
Chapter 1151: The Situation on the Outside

Amidst the fighting across the battlefields, there was one sound that could be distinguished above the others. Someone was screaming!

The reason why this particular person could be heard was simple. The one dying was a...Half-emperor!

A Half-emperor was already dead straight off the bat!

Aside from Lin Xiangtian, the Beast Taming School had another three Soul Emperors in their reserves and two Half-emperors. Of those two Half-emperors, one of them had two peak late-stage class seven soulbeast puppets that were currently fighting the Golden Lion King and the Stegosaurus King.

The Half-emperor that died was the one controlling the class eight soulbeast puppet!

Controlling a class eight soulbeast puppet was a feat that ultimately proved too difficult for that Half-emperor. With the Two Winged Kings bombarding him from every angle and the White-browed Hawk King providing support, the Half-emperor managed to last only a few exchanges before being killed by the Two Winged Kings!

And because of his death, the battlefield took on a drastic change!

Without a beast tamer, the early-stage class eight soulbeast puppet fighting the Stegosaurus King went still!

And because of that, the Stegosaurus King ignored the soulbeast puppet and went straight toward the Early-stage Soul Emperor to kill him!

That put the Early-stage Soul Emperor in a terrible state. His fight with the Golden Python King was already risky enough. Having another soulbeast fight him would definitely drive him to death.

In the beginning, the Beast Taming School had enough beast tamers and soulbeast puppets to fight off the invaders. The death of one of their Half-emperors destabilized the situation, however. The Early-stage Soul Emperor was already busy controlling his soulbeast puppets against the Violet Dragon King and the Violet Spider King while evading the attacks of the Golden Python King. Where was he supposed to find the time and energy to fight off the Stegosaurus King!?

The beast tamer didn’t stand a chance of winning!

He wasn’t the only one. The other beast tamers, like the ones fighting against the Bloodhowl Wolf King or the Ancient Crocodile King, were also on the verge of defeat!

This was a battle that could hardly be measured in minutes. Soulbeast and soul cultivator fought intensely against one another, but any observer could see that the Beast Taming School were on the losing end!

Had they the numbers to fight off their invaders one by one, this war could’ve been prolonged, but...

The numbers were no longer even! The Stegosaurus King and Golden Python King were fighting the Early-stage Soul Emperor together now!

And of course, there was no way the Golden Python King would refuse the Stegosaurus King’s assistance. Now wasn’t the time for pride to take precedent over victory. The two had a unified goal of destroying the Beast Taming School!


Another scream rang out across the battlefield scant moments later. Yet another powerful soul cultivator was dead!

Several combatants looked up towards the source. The first thing they saw was the Golden Python King and the Stegosaurus King cross paths. The next thing was the bisected corpse of a Soul Emperor and a rain of blood!

Yet another beast tamer had fallen, an Early-stage Soul Emperor this time!

A Soul Emperor!

The news swept the battlefield by storm. Aghast with horror, every beast tamer watched the Soul Emperor’s corpse fall with despair!

A Soul Emperor was an untouchable existence in their eyes. They were the very definition of invincible guardians meant to protect them from harm. But now...

“Ah!! Ahhhh!!! Ahhhhh!!!!!”

Amidst the confusion, several Soul Kings were quickly picked off in quick succession by the soulbeasts!

It was a completely one-sided battle for the Soul Kings!

The Beast Taming School had around thirty Soul Kings in their reserves. A number like that was considerably large and would make them a power to behold in the eyes of the soul cultivator world. But in the eyes of the soulbeast world...would a double-digit number really mean much compared to a triple-digit number?

It didn’t even matter anymore if the Soul Kings had multiple class seven soulbeast puppets. They didn’t have enough to make up for the difference anymore!

Impressively, the soulbeasts made sure to not kill any soulbeast puppet they fought against. Those soulbeast puppets were their brethren, after all. Brethren forced to do the bidding of another. It made little sense to kill them if they could subdue and capture them instead.

One by one, the Soul Kings of the Beast Taming School were being killed off at a startling rate!

The death of each Soul King meant the sudden inaction of multiple soulbeast puppets. For every one Soul King killed meant another two or three class seven soulbeasts puppets being taken out from the battlefield!

