
Chapter 341 Counter

Tatiana swiftly took cover on the city streets, her eyes fixated on the Sword Emperor, whose gaze seemed to be charged with lightning itself.

High above, the Sword Emperor conjured a wondrous spectacle that left the entire Colosseum astounded.

A colossal face formed from crackling lightning emerged, its immense visage spanning the heavens, capturing the attention of all those watching on the screens. 

The face looked spooky and grand, and the fact that it didn\'t have any eyes gave it an air of mystery and awe.


The massive lightning face opened its huge mouth and let out a constant stream of lightning strikes that hit the city below. 

*Booom* *Booom* *Booom*

*Booom* *Booom* *Booom*

*Booom* *Booom* *Booom*

Each bolt struck with tremendous force, obliterating everything in its path, reducing buildings to rubble, and turning the streets into a wasteland of debris and ashes. 

Those who witnessed the catastrophic show in the Colosseum were both astounded and terrified by the sheer magnitude of the power on display.

"Shit... swordy," 

Tatiana\'s heart beat fast with fear and determination as the huge face in the sky let loose a flood of lightning.

She knew that even a single strike could render her defenseless and vulnerable to the Sword Emperor\'s deadly attacks. 

As each bolt of lightning hurtled toward the ground, she skillfully weaved and darted, using her quickness to avoid the deadly attack.

She gasped for air as she exerted herself to the maximum, planning each step carefully to avoid the lightning anger from above and keep one step ahead of her terrible enemy.




As the minutes wore on, the intensity of the lightning barrages grew with each passing moment.

The city around Tatiana was in rubble, destroyed by the lightning in the sky. As the number and strength of the lightning strikes went up, it almost became impossible to avoid them all.

Tatiana\'s eyes lit up with determination as she quickly changed direction and flew faster than she had before toward the Sword Emperor.

The air crackled with magic as a glowing circle materialized beneath her feet.

To everyone\'s astonishment, the devastating lightning barrages that once wreaked havoc around her now seemed to dissipate as they approached her, neutralized by some mysterious force.

That is an arcane magic circuit system. She is using the magic circle to either cancel the magic itself or only the lightning." Aizel thought.

What makes this system deadly is that the magic circle looks the same every time, with only a few complex patterns that can only be seen if someone focuses on it."

This is really deadly."

[I hope we can learn it faster; with imagination, we will be able to do many things, Master]


My lightning is getting canceled out. This girl surely knows how to use magic circles to her advantage," The Sword Emperor thought as he saw Tatiana getting closer to him.

"You are a really brave mage, but this is where it ends for you now," The Sword Emperor said.

With a commanding gesture, the Sword Emperor raised his sword high into the air.

In a stunning show of power, all the lightning that had been surrounding the city and the enormous lightning face in the sky surged towards his white blade.

As soon as the lightning hit the sword, a loud hum spread through the air, and the blade crackled with a powerful rush of energy.

The white sword gleamed with an otherworldly brilliance, its edge now honed to a razor\'s edge and brimming with a deadly aura.

It was as if the lightning itself had become one with the sword, amplifying its sharpness and power to unprecedented levels. 

At the Felgura Kingdom Balcony, 

"Pay attention to this one little brother. This attack by the sword emperor can even hurt and kill any upper-grade lightning mage." Aquarian said.

"So basically you won\'t get any advantage of the element, interesting," Aizel replied.

As the Sword Emperor brought his electrified blade down with a thundering thud on Tatiana, a sharp and deadly lightning slash followed its trajectory toward her. 

But Tatiana\'s expression remained calm, and a confident smirk graced her lips as she swiftly summoned yet another enormous, giant sword into her hands.

With a swift, graceful motion, she swung her colossal weapon and confidently declared, "Counter."

In a shocking turn of events, the lightning attack that was supposed to hit Tatiana instead hit the Sword Emperor, leaving him stunned and confused.

