
Chapter 323: Joy given and taken, ranking decreasing

Chapter 323: Joy given and taken, ranking decreasing

Seeing no one else having questions, Erik decided to conclude, "In any case, what this means is the potions should be highly effective in battle. Able to heal most of the injuries we normally sustain. However, taking it might be hard."

"What do you mean?" Therdul asked. Erik went so far as to demonstrate with his hands while replying, to show how basic a thing it was that limited it.

"How are you going to take it in the middle of fighting someone. It\'s not like in other games where you just press a button. You actually have to drink it. Even then, it takes around ten seconds to take effect."

"Well it isn\'t that impressive then, is it?" Judith replied, knowing that such a long delay meant it was more meant to be used after winning the fight.

Still, the prospect was an interesting one, this would give them ways to also survive when facing people who specialized in range attacks. While it wouldn\'t negate the damage, it would lessen it.

Most of them grew cunning smiles as they thought of getting revenge on those teams. It growing even more when they recalled that the potions would be returned to them after the fight. Since no items broken in the fight ever stayed broken.

However, they soon realized this actually worked against them. They had someone who could make endless, or nearly so, amounts of potions for them. Yet due to there being no expenditure, all the players will be able to copy it with just a small investment.

"Let\'s not go and abuse this just yet. Thus far no one else has thought of it, and I assume most of you realized the downside." Elizabeth said.

Everyone nodded, those who had missed it having come to the conclusion now. After giving them some time to mourn the loss of such a valuable item, she added, "Also, I finally managed to reach Tier 2."

This was followed by a large amount of enthusiasm from everyone but Eldrian and Erik. They moved closer to each other and watched in confusion.

"Any idea what that is about?" Eldrian asked, Erik countering that he was about to ask him the exact same thing.

It took nearly five minutes for everyone to calm back down. At which point they explained that Elizabeth had a truly hard time envisioning the spell modules.

This, while confusing to the two, made sense when looking at players in general. Most did not try to be a mage because memorizing the spell modules was in fact truly difficult.

Skills for players were far easier, unlike Eldrian, they did not need to know the skill module. Instead, they just needed to know how it started and then the word to signal its activation. They did not even need to say it aloud, just think it with thoughts followed with what they hoped would happen.

Naturally, the more talented players tried to learn the skills without relying fully on the system. Their methods differing fastly. Some would try to learn the skill module, others to flow of the skill, and others still trying to skip all and just focus on the word. Hoping to have the spell activate whenever they thought of it.

The last group was having the least success, followed by those trying to learn the skill module. Instead, those with fighting experience and who grinded the technique showed massive growth and promise.

This made sense, it was the proper approach. A skill was nothing more than sending mana through you to enhance yourself. The system moving their body through intervention was literally a middle ground and something which would not continue to work for long.

The system simply could not cope with the demand to continue this at higher Tiers. As not only does the technique become more demanding, so does the mana flow. As such, each Tier requires more practice from the players.

Still, this was far easier than learning to shoot where there was nearly no system guidance. And this was again easier than learning the complicated spell modules.

As such, most players had long since decided to go the melee path. With about three-quarters of those left going for being an archer instead of mage.

Naturally, unlike NPCs, this did not mean players ignored the others. It was far easier for them to diversify. They simply went with what was easy, while trying to master the more challenging class when they were bored.

Hence almost all players were at least Tier 1 in each class, most who had reached Tier 3 was also Tier 2 in another.

Listening to Elizabeth\'s struggle, Eldrian and Erik were amazed that she even kept trying. She would normally get a headache after just five tries, needing to stop after two more. As such, to grind the required spell casts had taken her far longer than anyone else.

"Why not just go melee like the others?" Erik asked, shocked at how different their experiences were. For him the modules became easier and easier to memorize and envision. It almost felt like the more his intelligence stat grew, the easier it became.

"Because my reaction speed sucks," Elizabeth complained, the others who knew her well nodding to this. "I can\'t block a simple attack. It is why I have been useless in all the fights."

The others quickly tried to console her, but she shook them off, "It\'s the truth. I can\'t fend for myself. Even when we go on missions, I always stay back and let you guys handle it."

