
Chapter 380 Magic Circuit Domination

Chapter 380 Magic Circuit Domination

Seraphine and Zareena stood back to back, tense and alert, as the phony twins whirled tauntingly about them.

Their numbers doubled, then tripled, and the replications were flawless in appearance. Soon, the originals were indistinguishable within the swirling chaos.

Seraphine gripped her spear more tightly as Zareena\'s hands glowed with her wind magic.

The horde of clones all attacked at once.

Zareena\'s golden leaves transformed into a spinning shield, cutting through and dismissing successive waves of duplicates with surges of mana.

Seraphine dove and whirled next to her, striking clones with her spear and water magic until they vanished at her blows.

It was quite frustrating trying to locate the genuine twins amongst the fake crowd.

There was no time for the two mages to do anything but defend, dodging lethal attacks from all sides. 

They danced in perfect unison, covering each other\'s flanks as the horde of clones charged forward.

Zareena clenched her teeth and with one blow, severed the heads of three clones. The piles of phantom bodies at their feet didn\'t seem to affect the overall count. 

Somewhere amongst this turmoil, the real twins laid in wait, leaving Zareena and Seraphine unable to go on the offensive. 

Amidst the endless illusions, some clones abruptly hurled fireballs.

Zareena and Seraphine flinched as the scorching heat swept over them. Surprise flickered across their faces - only the real twins could use magic.

They swiftly rallied and sprang into action to confront the new danger. Rapidly spinning her spear, Seraphine dispersed the raging fire. 

Zareena\'s golden leaves intercepted fireballs, converting them to searing cinders. 

Their expressions hardened to ones of grim determination.

They finally had a lead on where the real twins may be hiding. They needed to trace the origin of the assaults. Together, they faced the oncoming assault, deflecting and dodging the never-ending spells and swords.

A fierce battle was taking place outside the citadel while the storm raged.

At the edge of the platform, Aizel and Soren fought the last remaining Theodora mage. A bolt of lightning ripped through the sky, casting an eerie glow behind their tense, locked bodies.

Is this guy not able to use his magic core? He is using the magic circle nonstop," Aizel thought.

The Theodora mage created a massive magic circle across the platform, the glowing lines spreading rapidly.

Aizel and Soren braced themselves, understanding the seriousness of the situation immediately. 

Unified they leaped away, gaining ground just as their adversary disappeared. He then reappeared inside the circle, teleporting from one spot to another in fast succession.

The mage moved blindingly fast, his form flickering as he bounced unpredictably around the circumference.

Aizel and Soren followed his progress warily, bracing themselves.

The mage suddenly appeared behind Aizel, forming a brown magic circle at his feet. "Not this again," Aizel moaned to himself. 

Just as the lethal punch was about to connect, Sekki changed into a shield. 

The ground shuddered from the impact that sent Aizel rocketing backward. He slammed into a spire with bone-jarring force. 

Sekki had taken the brunt of the blow, but the shield was heavily dented. Aizel, his temples hammering, shook off the jarring impact and pulled himself from the spire. 

Aizel twisted his shoulder, trying to shake off the discomfort. That was merely a sample. 

The same thing happened with Soren too. 


Irfrit, Aizel\'s magical armor, began to shimmer and morph around him. Aizel strode forward, Sekki held loosely at his side.


Irfrit honed his perceptions and reflexes and fortified his physical self. As the armor\'s strength coursed through him, Aizel felt his exhaustion and aches dissipate.


Electricity arced wildly around Aizel as he vanished in a crackle of lightning. 

Above the scuffle between Soren and the mage, he reappeared in the air.

There was a fierce duel going on below, with the two throwing ferocious strikes at each other. The mage had his undivided attention on Soren and was thus unaware of the emerging danger.

Aizel raised his arm as Sekki transformed into a massive axe with a lightning bolt wreathing its blade.

With the mage preoccupied, Aizel descended like a bolt of lightning. He dove, axe first, using the combined power of gravity and lightning to deliver a devastating surprise blow. The mage kept his full attention on Soren, completely oblivious to the bolt of lightning that was poised to sever his back.