Like how even the tiniest of snowballs could become an avalanche, the situation on the battlefield was quickly being transformed into something even more chaotic. The beast tamers were finding themselves facing off against even more enemies and being killed off even faster than before!

The ones most shocked by the situation were the two remaining Soul Emperors. This entire situation was chilling them right down to the bone!

These were their very own beast tamers they were losing! Years and years of time and effort were put into training the next generation, and now they were all being killed off!

“Isn’t it time yet? If...if this goes on for any longer then there won’t be anything left of our school!!”

One of the Soul Emperor’s eyes flicked to the back peak of the Beast Taming School. He was in a panic now after watching one of his comrades die by the hands of the Golden Python King and the Stegosaurus King. What could he possibly do to stall for time now?!


In a fit of anger, the Soul Emperor decided to jab his finger at the Bloodhowl Wolf King. It was time for something drastic!


There was a loud roar from behind the Bloodhowl Wolf King, causing the soulbeast to turn around. The class eight soulbeast puppet that had been fighting the Golden-eyed Ape King had abandoned its fight with the former to charge straight at him!

And he could sense a volatile amount of soulforce start to leak out from the soulbeast puppet!

It was self-destructing!!

The beast tamer was trying to self-destruct the soulbeast puppets to bide for time!

A class eight soulbeast self-destructing!

This wasn’t something anyone could ignore!

“Stop it!!”

The Violet Dragon King roared furiously. Having just finished off the Soul Emperor she and the Violet Spider King had been fighting, the two of them originally planned on fighting with the Ancient Crocodile King when they realized one of the soulbeast puppets was beginning to self-destruct.


The Golden-eyed Ape King let out a loud roar himself before charging with the Ancient Crocodile King and the Stegosaurus King.

Five of the class eight soulbeasts were using their own soul attack!

It wasn’t meant to kill the soulbeast puppet but to force its soul into a dormant state to prevent self-destruction!


The flow of soulforce from the soulbeast puppet trickled for a moment upon being hit by the five soul attacks. It was working!

And not a moment too soon!


The Bloodhowl Wolf King let out a loud roar himself. The skies exploded with a crimson light as a giant bloody wolf manifested into the world!

This was his real form!

An enormous amount of pressure crashed down onto the world and lit the clouds on fire as a giant meteor flew down from the heavens!

The Starfall of the Celestial Wolf!

The Bloodhowl Wolf King was using his strongest attack!

Despair filled the beast tamer when he realized he failed in his task. Not only did the soulbeast puppet not self-destruct, but he was also about to be hit with a fatal blow!

Looking up, the beast tamer let out a cry of despair upon seeing the meteor!


Orange light exploded out from the beast tamer in a last-ditch effort to save himself. He’d be safe if he could overwhelm the meteor with an attack of his own!

But...that was easier said than done! The light from his attack was akin to the light of a firefly in front of the moon! The Bloodhowl Wolf King’s meteor was already about to devour the Soul Emperor by the time he was ready to fire his attack!

Colliding into the Soul Emperor, the meteor continued downward and smashed into the earth!


The meteor exploded apart with devastating power. On the peak it landed upon, a crater well over a kilometer in diameter was created!

And the Soul Emperor was nowhere to be seen. In a single moment and a Mid-stage Soul Emperor was dead!

“Teacher Zhao...is dead! He’s dead too!!’

“We’re...we’re done for...are we really going to all die here?!”

“No! I refuse! I refuse to believe this! I can’t die here!!”


One beast tamer after another began to scream in panic!


A faint buzzing sound caught the ears of everyone within range. Looking up, they watched as a part of the world began to hum and vibrate as a rainbow light appeared and began to disseminate through the air!

“It’s...it’s the headmaster!! Did he kill that Bai Yunfei already?!”

Every beast tamer began to hope deep within their hearts at the sight of the light. If it was true, then there might still be a chance for them...

But their hopes were dashed and turned into despair literally moments after!

The rainbow light began to condense in on itself before ultimately disappearing. Then a single figure appeared in front of everyone...

Bai Yunfei!!

And in his right hand was something every single beast tamer recognized. Something that nearly made their spirits fly out from their bodies!


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