
Chapter 114.2 - The Pace of PDA (2)

Chapter 114.2 The Pace of PDA (2)

The big fight between the lion and tiger finally ended with the tiger as the victor. When the two animals were locked in their cages and brought down the stage, the fur on their bodies were covered in fresh blood, looking somewhat tragic.

When Qin Jiran’s gaze fell onto the bodies of the two animals, his expression was a bit impassive. He didn’t like watching this kind of thing, he liked animals a lot. Watching this kind of scene made him feel quite uncomfortable. However, he understood that this was reality. The weak became food for the strong. Regardless of whether it was between the lion and tiger, or between these two animals and humans, the rules were such.

Whoever was strong­ had more say over their fates and the fates of other people! Whether it was nature or society, it was the same.

“What, are you unhappy?” Su Yanyi noticed Qin Jiran’s change in emotions and asked with some concern.

“It’s nothing.” Qin Jiran retracted his gaze from the bodies of the two animals and shook his head. He didn’t feel that there was a need to express his thoughts of that moment because he felt that Yanyi understood this principle more than himself.

Although Qin Jiran didn’t explain, Yanyi could more or less guess what was in Qin Jiran’s heart. From the little golden turtle and the little white tiger, she knew that this man liked small animals. Although these two were bigger, they weren’t actually much different.

It must be said that some people were weird. They didn’t like mixing with humans but liked interacting with animals. Maybe it’s because animals have simpler motives compared to humans.

“If you like animals, I’ll bring you to the island to have a look, there are a lot there.” Su Yanyi remembered that she had said something similar in the past but there had been no time to go. Perhaps they could take a little time to go, the view there was really good.

“Sure, it’ll definitely be very beautiful.” Qin Jiran gladly agreed. Although Yanyi’s words didn’t sound comforting, he could feel a kind of warm concern. That was a taste of happiness that needed to be diligently experienced.

“I want to go too, bring me along. I only went once when I was young, I miss it a lot.” Corey couldn’t help but to butt in this time. He really couldn’t bare to let this couple go on PDA-ing incessantly, were they bulling the single him!

Su Yanyi’s and Qin Jiran’s gazes turned towards Corey at the same time, they were both equally cold, and neither did either of them say anything.

“Let’s go diving.” Su Yanyi only glanced at Corey and chose to ignore him and directly said this to Qin Jiran.

“Okay!” Qin Jiran turned his head and chose to learn from Yanyi, directly ignoring Corey the lightbulb.

A “pfft” sound came from the members of the secret team at a corner. They were all wearing similar expressions of holding in a smile. Amongst them, Rabbit couldn’t hold in her laughter, making Corey’s face black in an instant!

Weren’t they bulling him too much!

In the end, Corey still shamelessly followed them to eat but Corey still ended up footing the bill. This made Yanyi more tolerant of this lightbulb. After all, besides Corey, she and Qin Jiran had the secret team as lightbulbs so this extra person who would pay wasn’t much.

In the afternoon, due to Corey’s courteous arrangement, Su Yanyi and Qin Jiran really went diving in the deep ocean. However at first, Qin Jiran wasn’t familiar with it and could only rely on Su Yanyi’s direction for water training. The water was cold and he wasn’t used to wearing the diving suit but listening to Su Yanyi patiently explain to him word by word, Qin Jiran felt very warm.

As expected, his Yanyi was the most brilliant, most all-rounded person. She knew everything, more useful than those Baidu sisters!

In the end, the two of them held hands as they dived. Su Yanyi took into account Qin Jiran’s skills as a beginner and didn’t dive too deep, but the two of them holding hands in the great ocean was an incomparably spending feeling. It was really as if there were only the two of them left in the world. In this mysterious great ocean, depending on one another, no other person could appear in their world.

“Hu!” The moment they got out of the water, Qin Jiran could not help but to release a big breath. He was very happy.

“How do you feel?” Su Yanyi hadn’t been diving for a long time and she was also feeling great. Seeing Qin Jiran’s happy expression, she felt that diving should be added to their itinerary on future dates.

Horse-riding, looking at the ocean, diving, going to the island to look at animals. See, actually if you used your heart to think about it, dating wasn’t hard. With two people together, there really was a lot a lot of things that could be done.

Not far away, Spider held a recording device and recorded this moment for forever. This was the content of his report to the Old Master.

Qin Jiran’s and Su Yanyi’s visit to the liner could also be counted as a honeymoon trip. All business matters had been handed to the secretaries and assistants to handle, such as Kang Zhong and Jiang Xiaobin who hadn’t been brought along. However, Kang Zhong was in contact with the Old Master while Jiang Xiaobin and Kang Zhong were in contact. After that, under the Old Urchin’s leadership, every moment Qin Jiran and Su Yanyi spent on the liner had been shared online on Weibo by Kang Zhong and Jiang Xiaobin.

This round’s actions taken for the PDA were jointly led by Kang Zhong and Jiang Xiaobin, moreover they had schemed together. Not only did they post similar captions, but the photos they uploaded were even more interesting.

On Qin Jiran’s Weibo, besides photos of the two of them, all the single shots were of Su Yanyi. Plus, all the camera angles seemed to be from Qin Jiran’s view. Of course, all credit had to be given to Spider, Mouse, and co. for their professional photo taking skills.

Furthermore, on Su Yanyi’s Weibo, besides photos of the both of them, all the other solo shots were of Qin Jiran and the angle also seemed to be Su Yanyi’s.

In the beginning, all the fans who had viewed these photos were busy screaming and shouting in surprise. They were all thinking that this was another episode of the two of them PDA-ing. However, a lot of these fans were those who shipped this couple. After looking at Film Emperor Qin’s and leaving a comment, they couldn’t help but to go over to Queen Su’s to have a look. It could also be the reverse. When the fans later realised that the two of them had different photos on Weibo, the screaming got even louder!

[Oh oh oh! Film Emperor Qin and Queen Su are increasingly good at playing the game. They’re pacing their PDA, a picture taken here, another picture shared, it really is an art! It’s blinding our eyes!]

[Upstairs, what do you mean? I don’t understand.] It is PDA-ing but what’s new?

[Stupid, look carefully. Look at the Queen’s then look at the Film Emperor’s and you’ll understand. These two people, tsk tsk, aiya. Where are they playing, on a cruise?]

[What a beautiful ocean, I really want to go to the ocean to play too. Tycoon, please bring me!]

[Us poor folk have no way of understanding the rich people’s world. What kind of activity is diving? Are there any tycoons in the ocean, let this poor folk catch one!]

[The more I see their PDA, the more I understand that I don’t know how to love! Is this degree of affection to make picky people single?]

[Ah, are the two of them shooting an idol drama? Why is this feeling so familiar? A yacht, the ocean, diving. Oh, it’s a real life drama!]

[Upstairs, did you not read the topic? It’s a honeymoon, okay! Oh, honeymoons, I also really want to go on one, does anyone want to go with?]

Deary, can it really be considered a honeymoon if you randomly find someone on the internet to go with you?

A lot of people who had seen this message could not help but to take a look at the topic again: the Queen’s and Film Emperor’s honeymoon – being romantic on the ocean!

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