He was able to avoid the full force of the attack, but it cost him his right arm.

She didn\'t use the magic circle for this... unique power." He thought.

With great speed, Tatiana closed the distance between herself and the Sword Emperor.

Her massive sword arced through the air, aimed at her formidable opponent. The Sword Emperor caught off guard but not one to be easily defeated, swiftly raised his own sword to block the incoming strike.

The clash of their blades created a shockwave that rippled in mid-air.

The Sword Emperor was flung backward by Tatiana\'s strong strike, and he plunged to the streets, shattering everything in his path.

As the battle raged on, Tatiana\'s focus sharpened, and her grip on the giant sword tightened. 

With a quick, fluid movement, she positioned herself as if poised to sprint. A magical circle appeared to form under her feet and a strong current of energy shot up from her.

Her entire being seemed to resonate with energy, causing the air around her to quiver and vibrate with anticipation. It was as if the very elements of the world acknowledged the immense power she was about to unleash.

Tatiana seemed to disappear in an instant, only to resurface in front of a broken-down restaurant. 

With fierce determination, she raised her giant sword, preparing for a devastating swing. As she brought the blade down, an incredible surge of power accompanied her movement.

The force of her swing made the broken pieces of the destroyed restaurant explode outward, leaving a path of destruction in its wake. 

The ground beneath her feet quivered, unable to withstand the tremendous might she channeled into the strike.

Tatiana was surprised to find that the Sword Emperor was nowhere to be seen after her powerful swing.

It appeared that he had narrowly escaped her assault, sparing the restaurant and its surroundings from destruction.

Tatiana\'s eyes darted around as she stood in the aftermath of her powerful strike, looking for any sign of the Sword Emperor. 

Her heightened mana sense picked up on a small change in the air, and she turned around quickly. She raised her huge sword just in time to stop the Sword Emperor\'s lightning-fast attack. 

The Sword Emperor stood in front of her with both hands ready for battle.

"So you regenerated your arm with the potion in time, swordy." She said.

"Yes, it seems I might be in danger if I take you lightly now." He replied.

In the heart of the ruined city, the duel between Tatiana and the Sword Emperor intensified into a mesmerizing display of skill and power. 

As they traded lightning-fast blows, parrying, dodging, and deflecting with amazing grace, their swords clashed and sang, making a symphony of metal on metal.

The Sword Emperor\'s eyes widened in astonishment as he watched Tatiana expertly wield the enormous sword.

She moved the sword with ease and precision as if it were a part of her body.

Each swing held incredible force, yet she maneuvered the enormous weapon with astonishing ease, leaving the Sword Emperor momentarily taken aback.

She is not using that power to counter my attacks; does it have some kind of condition?" He thought.

The Sword Emperor\'s sword hummed with raw power as he launched a barrage of lightning slashes, streaking through the air toward Tatiana. 

Tatiana didn\'t try to avoid the onslaught of lightning cuts but instead met them head-on with her sword.

Once again, the clash of power resulted in a remarkable counterattack, redirecting the destructive force back towards the Sword Emperor himself. 

The Sword Emperor tried to control his lightning attack, but surprisingly, it was still screaming danger.

He quickly moved away from the immediate risk and took a moment to look at the situation from a safe distance. 

So even my normal lightning attacks, which she is countering, are dangerous for me. But she didn\'t use this power every time. I should try out more," He thought. 

The Sword Emperor sent out another wave of lightning strikes, but this time, he amplified their power, causing them to grow in size and intensity. 

As the Sword Emperor had anticipated, Tatiana opted not to counter the attack this time. Instead, she quickly changed her plan and avoided the lightning strikes in a graceful way.

She can only use the power for some interval of time, it seems,"

Tatiana evaded the lightning slashes with grace, but her instincts warned her of the danger behind her.

With a swift turn, she beheld the Sword Emperor wearing a confident smile, poised to launch another assault that exuded an aura of undeniable peril.

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