uncover everything during this ceremony. It will show others that the Hansons were not a divided bunch; they had their faults, but everyone was fighting for something important, whether it was Gerald, who left Oscar at Rothschild, or Kester, who was consumed with a vengeance.

Everyone was shocked once again; with a proper getup, Oscar looked a little like her father, which definitely made others wonder about his identity, but some remembered the faces of others beside him.

" Isn\'t it the former master of the house? I heard he left the family after Kester ousted him all these years ago."

" Forget about him; look at the lady in the wheelchair. Isn\'t she Lady Olivia? How is that possible?"

" Impossible! She died in the fire, but the resemblance is uncanny."

" Who is the young man pushing the wheelchair? He looks like a younger version of Master Kester, right? Is he his hidden son or something?"

" Fuck! What is happening today? That\'s one too many twists for my heart to handle!"

The guest became restless upon the arrival of the new group. They looked toward the stage, waiting for answers. It felt like they were watching a soap opera that was reaching its climax. They quieted down when they saw Kester raising his hand.

" Allow me to present to you my wife Olivia, my son Daniel and his girlfriend Karoline. You already know my father, so I would not waste time with his introduction."

" Wait! really!"

" See, I was right! But Daniel? Isn\'t that the name of his son that passed away?"

" Right! I was thinking the same thing. How come both of them are alive?"

" The bigger question is can they revive the dead? I think they might, really."

" Fool, Is he god? Don\'t blabber nonsense!"

" It really is a miracle !"

" Father! we are finished! Father, wake up!" Eric shook his father hard to pull him out of the shock.

" How come that bitch is alive? Could he be hiding her, his son too? Impossible!" his father thought.

" Father! we must leave now! They will surely come after us after this." Eric pleaded.

" Y-yes, you are right. We have to stay alive! I have hidden a large sum of money for a situation like this. We will rake revenge later."

Eric and his father decided to blend into the crowd and escape through the back door. Fleeing and survival were the only things on their mind, but unfortunately, several figures rushed to their location and surrounded them.

How could they let these rats escape after cornering them? Their fate was sealed the moment they stepped inside the room.

" You! Do you know who I am? Stop blocking us." Eric wailed to the guard, but they remained motionless like a rock obstructing their path.

" Don\'t hear me? How much are they paying you? I will double it!" His father urged, but it was all in vain. These ghost soldiers were loyal to Rothschild; such demands were meaningless before them.

Kester noticed the commotion but decided to ignore it. He would adequately deal with them later. Now was the time for the main event.

Seeing Kester\'s stone-faced persona in front of the disturbance urged other guests to ignore those two. They thoroughly understood the implications of today\'s ceremony; it was a public execution for anyone who objected to the Hanson family. It was foolish to help those who were already dead.

Hanson\'s family and Rothschild\'s family took the seats reserved for them as they prepared for the engagement ceremony.

Samuel and Iblis took center stage as the stars and light music began to play in the background. Expensive lighting was used that went directly overhead toward them; simultaneously, the other lights were dimmed to highlight the couple.

In royal blue attire, Samuel completely complemented Iblis\'s angelic appearance. Both were about the same height, which can be attributed to their age difference.

A small ring ceremony was held with which the show was concluded. It was a grand reunion between powerful families, which will definitely make huge waves around the globe.

Thunderous claps were heard when the couple exchanged rings. It went on for quite a bit as Samuel and Iblis waved toward the crowd with bright smiles. Several cheers would erupt in the direction where the couple would wave toward.

After the ceremony, the guest gave their blessings one by one, they also bought expensive gifts, but few felt inadequate about it. Was it really enough to signify the union? Which they feel cheap in comparison.

The night went on, and after a few hours, the party ended as guests began to leave. They were excited to witness history today; perhaps they would see the marriage of the century in the future!

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