
Chapter 382 All On Borard, England!

Rogaland were preparing for the expedition into England, they informed Askild but Askild doubted that now was the time to go on such a faraway expedition with little to no information regarding it.

King Ruglalf was interested in going there, he wanted to expand his influence because if he could conquer lands, this would increase his influence around the world.

Askild took this map during his raid on Vestfold while everyone was busy hogging treasures.

He focused on something a lot more valuable than treasure.

That was the future of Norway, a path he was shaping himself but he did not know about Tyr\'s ambition.

Thorgard took being a warrior a lot more seriously, training viciously in hopes of honing his skills to the max. Thorgard knew who he wanted to follow and that was a leader capable of mercy.

Tyr did not slaughter the children even though he had every right to.

"Tyr, you have been strange since returning…" Estrid said, seated on the edge of their marital bed.

"What do you mean?" Tyr, who was taking off his shirt, questioned his wife.

Estrid gulped the moment she saw her husband shirtless because it brought a flashback of their first night. She clasped her thighs shut and gulped.

She could not get distracted, not now because she had something to do and that was finding out what changed in her husband. 

"You have been distant and you no longer sleep…" Estrid said and Tyr sighed the moment he heard this. 

He did not even consider that this was something that could worry an individual but this was what told him that Estrid truly cared for him as a person.

Tyr had trouble believing this, he began to think that everyone that showed this care hoped to gain something from him and this troubled him. 

He didn\'t know his enemies and allies, this made it difficult to sleep.

"It is hard to fall asleep with such a beautiful woman by my side…" Tyr complimented his wife but Estrid was not buying it, she saw through the facade even though the compliment did make her blush. 

She tapped the side of the bed for Tyr to come to sit beside her, Tyr needed to maintain his frame outside and become the hard warrior that everyone thought him to be but not here.

This is supposed to be his safe space and Estrid had every intention of making it so. 

"Tyr, I love you and what bothers you, bothers me…" Estrid said and this caught Tyr off guard because he expected her to scold him about not telling her what was going on. 

"You do not need to tell me what is wrong if you do not wish it but please, do not lie to be okay when you are not. I will always be here for you," Estrid reassured him. 

Tyr squinted his eyes to make sure it was Estrid that was talking, this was far from the girl he saw on Day 1 that had a narcissistic complex. 

"What happened to my wife?" Tyr questioned with suspicion prompting Estrid to giggle as she nudged him slightly. 

"You are my husband now. I will dedicate my life to making you happy." Estrid said and Tyr wanted to put this to the test. 

He had no problem speaking and intended to give her just a tip of the iceberg to see how she digests it. 

"You know… You are right, I am not alright…" Tyr said and Estrid\'s silence told him that she was listening. 

"I cannot sleep because I keep having a dream… A nightmare would be more accurate," Tyr said and this caught Estrid\'s attention.

Tyr was a man that had lived a hard life so it was surprising that something as trivial as a dream could keep him up.

It had to be something extreme to keep him up and Estrid wanted to know. 

"What is it, Tyr?" Estrid asked and Tyr jerked his head in her direction before saying. 

"My death…" 


King Ragnar was proving to be the best King that Vestfold had, hid diplomatic policy and his inclusion of the common people made him highly respected amongst the people but there was a dark side to kingship that Ragnar hated. 

There has been someone that has been attacking Vikings, he did not kill them outright but inflicted injuries on them that later evolved into their insides melting and turning to rancid grease.

They were kept alive by the medical expertise of the women that had saved Skarde but barely. 

They had found the man, he was unknown.  I think you should take a look at

No one knew where he came from or how he got here making people frown upon Ragnar\'s immigration policy. 

This man was sentenced to death by Ragnar but he was arrogant, he did not fear death as he had a bargaining chip that not even Ragnar could ignore. 

He offered a cure to the poison he had contorted.

Ragnar knew if he killed him that the warriors would be sentenced to death as well but the condition for this man to help was immunity. 

Of course, Ragnar could not agree to this because this man was a criminal.

This was where the tension began as the citizens were against negotiating with this man because they did not know how many more people he had killed. 

They blamed him for their loved ones dying from unexplained illnesses despite this man having nothing to do with it. 

They know had someone to blame for their grief and they were taking it. 

King Ragnar did not care about their bickering, he was King and whatever he decided would stand. 

He looked to Skarde for guidance and Skarde advised his friend to go through with the execution. 

This was not just about the warriors but this would show how King Ragnar treated criminals. 

He had to show a firm hand or this would send a message that Ragnar negotiates with them and might make people even bolder to commit atrocities. 

The execution was held and the guillotine dropped, decapitating this man and killing him but this wasn\'t what worried Ragnar, it was the looks he got from the Vikings he led.

He knew that look and that was them doubting his leadership because Ragnar showed how little he valued their lives if he was willing to sacrifice it despite a potential cure existing.

Ragnar owed it to his men to seek this route but he did not, and thus a divide began.

Skarde knew this was a possibility and Ragnar\'s sweet mouth should be able to quell them but A King is not meant to be liked by everyone.

He was meant to be respected and Skarde knew that Ragnar held these men\'s respect because, in the end, Valhalla was the goal everyone wished to attain.

The dying men were in critical condition and Ragnar knew that they would soon die.

The pain they were in was excruciating, they could not take anymore but Ragnar knew there was something that he could do.

He could grant them mercy and make sure they entered Valhalla, these men welcomed it with a smile on their faces.

Ragnar placed a sword in their hand, and the Vikings outside knew what was going on inside.

They did not like it but they understood why Ragnar was doing what he did emotions aside.

Ragnar killed them himself, there was no greater honour than falling on the sword of a King.

He could have allowed anyone to do it but he did not.

Skarde knew he made the right choice because now the warriors saw him in a different light.

Everyone viewed Ragnar as a nice forgiving King but they forget that he was a King that would put Vestfold above all else, including himself.

The moment he stepped out of the building the men lay, everyone got on one knee to show their respect for their King.

Ragnar sighed, he did not like the dirty aspect of ruling but he had no choice but to take up this burden himself.

Ragnar was now focused on England, and this was his primary goal because something told him that this expedition would be key to shaping Tyr into the man that the prophecy had predicted.

He knew that this was a possibility and the fact that he could not do as he pleased anymore did not please him. Ragnar planned to join this expedition because the enemy might be greater than they thought it to be but they also needed to scout the area first.

He agreed with Rugalf to assemble a small scouting unit to check the area before going there. This was necessary and they had left Askild out of this plan.

They did not know why Askild told them about this land but there was no way he would not be aware of what lay ahead.

These were Ragnar\'s thoughts that he shared with Rugalf. Rugalf did not know much about Ragnar but he understood that Ragnar knew Askild.

Ruglaf trusted him and he had accepted to send his brother, the general, to lead this scouting party as he had the most experience and could make quick decisions on his feet but he was also sending Tyr to go with him because, for some reason, Ruglaf knew that this would be a good way for Tyr to earn the approval of his brother as a warrior and not just a husband to Estrid.

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