
Chapter 75 The Most Suitable Gift (1)

It is important to remember, however, that the greatest difference between the two of them was that, although Yvraine was extremely powerful, she was not a heavy hitter, nor did she have any special destructive abilities that could cause a large area to be destroyed with little to no effort.

Due to the fact that Estrid was a Red Dragon, she was a natural heavy hitter and could unleash highly destructive attacks with her Racial Abilities, in addition to the Dragon Chant Magic that she had at her disposal, which was just as destructive.

Dragon Chant Magic was an extremely destructive and powerful branch of Magic. As the racial Magic of the Dragonkind, only dragons could use the Dragon Chant Magic, or in some cases, their related

As far as Samiel was concerned, he was virtually the same as Estrid since he was able to do great damage with his Void Magic and [Winter Ruler] abilities, something that Yvraine did not possess because her abilities were more oriented towards single combat.

"Do you give up, lizard?"

Yvraine mocked Estrid as she bonked her head with her sword, and Estrid was so weakened that she was barely able to respond to the opponent. It was clear that Yvraine was clearly enjoying this humiliation moment for the Red Dragon Girl, as Samiel just shook his head at this.

In the end, surprisingly or not, the duel ended in Yvraine\'s victory, and that was all that mattered for now.

As a matter of fact, Samiel was somewhat surprised when the duel ended in Yvraine being victorious, something that even he had doubted would happen but that came to pass. Seeing that Yvraine won against Estrid was a good thing for Samiel, as she would be in a much better mood right now.

Yvraine hummed something happily as she walked away from Estrid, lying down in her dragon form in the training yard, happy with herself that she managed to successfully win the duel against her for the first time in her life and satisfied with her achievements.

"I take you that you are happy?"

A very happy smile appeared on the face of Yvraine as Samiel asked a question to her. Hopefully, her mood would last as much as possible; at least, that was what Samiel prayed for to happen, as he believed a silent prayer to the Primordial Demiurge.

"In fact, I am quite pleased with myself as well... I managed to beat that annoying lizard to a pulp for the first time. Today is indeed a good day, I must admit; hopefully, this will continue for all eternity."

As she sat down in the VIP booth next to Samiel, Yvraine smiled happily, and Samiel was happy too because he didn\'t need to listen to her ramblings and complaints due to her good mood from the results of the spar.

"At least you would be satisfied for now and won\'t be such a pain in the ass."

She huffed in annoyance as Samiel spoke to her, as her ears twitched with irritation, as she had not as yet responded to his provocation, as this was almost a daily occurrence between the two of them. Even though she was tempted to berate him for being a brute, she knew that it was a blind street, and nothing would be achieved.

"At least right now, when this rivalry between you and Estrid is at least partially solved, we could focus on the more pressing matters on hand. The schemes and machinations from the Drows and the incoming invasion on the City is just behind the corner."

Samiel noted as they had more urgent matters on their schedule, which needed to be addressed as soon as possible because the consequences of not doing so could be catastrophic.

A looming threat of the Magical Beast invasion was hanging over Zephystrand City. There was the fact that the Drider was operating with entire squads of Drows and hundreds of thousands of monstrous spiders in the shadows of the 3rd Floor. And the clock was ticking and everyone was waiting for when the war would start and the scheme unfold.

"We still have approximately six months till the Drows and Drider will unleash the Magical Beast Horde upon the Zephystrand City. That should give us enough time to prepare for all eventualities."

Yvraine stated as the process of preparations against the incoming horde of the Magical Beasts were in full go. All weak spots in the defenses of the Zephystrand City were being strengthened and patched up. Anything that could use any works was addressed, and defenses were bolstered several times over not to allow the enemies to have any kind of advantage.

"I am going to the wilds searching for the Inheritance somewhere here..."

Samiel stated to Yvraine as he got the location of some Inheritance on the 3rd Floor, and because the Akashic Records gave it, it must be something beneficial for his growth. That was beucae, just the fundamental nature of the reward; it was something given directly by the Akashic Records.

"Would you like for me to accompany you on the journey?"

Yvraine asked, trying to go along with Samiel as she stole a few glances at him as she tried to go along with him on the trip. Not that he didn\'t this time notice those few glances she stole at him subtly or not so subtly as she thought.

