
Chapter 382: Questions unanswered

Chapter 382: Questions unanswered

While the achievement of reaching Tier 4 was certainly impressive, they didn\'t think much of it. The player had kept his skills/spells a secret, only boasting about his success through the ranking in the forums.

This was obviously to try and keep an edge over their opponents in the coming days. Even so, it was clear to most that he would only know a few Tier 4 spells. And as has been the case with all the Tiers before, everyone felt it would not make a massive difference.

"Still, this means more players might reach it soon."

"Yeah, but it doesn\'t change our plans. Now focus, it\'s time."

With that said the group found themselves teleported to their arena. They knew who their opponent was, but only the name and their professions. Most of them had not managed to watch all the matches, as is normal. They had however tried their best to keep track of the top 20.

They spawned in a woodlands with sparse vegetation. Visibility was not a problem, the soft ground and trees however worked against people in heavy armor. The ground would suck them in, while the trees stopped them from forming proper formations.

The only person in Phoenix who had this problem was Therdul. Cursing, he knew he was not going to have a great time.

"There they are." Zyviss indicated with his arrow, the group looking over and seeing a group with no clear indication of their class. All wearing similarly looking armor, a mix of chainmail and Gambesons.

"Right, remember they have two magic classes and the rest are melee. We do not know what type of spells and skills they know." Elizabeth said as she took a step back and joined Erik and Ilmadia as the spell caster squad.

Zyviss moved further to the side, trying to stay low and out of sight while the rest simply stood next to each other and looked at their opponents.

Once the teams entered each other\'s range they suddenly charged. Erik and Ilmadia sending out their strongest spells while Elizabeth tried her best to cast speed enhancements on Therdul and Judith.

\'This shouldn\'t be too hard,\' Eldrian thought as he jumped to the side and avoided an icicle. Without someone controlling its flight, the spell was not nearly as dangerous as Eldrian\'s. As if to prove the point Eldrian cast his own and sent it right at the mage.

Pulling out a shield the mage focused on the spell, knowing that Eldrian could control his spells. Unlike Phoenix, they had done their best to get some research on their enemies.

When Eldrian made the icicle suddenly jump up and then down again, the mage was ready. The icicle shattered upon contact. \'Oh, that is new.\' Eldrian thought as he thrust out with Aoidos and sent a glance over to Judith.

On her first strike she had not held back, sending two players flying and leaving them open for her following attack. \'Crude, but it works.\' Eldrian thought as he moved to the side and a spell came flying from Ilmadia. Striking the poor guy who was completely focused on Eldrian, trying to prepare for any close combat spells.

The match was not hard for their group, once Zyviss started letting loose his arrows from the side, their opponents fell one after the other. Not that it wouldn\'t have happened without it.

However, Eldrian had found that after a few seconds he had quickly become drained. So once the match was done he did not even think of staying and chatting with the others. He immediately logged out and meditated.

\'Gengxin was right, I need proper rest.\' Eldrian thought while wondering which was better. Sleep or meditation.

To him it felt like meditation was miles better, he would feel completely refreshed after. Yet... It was not sleep.

"I have no idea," Gengxin said as he took a few readings of Eldrian meditating. "I would still recommend sleep. It is how our bodies are coded to reset."

"However, just because it is how it has been, does not mean it is the best. Why don\'t you have me rig up something to compare the two?"

Nodding Eldrian let Gengxin place a couple of sticky monitoring stickers over his chest and head. While the headset would have been easier, this would allow Eldrian to actually use a pillow. Something crucial for sleep. At least to him.


Around the time Eldrian had woken with his splitting headache after surviving their ambush.

"Wh-who are you guys?" Vivian asked after finally overcoming her vertigo. She looked at the dwarves cautiously, yet she knew she could do nothing if they wanted to take Eldrian. She no longer thought that was the case, however, she did not like knowing that she could do little to nothing to change the outcome.

As no one replied Vivian thought that they were ignoring her, just as she was about to ask again Tovack replied whilst looking in the direction of Ganalin.

"That is not an easy question you ask. I can tell you that I am Tovack, a dwarf who strives to do the best for my kin. So too would my brothers reply, yet does this answer who we are? If I ask you who you are, what would your answer be?"

"I-I... Tha-" Vivian stopped as she realized she would also state her name. Yet a name did not answer her question. So she changed her question.

"Why were you in the forest?"

"Now that is a question that I can answer. We were tasked with protecting the elf, Haru."

\'Eldrian... Wait, right his avatar is named Haru.\' Vivian had grown so used to his real name over the last few days. It was still weird, but the reasoning made sense. It was a second body for him, for all Chosen. Naturally having it named after their first body might be weird.

When she had first learned of this she had thought he was lying to her and had purposefully hidden his name from her and her father like a spy. However, she had come to realize that it was truly his avatar\'s name.

"Why? Who tasked you to protect him?" Vivian asked the burning question on her mind, finding the dwarves sharing a knowing look.

"For now I cannot answer this. All I can say is it is the same reason why the Devil Prince had tried to kill your friend."

Vivian froze upon hearing the title. She had heard the rumors and stories of Devil Princes. Like most, she had assumed she would never come to meet one, few survived to share the tale. If they did, normally the tale was not one you would want to hear.

\'No way... How come, how did we?\' Vivian\'s thoughts spiraled as she tried to recall what had happened. Making her wonder if Eldrian\'s insane reaction speed was the reason for his being a target for both assassins and protection.

"What now?" Vivian asked after a long time had passed, the sun starting to set and the chill of late autumn setting in.

"We wait," Tovack replied, turning his head to give her a reassuring look and failing miserably. His terrible bandage of a blindfold along with the scar showing underneath did nothing reassuringly. Instead, seeing it reminded Vivian of the danger and all the scars over her body.

The past month had not been kind to her. With a lack of healers she was riddled with scars big and small. Sure, she could have them healed after. If she survived. However, it was not free nor was it cheap.

\'I was so entitled...\' Vivian thought as her hand went to her left rib, one of her worst scars that still ached from time to time. \'Some scars can\'t be healed.\' Vivian thought, thinking of her mental scars and relieved that she had not been close to many through her life short life.

Due to her persistent training and ignoring noble parties and such she had managed to become far stronger than most her age. At the same time however, she had separated herself from those her age.

Those she had called friends were at least 10 years older and far more experienced, yet now she did not know of one who was still alive.

\'Dad...\' Vivian choked on the thought and turned her sights to any place other than the scarred dwarf. Her sight falling on Eldrian seemingly at peace in his sleep. Envy growing as Vivian wished she could have such a peaceful night.

Thinking back to her pure optimism before, thinking of her novelty of believing her few years of diligent training could save her from a mass invasion.

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