
Chapter 549 - New Reality (Part 9 - Shocking News)

Chapter 549 - New Reality (Part 9 - Shocking News)

"How can I, as weak as I am... How?"

GAIA smiled, turning into the grandmotherly figure they lifted up Eldrian\'s face to look them in the eyes. "Strength, weakness. How will you define them? Is it years of training, talent, or luck? Is it all of these, or is it perseverance, is it your will and drive? Or is it just based on your genetic coin flip?"

The questions shockingly helped Eldrian put things into perspective. \'Indeed, what defines strength? Why have I always been so fixated on Tiers? I mean; I know why, but... Why?\'


After nearly half an hour, Eldrian finally managed to put this to the back of his mind. Having thought auras were the most of his problems, he now didn\'t even want to think of the one beyond even them.

"Okay, let\'s start my resurrection." Eldrian nodded, wanting to move past his worries and rather get to work.

The grandmotherly figure nodded and told Eldrian to think of returning to the world of Gaia. To try to feel his connection with Cephaphyr.

That was a tall task and took Eldrian a few hours. The deep focus on searching for a vague connection was not what Eldrian wanted after their discussion, but it was what he got.

He worked hard to not let his mind stray, he wanted nothing other than to immediately leave this realm of souls. His recent experiences made this place quite terrible in his mind. When he finally found the connection he couldn\'t wait to return to the world of ANW.

GAIA nodded and then started to get to work while Eldrian had to keep his focus.

Slowly, the feeling turned into more. Eldrian started to feel and sense the surroundings where he was focusing, he saw Ceph locking blades with Vivian. The two were in a heated match.

He watched as they fought, drew blood, used magic. As they laid waste to everything in their surroundings.

Shockingly, Ceph looked now like a teenager. He was just a bit shorter than Vivian and the battle between them was not something that Eldrian thought possible of Tier 4\'s.

\'Did she reach Tier 5? What happened while I was gone? What\'s up with that scar, Ceph?\'

The two suddenly jumped apart and turned towards the location where Eldrian had been focusing. Narrowing their eyes, Ceph summoned blades of wind and ice while Vivian called forth the flames of her sword in all its might.

"It\'s me!" Eldrian shouted as chills flowed down his back. He was certain he would die from their combined attack. Naturally, that would be bad.

Neither accepted that simple shout. They waited as the light faded and Eldrian was left behind, yet their guard stayed up.

"The guards have been alerted, do not try to escape," Vivian said, fighting the urge to rush to the familiar figure before her. She couldn\'t let her guard down until they confirmed that he was not an imposter.

\'If you are who you appear to be, tell me what the greatest secret is that you hold.\' Commanded a much more mature voice of Cephaphyr telepathically.

\'Ceph, that... There is plenty you need to catch up on. But I guess the biggest secret you know of will be that this world is created through Miracle.\' Eldrian replied and the teen elf with pitch-black hair and bright green highlights nodded.

Ceph turned to Vivian, telling her that it was really him.

Rushing forth, she jumped into Eldrian. Her tears flowed freely as she let all the worries she had been fighting flood her mind.

\'What\'s going on Ceph?\' Eldrian asked as the teen joined the hug briefly.

\'War and... Loss...\' Ceph replied, separating not long after. Vivian however hadn\'t let herself cry ever since that day. She had thrown herself into training, desperately trying to change the past.

She only separated when the guards arrived, after explaining that it was a false alarm Vivian picked up her sword again.

Grabbing her arm, Eldrian looked her in the eyes. His heart ached as he saw that something had changed, she was no longer the same person she had been.

"What happened?" Eldrian asked, trying his best to keep his worry from his voice, failing utterly and completely.

Pulling her arm free, Vivian turned to Ceph. Wanting to dive back into training but the teen elf simply shook his head. "You need to talk about it."

Gripping her sword with all her strength. Her hands bled as she ground her teeth. Shaking her head, not wishing to say it aloud. Not wishing to accept that it was real.

"Vivian," Eldrian tried to comfort her, placing his hand on her shoulder.

Jumping back, he just barely managed to avoid her sword. A large gash in the ground where he was just a second ago.

"It can\'t be!" She shouted, looking up at Eldrian. Her eyes filled with tears. "You came back! He-he..." Her voice became little more than a whisper. "He can too..."

Trying again, Eldrian slowly moved closer. Taking her hands and securing her sword, he looked her in the eyes again. "I\'m here..."

Vivian shook her head to fight it, she tried to break free from Eldrian\'s hands but he wasn\'t going to let her go. Finally, she fell into him again and started crying anew.

Eldrian just stood there and waited for her to recover.

This took longer than expected, Ceph had gone to inform Pelaros of Eldrian\'s return in the meantime. Left alone, Vivian finally whispered her torment.

"Da~d\'s- gone..."

Eldrian froze, his mind trying to make sense of those few words.

He wasn\'t able to.

He thought of her father, of Old Sword. The first NPC he talked to, a man who welcomed him into his home and thought him the basics. Albeit in a strange and controversial manner. He thought of the man who was so much stronger than the two of them.


Eldrian hugged Vivian and let her cry, a few tears making their presence in his own eyes. \'Fucking Miracle...\' He cursed as he held his friend who was in unspeakable emotional torment and had been in such for far too long.


When Pelaros arrived he waited for the two to finish. There was much Eldrian needed to be informed of, the most pressing was that another attack would come at night. Only an hour away.

When Vivian had finally calmed down she was exhausted. Helping her to his manor, the one he got as a noble, he helped her into one of the guest rooms. Eldrian looked at her sleeping face, watched the tear stains and a few new tears forming in the corners of her eyes.

"What the fuck happened!?" Eldrian asked after softly closing the door, not wanting to disturb her sleep he now stood in the main reception hall of his mansion.

"We are losing," Pelaros replied with a sigh, he was beyond tired. Yet, he did his best to stay calm and fill Eldrian in on the happenings.

"I know that..." Taking a deep breath, Eldrian calmed himself, understanding that he should not be angry at Pelaros. "How?"

"A few weeks after your disappearance another orc army arrived at Amrough. Situation what it was we were unable to fight them back. More troops were called to the East to reinforce the next line of defense."

"And as most of our troops left to support Diades and Pediades, the undead came with numbers larger than before. An organized vampire army of ten thousand strong, all Tier 5, along with endless skeletons and zombies."

\'Ten thousand, shit... There is probably also plenty of stronger vampires in the mix.\'

AN: A big thank you to everyone who continues to read and support the story on WN.

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