"Why not? At least I won\'t be bored when searching for that thing."

He answered, not really bothered if she went with him; even if he had the approximate location of the place where apparently the Inhertiacne was located, it would be prudent to have someone on whom he could delegate part of the work.

At least he wouldn\'t be bored if he eventually had to search for it for several hours or possibly days. Not that his Familiar was any conversationalist because Nefertari spent most of her time sleeping, and if she was not sleeping, then she would be eating and vice versa.

Really a heavenly life of a privileged almighty cat.

A little over an hour later, Estrid finally awoke after she had fallen unconscious and morphed back into her human form, and the first thing she saw was Samiel and Yvraine talking to each other in the watching zone in the training yard; as soon as she awoke, she was in her human form.

As expected from a dragon with absolutely terrifying regenerative abilities, even after getting such a beating and sustaining pretty severe injured, she needed just one hour to be functioning again, albeit partially, but it was still an alarming rate of regeneration.

The only thing she did was adjust her dress, which was somehow damaged from the fight against Yvraine, as she went to them, seeing them being chummy with each other.

"Next time... you will lose."

Estrid said straightforwardly as she then marched away, probably pretty pissed up at the fact of how easily she lost to her most hated person. Estrid was taking her loss very hardly because, for the dragons, losing to someone in combat was one of the most disgraceful things that could happen, not to mention she lost to an elf, which only multiplied her shame by several times over.

"Oh, Estrid?"

Sounded Yvraine\'s voice as Estrid stopped in her tracks and turned to her.

"I defeated you thanks to Magic Grimoire that you gave Samiel as payment for fighting with him."

Hearing this, Estrid abruptly turned around, only to notice Yvraine provocatively smirking at her, aggravating her even further, beyond the limit she already was, something Yvraine greatly enjoyed doing so.

She stomped a few times on the ground in her anger before she left the training yard, probably going to the wilds of the 3rd Floor to destroy things to go out her anger. That was a very dragon-like way of dealing with suppressed anger and rage, just rampaging around and destroying things... though at least she wasn\'t doing it in the City... thanks to all Eldritch abominations for that, Samiel thought in his mind.


There is no doubt that Samiel had asked a relatively stupid question, given who he was speaking to, but in the end, he just wanted to hear why Yvraine needed to rile up the dragon girl so much. He would be liable if Estrid destroyed something in Zephystrand City again and he would have to pay the expenses.

"Just to remind her of her stupidity and make her feel even worse about the loss when she finally realizes that the major reason she lost was because of the Magic I learned from the Grimoire Elementia Magicae that I got from you, who got it from herself as payment for you little spar, so technically speaking the major reason why she lost was she herself being stupid."

This statement was made with a great deal of pride by Yvraine, as indeed, this was a great way to rile someone up, and this could make Estrid\'s feelings regarding the loss several times worse than what they were already.

Samiel could say that this would serve as an unforgettable experience for the Red Dragon girl, and hopefully, she would start using her head more... at least, that was something he sincerely hoped for.

"Whatever... come, I want to be done with this thing to be finished in one week maximally."

Samiel then said, decided to already go past the topic of Yvraine contra Estrid, as it was already becoming dull because of the same content all over again.

As soon as Yvraine said that, Nefertari, who had been sleeping for the most part of the fight, not really interested in the duels between the two of them, suddenly awoke and flew towards her, letting herself be showered by pats and scratches, just like many other cats do, as she let herself be pampered by her.

Of course, only in the situation when the Almighty Cat allowed this, only then was it possible to give it a head pat or scratch it behind the ear.

And thus, with Yvraine holding Nefertari in her arms, Samiel went with Yvraine to the wilds of the 3rd Floor, searching for the Inheritance of the unknown powerhouse, which location Samiel had in his mind.

In his case, the location was relatively far from Zephystrand City, as they would have to cross a considerable distance before they could reach the marked spot, and when they did reach the marked spot, it would once again be a bother to find it, since the place was would be probably hidden, possibly even warded against people who came to search for it.

Meaning it could be some kind of hidden Inheritance or treasure trove. In truth, whatever it was, Samiel hoped it would be something worth his journey and something that would increase his power, not just Mana Crystals or Gold Coins, or he would have another fit of rage.