"So what?" Judith said, "It\'s because of you standing back that you always see the larger picture. You never let us go into a fight we can\'t win, and you never let us fall for a trap."


"No buts!" Nikki interrupted, only realizing that it was not a but after shouting that. So she cleared her throat to try and distract them from it. No one fell for.

"It\'s not like we need you to be good at fighting. We would much rather have you watching out for us." The others all nodded in agreement, "Besides... You also deal with all the admin."

This got a round of laughter and brought a smile to Elizabeth\'s face. "Thanks."

Nodding, Nikki added, "In any case, if you actually manage to rope these two in, then quests will become easy peasy."

Unlike Eldrian, Erik actually really thought about it. Along with reaching Tier 3, where he so far has only learned Therapeia - Tier 3 healing spell - he had also learned Ischyros Anemos - the wind spell - which Eldrian had shared with him.

He had not quite gotten the knack for any other Tier 2 spells, outside of the healing ones he had long since learned. However, he had also learned Forst Needle, Vrachos, and Mifotia. He hoped that he would soon be of actual help in the fights.

Eldrian instead did not take the comment seriously, it made no sense to him to join them. He was literally on the other side of the kingdom, which he assumed was probably at least a thousand kilometers wide. The map Boran had shown him did not give him distances. Only a general layout of the kingdom.

Eldrian only knew that the distance between Duran, the city they had first come into contact with upon entering Taurus, and Kynigo took 8 days. With them having crossed at least a hundred kilometers each back then. The distance between Kynigo and Herglem was similar.

Seeing the two\'s slight reactions, Erik having a pondering expression and Eldrian no change at all, Nikki sighed. "Let\'s do our matches. Due to yesterday\'s defeats, we need at least four wins in a row to still be in the top twenty."

Everyone nodded and Elizabeth started the queue for them. It taking nearly twenty minutes for a match to be found. During which they had talked and sparred with each other.

In the virtual home, they did not have the stats from their avatar, even though they appeared as them. There was also no magic. As such the fights completely relied on technique. Placing everyone on similar grounds. Similar to the individual matches Eldrian was part of.


For the next few days Eldrian continued to practice magic nearly every minutes of every day. He even logged on earlier than normal. Only doing some exercise IRL and joining the others for their daily fights.

The fights should have become easier with Erik reaching Tier 3. Especially with him becoming used to combat treatments. However, the other top groups also constantly improved. Hence their total wins did not increase by much.

In fact, they were actually slowly losing more and more. The talent gap becoming clearer as the others gained proper equipment. It soon dawned on all of them that the fact that they just made a group did not mean they stood as good a chance as they thought.

It was clear in the fights that Eldrian and Judith were carrying them. Erik also showed great talent, however, his did not help nearly as much. The profession of a healer was not one which shined at low Tiers.

Nevertheless, no one looked down on his growth. He could now completely turn a narrow fight between people into a landside for their side. He could also heal those who had a narrow victory. More importantly, if he reaches Tier 4, then he would be able to revive them.

In regards to the rankings, they were slowly dropping out of the top 5 and even the top 10. But they were not the only ones dropping.

Pure Warriors had been kicked off their first place by Zinopia, who had managed to arm themselves better and finally win each and every match. There was little any group could do to them. They had it all, especially now that they also had proper armor and weapons.

They had a truly talented mage, having used over 10 different Tier 3 spells against their group alone. Currently, the thread had his arsenal at 16 Tier 3 spells and 30 Tier 2\'s.

They had a priest whose blessings made an absolutely massive difference as he timed it nearly perfectly.

They had an archer who could hit a moving target at 60 meters, with 9 out of 10 arrows. Then they also had a knight-type fighter, finally equipped to make him nigh unkillable. Especially considering his skill with his blade.

The other four members weren\'t lacking either. It truly felt like they were just limited in being low Tiered. Similar to Erik\'s case. Their preferred method of fighting can\'t shine. Yet... No one thought this would remain so for long.

The posts about the tournament already agreed that these players would take the win. Especially since they started streaming their fights.

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