
Chapter 105 Destruction Of The Obara Clan

The city stretched for several kilometers and as far as the eyes could see. The group flew high into the air almost touching the cieling of the underground space as they looked down on the magnificent city that would soon be destroyed. Their enhanced senses picked up the scent of blood and decay from all over the city.

"I think we just found the underground space… releasing drones now, you should get a visual soon" The captain said as the Arclight team who were carrying several heavy backpacks began unloading them

Several small and unassuming drones flew out of the backpacks and began flying all around the city under the control of the various pilots at base 1. The drones transmitted information it captured back to the Base for analysis and to help the Commander come up with a plan or decide if the city was to be wasted or not.

"We have visuals now… well done squad... we arent seeing anything special however… standby for confirmation from central command" The commander\'s voice was heard again

"Alright… Arc teams standing by" The captain replied as they all flew to a more hidden area and waited.

The commander on the other end, sent the information they had received to the territory. The authority to decide if they were to attack or not may dwell with her however when dealing with certain situations like this one. it was better to give that decision to the higher ups. It didn\'t take long for a reply to be received

"Arc Teams… you have been given permission to engage... or in her lady\'s words, you can let loose as much as you want" The commander said

"Roger that, Commander… Men, you have permission to engage... for efficiency, spread out and give them hell" The captain said as he dropped his gun and his horns began to grow even longer and his appearance became even more demonic

The Archangels hearing the captain\'s word also dropped their guns and flew away from the Archdemons to give each other some space. Due to the fact that the team only contained 10 people altogether, they spread themselves all around the city each one taking an entirely different form.

The Archangels began to glow brighter and brighter as the holy aura around them intensified enough to burn the undead on the streets despite the fact that they were high up in the sky. The Archdemon\'s demonic aura grew strong enough that they highjacked control over the undead closer to them. Despite their differences, there was a major similarity between the two races, they all had huge smiles on their faces.

In response to their sudden appearance, a defense force immediately gathered on the roofs of the various buildings. Each on cloaked in black and had the smell of decay oozing off them. Their nature as Vampires was clear however despite how one would expect a dead body to move, these ones jumped from building to building with incredible ease and powerful movements.

"Who are you and what do you want from my city?" a powerful voice was heard throughout the underground space

Turning the source of the voice, the team saw a lean and well-dressed vampire floating out of the massive castle in the middle of the city. Around him were several other incredibly powerful vampires, each one was incredibly well dressed but unlike the man carried a weapon with them.

As though given the courage, hundreds if not thousands of other vampires joined them in the air or on the roof tops. The team seeing the display of power smiled as pity filled their minds. They could all guess the identity of the vampire; he was probably the clan lord or a founder considering that Vampires live forever unless killed.

"We are here to welcome you all into the hands of the light and to send your souls back into the cycle to be reborn as a new being… now do you accept your reality or do you want to resist" an archangel asked as he flew towards the vampire gathering

"My people have not offended your people in any way neither have we offended theirs... so why do you attack us" The man asked as a powerful aura burst forth from his body

"I see... well then, i hope you are reborn soon" The Archangel said as he raised his palm towards the vampire group

A small ball of light began to form in his palm however the small orb of light carried with it great holy might that all the vampires within his immediate vicintiy were incinerated. The Vampire lord seeing the Archangel\'s actions immediately pulled on his cane, revealing a hidden sword within it.

"Attack!!" The old vampire shouted as all the people around him began rushing towards the archangel

Despite the army that was rushing towards him, the archangel remained completely unfazed as he put more power into the orb making it grow in size until it became an underground sun burning all who came close and completely stopping the army in its tracks.

"Remember, you died for Deus!!" The Archangel said as he pointed his arm which held the massive sun towards the group and immediately the sun despite its size began flying towards the army

It flew at speeds almost invisible to the eye and in the next instant all they saw was a massive explosion that covered the entire area and shook the underground space they were in. At the other corners of the undead territory, a similar act could be seen taking place. Each archangel unleashed a sun in the small space blinding all and burning every unclean creature.

The Archdemons on the other hand, could be seen with a similar sun on their hands however instead of holy magic, the massive sun was made from pure light. They may still not possess the capabilities to handle holy magic as they please but they were immune to its effects and light magic was incredibly easily for them to use.

Unleashing their burning hot balls of light upon the vampires in each of their sections, the entire space was lit with bright light that blinded even the arch team themselves but they stood or floated proudly as they watched the light die down and the entire city descend into nothing but ruins and rubble.

"Base 1, this is Arc teams 15 and 3, hell has been given as requested... however, the space is now unstable and will likely collapse soon" The captain reported in a slightly shy tone knowing that the cave in that was bound to happen was their fault

"Don\'t worry, captain… just leave there immediately… his majesty plans to fill the hole soon, Sir Hermes is on his way right now and also sergeant Rejia.. don\'t call him H" The commander said

"Affirmative... Arc teams out" The captain replied as he looked at his other teammates who had all gathered together and were ready to leave.

Sharing a nod of acknowledgement, the entire team turned around and began flew towards the exit. as soon as they reach the entrance to the tunnel that led out of the underground space, the captain turned back to review everything they had done. None of them had any remorse on their faces, the Demons enjoyed that they were allowed to kill as they liked and the Archangels just couldn\'t stand the presence of the Undead.

"Just to be sure, Black sun!!" The captain shouted as a massive black orb formed above his head

His majesty already planned to fill the hole so it didn\'t matter if he destroyed everything. Unleashing the demonic sphere on the space, he turned around and began flying towards the real exit. As soon as he reached the half way mark, a loud explosion was heard as the entire cave began to collapse in on itself.

"Should have probably detonated it when i reached the surface" The Captain lamented before vanishing into thin air

As he did so, the entire tunnel came crashing down however the entire team was safe above ground. They stood and watched as the ground below them cave in and a massive hole stretching several kilometers was formed.

"Damn, you really did a number on them captain" one of the team members said as they all laughed

They remained there for a few minutes before the familiar humming if the k-9 was heard and looking up, they saw the K-9 landing before them. Without hesitation, they boarded the k-9 and just before they left, they saw the massive hole, they had created fill up again as though there was never a cave in within it.

[They said give them hell not create hell on Earth] a voice was heard from the empty K-9

"Shut it, Hermes" The Captain said as the voice laughed before they took off

Back in the territory, inside the castle, a massive K-series Helicopter could be seen sitting on a small patch of land made for it. The Helicopter looked nothing like a real helicopter but Kingsley had created it to function as a helicopter. It unlike the other K-Series vehicles it featured two wing fans which were practically useless since it could function without them... in fact, in simple terms, it looked like the generic sci-fi helicopter.

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