Not to mention, Samiel didn\'t even know what they were supposed to search. He only knew that there, in the location he was informed by the Akashic Records, there was an inheritance of some expert professionals, which could greatly increase his strength.

He didn\'t even know if it was some kind of tomb, corpse, cave, or anything.


Four days later, several thousand kilometers away from Zephystrand City, the northern part of the 3rd Floor, Frostridge Mountains.

As one of the most famous mountains ranges on the 3rd Floor, the Frostridge Mountains were renowned for the extreme conditions of frost and ice that covered most of the mountain range and the high population of Magical Beasts that lived within the mountain range.

The entire Frostridge Mountain Rnage was mainly inhabited by the Snow Wind Apes, Ice Wraiths, Sabercats, and other similar Magical Beasts or Monsters, which preferred to live in cold environments. Just their presence here made the entire place approximately several times more dangerous and deadly, aside from the extreme weather conditions, which were also pretty problematic to deal with.

A total of four days passed before they reached the Frostridge Mountains, not only because it was so far from Zephystrand City, but also because, on their journey to the Frostridge Mountains, they encountered a lot of Magical Beasts, some members, and even for the first time, bandits.

That last one was actually the most memorable and pleasant experience, however weird it may sound.

In truth, Samiel was very eager to experience his first bandit encounter. However, unfortunately for him, they were only the initial Steel-Tier of Level 11. At the same time, their strongest was only Level 15, so they were killed before they could do anything.

Not like he should have expected anything else from the inhabitants of the 3rd Floor. They were able to encounter them only because they were relatively near some human city that was built near the Frostridge Mountains, and here some bandits often preyed on the merchants and similar individuals.

But Samiel was still thrilled because it was like in those Japanese Isekai novels, the legendary bandit encounter...

When they reached the Frostridge Mountains, Samiel knew that they must go to the highest peak, which was called Snowrose Peak, which was the highest mountain in the entire Frostridge Mountain Range.

"Yv, are you okay?"

Samiel called out to Yvraine with her nickname in his poor attempt to make her mood better because since they entered the Frostridge Mountains, she was constantly complaining about the weather and how cold she was.

At least he was pretty much enjoying the place where they were right now; for him, the coldness of this place was natural habitat and he felt like a fish in the water.

"Why did I go with you... if you told me you were heading to this dammed place, I would have stayed back at Zephystrand!"

,m She shouted to him while using another spell to heat herself up because the temperatures were heavily negative, and everything was freezing. Only Samiel was okey, because of his own Lord Class Knight of Niflheim, while Nefertari was also pretty much unbothered by the freezing cold.

Even though it didn\'t look like it, Nefertari had a very thick fur coat, so this kind of cold wasn\'t discomforting for her.

"Do you know why this place is called Snowrose Peak?"

Samiel asked as they had now finished climbing another part of the highest mountain in the entire Frostridge Mountain Range, and right now, they had some time to rest before they would continue once again.

They were aiming almost at the top of the mountain, where supposedly some cave existed, and that was Samiel\'s target.

"Because on the top of the mountain, there is a very rare flowing growing called Snow Roses, their beauty is spoken through the entire Tower, but it is very hard to climb directly to the top even for Legenderaries, due to extreme cold, which is on the top of the mountain. Not talking about finding them there is almost impossible."

Yvraine explained to him while she looked a bit at the tip of Snowrose Peak.

\'Maybe after obtaining the inheritance, I will go and take a look for them.\'

Samiel thought because he was basically immune to the frost and cold which was surrounding the entire Frostridge Mountains, thanks to his Lord Class. So, theoretically, he should be able to reach the top of Swonrose Peak and search for a few Snow Roses.

As he was in deep thought, he suddenly felt Nefertari was moving on his neck, like she woke up or something.

\'Hooman, hooman, hooman.\'

She screamed at him, accompanied by one sharp scratch with her paw, as he finally woke up from his mini trance.

\'What it is?\'

He asked, seeing the distressed state of his familiar.

\'Several tens of Snow Wind Apes are heading this way; all of them are at the Bronze-Tier.\'

She stated as he wanted to curse. They were right now in a very narrow space, so they would be basically trapped here if they fought with a whole bunch of Bronze-Tiered Snow Wind Apes.

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