
Chapter 232

Chapter 232

“Daughter of the Forest, are you not planning to rest?”

Priestess Oranka’s voice sounded from behind Gallolei. Compared to their travels where they had to sleep in the forest, this wooden house was much more cozy.

Perhaps because they were elves, they were able to sleep sitting up on thick tree branches. But, Gallolei was unable to. She ended up having to make bed with the tree leaves.

“I’m not that sleepy yet. Priestess Oranka, you all actually don’t have to worry about me. You can go ahead and sleep first. From now till later in the night, I’ll actually be quite awake.”

Ever since Gallolei started using the Mage Forum, she caught the vice of staying up all night. In the past, her elven bodyguard Flay would always worry if her vice will weaken her body and health.

But, after the World Tree’s seed started lodging in Gallolei’s body, Gallolei was able to feel a subtle change to her body. For example, she no longer feels any trace of sleepiness when updating her camp at night.

“This is not a place where my people are able to be fully relaxed. Because of that, we must be alert of the surrounding activities.”

Priestess Oranka looked out the wooden window.

The villagers of this village seemed to be preparing for some sort of celebration ceremony. They’ve piled up a whole bunch of firewood and have set them ablaze. Their bonfire dispersed the surrounding darkness. The villagers skinned a deceased deer with their hunting knives and then delivered it onto the bonfire.

Seeing that scene, Priestess Oranka creased her brows slightly. To the elves, killing creatures belonging to nature was an extremely barbarous act. That was also the reason why the Blackwood Elves had such difficulty in interacting with humans.

“No matter how many times I see it, I still feel scared,” Priestess Oranka looked to the humans around the bonfire.

“Scared? Are you talking about that Sin Demon?”

Gallolei pointed to the Sin Demon Zenarth who was helping the villagers transport firewood.

“Sin Demon?” Following Gallolei’s finger, Priestess Oranka looked to the giant demon. “I remember that humans have always feared and detested the demons.”

“Feared... Indeed, those deceivers from the Nation of the Holy Church have described demons as terrifying creatures.”

As matters stood, Gallolei stood in complete opposition against the Nation of the Holy Church. Like the elven priestess beside her, the Heresy Tribunal’s operation has destroyed the territory of the Blackwood Duchy and her home.

Even though Gallolei wished to return to her mother and then seek out ways to take revenge upon the Holy Church, she would have to survive the pursuit of the Heresy Tribunal’s inquisitors first. That was why Gallolei came to Norland. She believes that she would be able to strike at the Holy Church through different means in Norland.

“But those humans have accepted him,” said Oranka.

“It’s more than just acceptance. That Sin Demon’s name is Zenarth. He’s very popular in Norland.”

Gallolei mentioned something that once again shocked the elven priestess.

Even though she was an elf, Oranka knew fully how much discriminating the humans were toward demons.

Seeing humans accept a dangerous demon was already enough to make her feel disbelief. To be ‘popular’ as Gallolei said, it would simply be... unimaginable.

But, that was the truth...

“If my guess is correct, he was the dreamed lover of the girls in Norland a month ago. I’m not really certain whether or not I can describe their complicated feelings for him as love. But, essentially, the great majority of the girls of Norland, and even those slightly older women, would feel honored to be able to touch his paw-pads.”

Gallolei slowly moved her fingers into a closed fist. At this moment, Zenarth noticed Gallolei looking over through the window and gently nodded his head at her.

But, the little girl beside Zenarth pulled out her tongue at Gallolei when she saw her. Then, she immediately went back to Zenarth.

Gallolei recalled the sight of Zenarth being surrounded by girls on the meet and greet. Their feelings were all written on their faces — ‘Oh how great it would be if I could raise a cat like this!’

If Zenarth’s boss Joshua was to announce that one would be able to spend a wonderful night with this demon prince for a certain amount of money, there would most definitely be a lot of people delighted to pay the price for that service.