Just as Aizel began his downward cleave, a new magic circle flickered beneath the cloaked mage - this one a shimmering grey.

Before Aizel could connect, an incredible power surged outward, slamming into both him and Soren like a shockwave.

Aizel was flung backward so hard that he dropped the lightning axe he had been holding. The sudden counterattack took him completely off guard, aborting his ambush.

He tumbled uncontrollably through the air, righting himself just before crashing into the citadel walls.

The unknown force of the new magic had also propelled Soren, who was standing across the platform, away. Both looked at the mage in disbelief as he remained unruffled with the gray circle still pulsating around him. 

Another new circle. How many does this guy know?" Aizel thought. 

Aizel mentally recalled Sekki, and the lightning axe was once again in his hands. 


Smoke poured out of the armor\'s tiny vents as the little fan blades buzzed to life. 

As Aizel took a throwing position, the armor swelled with more strength. The bolt of lightning grew stronger on the axe, his sights set squarely on the mage.


The axe sped at the mage with lightning speed.

In a second, a magic circle emerged beneath the mage\'s feet, conjuring a hammer into his hands. With forceful determination, he launched the hammer towards the lightning-clad axe.


A massive tremor resonated across the platform as the weapons collided, sending debris flying and putting a large crater.

Lightning flared from the axe, and the mage\'s hammer glistened with a frosty chill. 

The collision of elements created a visual spectacle, each weapon resonating with its unique power.

The humming and vibrations of the competing energy filled the air. The axe\'s aura pulsated with electric intensity as it crackled and hissed with lightning\'s presence. 

The ice-laden hammer, in contrast, trembled and gave off an air of icy chill that seemed to freeze the atmosphere around it.

The manifestations of the two competing powers clashed as a result of the fight between them.

In the chaos that followed, the mage moved forward with purpose, his stride measured as he crossed the debris-strewn platform. Aizel followed his lead, an expression of resolve on his face. The platforms showed the effects of their collision, with fissures spreading like a spiderweb across the surface.

There was an intense silence between them as they looked directly at each other.

The weapons strained against each other as the wills of their users clashed. Frost crept down the hammer\'s curves, and lightning flashed across the axe\'s blade. 

Abruptly, fractures emerged in the air—a slight yet distinct break. The strength of Sekki grew stronger as the lightning axe overcame the mage\'s hammer. 

The mage, visibly taken aback, watched as his once-formidable weapon began to buckle and wane in strength.

In an instant, the mage conjured another magic circle, a deep black hue spreading across the platform. 

It expanded rapidly, engulfing the surroundings. Anticipating the impending assault, Aizel swiftly recalled Sekki.

Aizel\'s expression changed, however, as a startling revelation dawned on him: the absence of mana.

The once-familiar energy that surrounded everything had dissipated, leaving an unsettling void in its wake.

Wh---hat but..... HOW? I don\'t even have a magic core! Did this target everything?" He thought. 

The mage surged forward, launching a rapid assault. Aizel deftly used his arms to parry a quick kick.

In the midst of their close-quarters exchange, it dawned on him that his adversary, too, was devoid of mana, rendering them both unable to wield their magical prowess.

From behind, Soren sprang into the fight just as quickly, and the two of them worked together to overwhelm the mage.

Soren relentlessly pressed forward, aiming to breach the mage\'s defenses and land a decisive blow. 

Aizel, in the meantime, was becoming more and more confused by the fierce conflict.

Why would he put himself at a disadvantage like this," He thought. 

In an instant, realization struck Aizel like a lightning bolt. He felt sick to his stomach and his vitality drained away as if some unseen force were draining it. 

The same affliction that had befallen Soren. Seizing this vulnerability, the mage exploited the situation, delivering consecutive blows that sent Soren crashing to the ground.

However, Aizel relied on the magical armor\'s protective embrace to withstand the attack.

Swiftly, he distanced himself from the battleground, intent on escaping the sinister influence of the expanding black magic circle that now dominated the area.

"You are smart," The first time, the mage spoke.

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