
Chapter 162 - 162 - The Bigger Liar

Yue removed his coat, rolled it up into a cylinder and placed it under Qian\'s head.

Qian Wen\'s eyes were tightly closed. The black circles under his eyes were so dark that he looked like a tired panda. His hair was sticky, obviously from not being washed for so many days.

"I don\'t think he slept much,"

"That\'s how he is. When he is immersed in work, he forgets everything. But this time.... I think he is riddled with guilt." Fan Xui took the hazmat from nearby and placed t over his body. At least that could keep him comfortable.

"His friend died because of the darn meteor. There is no need for him to be guilty," Hary whispered, tossing the ID card over to Fan.

Fan Xui did not reply. rather he glanced at the zombie who was growling at them with a passion. 

The young assistant was only twenty years old. Younger than him by five years. It was sad that such a bright young man passed away.

"It\'s not his fault," Yue gently patted his arm with a comforting smile.

Fan Xui nodded, but inside he knew that his friend was also one of the main reasons why the world plunged into apocalypse. He was just a part of it. The main culprit was the greed. The government wanted more, and they wanted it all to themselves.

A small miscalculation and the whole thing crashed down in every single part of the world, ending half of the world\'s population instantly.

"Let\'s get going before sunset,"

"It\'s not possible. We might have to take a day rest. Looking at this situation, we won\'t be able to lug your friend as well as you around. We are low on bullets," Tian sat in a corner getting comfortable. "until you and your friend are able to walk on your own, we are staying here,"

Fan Xui slightly frowned. It did seem like a good idea because the whole building was on lockdown. The zombies were stuck in.

The only downside was all the zombies in here were ability zombies. If even one of them had strength ability of metal ability, they would break out.

"What if the zombies by the sky bridge flood in? We won\'t be able to do anything then," Yue added.

Tian sighed. "Here is to me hopping that darn shutter can hold them out."

"Even if they flood in they will not be able to find our hiding spot," Fan assured him.

Tian and Hary cringed. "About that. They will run to this floor as soon as they can."

"Why?" Yue glanced at them both. But they just winced and silently looked at each other. "Is something wrong?"

"N-no.. nothing is wrong. Your sister here is very tired after that power display. Why don\'t we rest here for three, no, five days," he smilingly suggested.

Yue nodded. "It\'s okay with me. I will get you something to eat. You need to replenish your energy and.... do you guys see any restroom here? We need water,"

"There\'s a water dispenser by the pantry," Fan Xui gestured to the other corner of the room.

Yue glared at him silently and walked away.

"Hey weren\'t you supposed to be blind?" Hary raised a brow.

Fan Xui did not bother to reply to any of his taunts. He simply sat next to Qian Wen, frowning.

\'If it was the beginning of the apocalypse, then how am I able to see?\'

In his last life, he suffered a lot trying to survive without any sight. After the apocalypse, his orderly world fell apart. Nothing made sense. He panicked a little.

But thankfully, his powers really helped him a lot. Most of the things in this world conduct electricity. Even human body does.

Like a bat that uses its sounds to see, he used his electricity to feel things around him.

It not only increased his precision in use of his power but also increase the amount of time he could use it without getting exhausted.

\'Did I gain another ability? Maybe healing? There is a fifty percent chance that was what happened. Or else...\'

\'Or there is a high possibility that this body of mine had a surgery. I did wake up in a hospital.\'

He cleaned his fingernails as he thought of this problem.

From all the things he heard from Yue and from his stiff body, he knew that this idea was also not possible at all.

\'Then when? When did I regain my vision? Was it that time?\'

In the past, he had an eye surgery scheduled. It was about six months before the end of the world. But that time, that stupid Bai family intervened. The car he was travelling in got into a major accident and his assistant passed away in spot.

His twin brother Hans later took on his position as his assistant.

After that intervention, he did not bother scheduling a surgery.

\'So I must have got the surgery done during that time.\'

Everything he could come up with were vague conclusions. Only Qian and others in his life would be able to answer the missing pieces of the puzzle.

He tapped Qian\'s pale forehead. "Troublesome guy,"

Yue came back with a small Bunsen burner and a piece of broken metal sheet. He cutely plopped down in the middle of the room and started to break the metal sheet.

Fan Xui looked at him curiously. The younger man was biting his lips cutely as he was tearing the metal with just his finger. \'What a strange attraction...\'

He barely knew this guy for three days, but in that small window he was able to sway his heart.