After hearing what Gallolei said, Oranka realized that her understanding of humans was lacking. She had believed humans to be a race that detested demons.

It was to her knowledge that demons would have to conceal their race and identity when inside human cities. If their identity was to be exposed, they could very possibly incur the pursuit from the Holy Church.

But, according to Gallolei, the people from Norland not only do not hold enmity toward the Sin Demon Zenarth, they were even fond of him!

If it was a Succubus, Oranka was capable of understanding why that might be the case.

But, the Sin Demons were brave and fierce warrior demons. They were beings that would appear on battlefields and bring fear upon anyone that dared invade the demon realm...

But, upon arrival in Norland, one such Sin Demon has been completely transformed into a docile kitten. The only difference was the size.

“Daughter of the Forest, how did that Sin Demon... accomplish such a thing?”

Priestess Oranka did not think that the humans of Norland would accept such a dangerous Sin Demon right from the start. Someone must’ve used some sort of method to alter the human’s understanding of demons.

Could it be some sort of large-scale human mind control magic?

“Priestess Oranka, what do you think about the hitman Léon from the movie ‘Léon: The Demon?’” asked Gallolei.

“He is a conscientious... demon.”

It took Oranka a long while to think of that answer. This old elven priestess rarely interacts with the humans outside the Blackwood Forest. Because of that, she was incapable of using flowery words to describe the demon hitman like film critics.

“Do you like the character Léon? I might be able to bring you to Mister Léon and ask for him to sign you an autograph.”

Gallolei revealed a mischievous smile as she said those words. Even though Oranka understood what Gallolei was implying, she remained unwavered.

“Regretfully, Daughter of the Forest... the Holy Tree Narushi is the only being I adore. I feel great sympathy toward the bitter encounters of that demon hitman Léon. But, it’s not enough to reach a point of admiration,” Priestess Oranka stopped for a moment before continuing, “But, if it’s Luvita... she might be very delighted to follow you to meet... Mister Léon.”

Luvita was one of the nine elven priestesses. She was also the youngest and most sensitive of the nine. She was the person who had the most intense reaction after watching ‘Léon: The Demon.’

Even though Priestess Oranka didn’t bother asking her, she knew that the young elven priestess Luvita had acquired a very favorable impression toward the character Léon.

“That is the charm of movies. Priestess Oranka, that Sin Demon has once performed in a movie called ‘Beauty and the Demon.’ Although I really don’t want to admit it, that movie is also outstanding. You might become fond of the characters in that movie.” Gallolei began her promotion, her great undertaking, again.

“Daughter of the Forest, to tell you the truth, those fairy-tale like stories are incapable of moving either Elder Safran or myself. But, Luvita and the others will definitely like them.”

Priestess Oranka was not one to shy away from the topic of her age. Like Elder Safran, she was so old that she could even remember a period of time where she witnessed the World Tree grow.

Having experienced so much in her lifetime, neither the bloody spectacles or the touching love in ‘Léon: The Demon’ or the romantic sceneries and the ultimate separation and demise from ‘Beauty and the Demon’ would be able to raise billows in her heart.

“Is that so? It just so happens that a new movie is screening in Norland lately. Perhaps that movie will be able to help Priestess Oranka regain her long-lost sentiments,” said Gallolei.

“The fact that you’re still alive is the greatest sentiment to me.”

Priestess Oranka extended her hand. She intended to gently caress Gallolei’s forehead. After she received Gallolei’s permission, she began to help her comb her shoulder-length hair.

To this young girl, what happened in the Blackwood Forest was still too difficult to bear. Even though Gallolei has been putting up a strong front all this time, journeying on her own without her family and mother was not a simple and relaxing task at all.

During the period where Madam Schroder wasn’t present, Priestess Oranka took up the mantle of Gallolei’s mother.

“Wa..wait a moment. Let me reply to this camp announcement first,” Gallolei shook her head and struggled free from Priestess Oranka’s hands.

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