\'Mysterious feeling of connection we have. I wonder why that is. Is this what they call destiny? Soul mates?\'

Feeling the intense eyes focused on him, Yue looked back with a soft glare and continued setting things up. He propped the torn metal sheet in a way that it stood steadily over the flame. The Bunsen burner worked on gas. This lab probably had gas supply.

"Tian... help please..." he smiled at her widely.

Smiling, she crawled close and lit the burner. "What are you making?"

"Just some noodle soup. Lunch was not that satisfying." Yue swiftly pulled out his bag\'s contents and took a noodle packet, a soup pan and a large water bottle.

The bottle was already half empty. He poured it all into the small soup pan.

Gingerly, he placed it over the folded metal. The structure was strong and was able to support the weighted pot.

Yue crushed the noodles into small chunks and tossed it into the pan.

"I saved flavouring packet from lunch. We can make it more soupy. It would taste nice with some sausages and quail eggs," he bit the corner of the flouring packet.

"We should have brought some vegetables from home." Hary plucked the packet from his mouth and tore it easily.

"We should have, but they would have gotten bad in a day or two. I can\'t bear to watch food go to waste," Yue took it from him and poured it into the pan. He gently stirred it with a small glass stick.

"Let me," Hary took it from him.

"No, no, I will do it myself,"

Hary pulled Yue close and shuffled his hair. "Cheeky kid, I\'m trying to help,"

"The last time you helped cooking you almost burned down the kitchen," Yue shot back.

Sitting two steps away, Fan Xui listened to their conversation with a small frown. This guy Hary seems to be living together with Zou Yue and his sister. \'Friends? Or a boyfriend? Most likely the prior,\'

The atmosphere between the two did not look like lovers.

\'But there is some unwanted feelings from one side,\' he peered at the blond-haired man.

Hary sneakily showed him his middle finger.

\'so childish..\' he glanced away.

Yue watched the noodles simmer. His eyes stealthily moved to the corner where Fan Xui sat. It looked like he was pouting lightly. \'Is he upset that I did not include him? He should be? He regained his vision and did not even tell me.\'

Even he cheated Fan Xui by telling he was a girl.

\'Both of us are guilty of lies, my lies being the bigger one. It was deceit. I feel like shit now.....\' he hugged his head closer t his bent knees.

"You okay?" Hary patted his back.

"hmm... just feeling hungry,"

The noodle soup was prepared much faster. Hary grabbed some new beakers from the boxes on the shelves and poured the soup in carefully.

Yue glance at Fan Xui finally. Their eyes collided. He hesitantly held out the beaker. "Come eat,"

Fan Xui scooted close to him, almost leaning on him. "Thank you,"

He just looked up with a slightly guilty look. \'I have no right to be angry,\'

Fan Xui just smiled and took the beaker from his hands. Without breaking eye contact, he sipped the noodle soup.

"Ahem.." Tian glared at Fan Xui. "Move away,"

Fan Xui just innocently looked her way. "Why?"

"Too close," she gestured to the non existing gap in-between Yue and himself.

Fan Xui sighed playfully. "My back is not that strong. I need to lean on something to keep myself upright,"

Tian frowned deeply. "You can lean on Hary here. He is tall and strong,"

"Yeah, you can lean on me~" Hary pulled Fan Xui away from Yue with a fake smile. "My shoulders always open for you~"

"Disgusting," Fan pushed his hands away.

Yue flinched slightly. "I... I need to use the restroom,"

Hary continued playfully poking Fan Xui.

Tian, on the other hand, was focused on her brother\'s weird behaviour. In just a split second, Yue\'s expression changed from smiling to a sad one. It was not normal.

\'What made him so sad? He was almost on the verge of tears,\'

"I\'ll be back," she ran after him.

The washroom was right next to a small pantry. She gently knocked on the door.

"Yue..... are you okay?"

"I\'m okay.." a distorted voice came from the inside.

\'He is crying!\' she sat down beside the door. "Yue... you can talk to me. Did those two bully you?"


"Then why are you crying...."

"I\'m not..."

"Open the door," she gently tapped on the door.

Yue opened the door slightly, sniffing. "I\'m okay..."

Tian gently pulled him close. "Tell me when you are ready. I will be here to listen,"

Yue hopped on, hugging her like a baby monkey. "Tian... I\'m so glad... that I found you."

"I\'m glad too...."

Chuckling, she wiped his wet face off with a clean tissue. "The soup is getting cold. If we don\'t get there soon, Hary the hog might eat it all,"

Yue chuckled.. "He really eats like a pig."

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