
Chapter 221: Can I die, safely?

Chapter 221: Can I die, safely?

"Well, they are damn expensive." Eldrian started saying, "I mean I get why this is so. It takes far more metal to make them than it does for weapons. But due to this the armor I can afford is likely just Tier 2 or at best Tier 4 normal grade. That won\'t do much, seeing as I keep facing things that can easily do enough damage to just destroy my armor."

"That isn\'t what you should care about. The thing you should care about is if it can take a few hits, if the answer is yes then it did its job. It is there to save you when you are unable to dodge, say in a hail of arrows." Evules countered, not agreeing in the slightest with Eldrian\'s choice.

"I did have some armor, it got completely destroyed though. And no I didn\'t buy it, it was given to me. Just went to show how little it is worth." Eldrian countered, he would most likely die in a hail of arrows no matter what he did. A shield might change this, but not armor; especially the armor he could afford, not even enough to completely cover himself. Not that he would even want that type of armor as it would also slow him a great deal.

"Did it save your life?" Evules pressed.

"Well... Yes..." Eldrian had to admit it had helped him plenty when he fought against several goblins at once. Having something stop their blades had been wonderfully useful when they surrounded him.

"Then it worked as good as it should." Evules kept pressing.

"Still, I can\'t afford it. It is just too expensive." Eldrian said this with conviction. It simply was too expensive for him at this stage. Luckily he didn\'t think he would be on the frontlines, hence his chances of needing to fight outnumbered should be lowered. He also didn\'t expect to do much fighting, seeing as how he was surrounded by Tier 5 and over characters.

"Too expensive!?" Evules felt that this was the dumbest thing one could say about armor.

"Well, unlike you, I don\'t really die. So yeah, I\'d rather save the cash than waste it." As Eldrian said this he suddenly felt that this might not be correct. I wonder, am I even able to die normally? Like other players? All my deaths, I had fought for my life and for those around me... Is that what causes the difference, or am I just different?

Thinking of this Eldrian quickly started feeling less optimistic about the mission. He really didn\'t want to lose his avatar, and then there might even be more side effects. This being the only one he was certain would happen if he couldn\'t be revived as normal.

Okay, I have to ask if I can die normally. Eldrian quickly decided that he would ask everyone as soon as he logged out. Explaining his reasoning to Evules had suddenly become much harder as Eldrian\'s words no longer held complete trust in being revived.

Evules only slightly berated Eldrian, failing to understand this logic but willing to give Eldrian the benefit of the doubt. If he had had a spare set on him he would have definitely offered it to Eldrian. As it stood he gave Eldrian a Tier 1 magic grade Kite shield he had for incase.

As he gave it to Eldrian he emphasized that armor worked wonders against arrows, and shields even more so. Naturally Eldrian accepted the gift, who would turn down such a gracious gift? He definitely had nothing against armor or shields, well other than their price.

As Eldrian looked through the stats of the shield he decided to take the 20 gold he would get from the mission to buy himself a good set of at least Tier 1 armor. At the very least a breastplate that would last him a couple of fights.

[Kite shield, Chivalry]

[Grade: Magic]

[Tier: 1]

[Toughness: 23]

[Durability – 2765/5000]

[Attribute requirements:]

[Strength: 112; Agility: 80]

[Passive bonus:]

[For what is good and right; When used to defend, increases wielders agility by 5 points for the action; when used to defend others, increases agility by a further 5 points.]

Not bad, Eldrian thought as he looked at the stats of the shield. The passive bonus wasn\'t much, but the increased speed would be quite handy, at this stage this would be around a 2.5% increase if he tried to defend himself, 5% if he tried to defend others. Not much, but something that might just make the difference in blocking or failing to do so.

After this Eldrian simply chatting some more with Evules, trying to ask how combat was as a centaur. Without coming over as a racist or something, as such he often tried to lightly imply what he asked. Instead of just asking, Evules quickly figured out what was going on and told Eldrian to just cut the sidestepping and ask.

So the first few hours of their journey passed with no mishaps. The party quickly reached the major cliff just south of the city, where they were to set up camp for the night. A bridge spanned from this cliff to below it, more like a ramp than an actual bridge. Looking at the two massive towers standing beside the bridge Eldrian marveled at the exquisite craftsmanship.

The towers seemed to stretch from the bottom of the cliff, of nearly two hundred meters, far past its top and into the sky. The towers were clear defensive structures, with many soldiers staying in them. They were actually both magic towers used to cut off this route to all invaders. Their influence spanning the surrounding five kilometers and the only part of the cliff where climbing it might be possible. At least when considering anything other than vertical climbing.

Going around the cliffs meant at least thirty kilometers of a detour. Enough to allow the soldiers to head back and inform the city of the force. The towers also stood out slightly from the cliff, allowing those atop to keep a vigil up to the horizon.

The group was quickly met by a captain from one of the towers. Evale headed forward to explain who they were, after which they were allowed to set up camp, but not enter the towers. This was a strict rule, and as such, they had to listen.

Once this was done, Eldrian read through some of the notes, focused on the corruption and what it could actually be. He did this until morning came around IRL, at which time he logged out and sent a message to Gengxin, Joren, and Constantin that he would like to meet to discuss something.


"So can I actually die safely in the game?" Eldrian asked, as soon as everyone arrived in the meeting room where he had asked to meet. Eldrian was enjoying his cereal while he waited and slurped down the last bits as they entered the room.

"What do you mean?" Joren asked, looking at the empty bowl in confusion. He was really not used to people taking their bowls out of the cafeteria, he didn\'t even know it was allowed.

Eldrian had quickly made this place his home, becoming even more comfortable than those working here far longer. The bowl was actually his own, one of those from his commune, he had brought it when they had denied him from taking the plates of the cafeteria. In his room he currently had a small pile of random stuff like this, things that might just be handy at certain times.

"I simply mean that. Each time I have died in the game there had been some sort of side effect. I want to know why this is, and if I can actually avoid it."

"Each time you died you were truly fighting for something right? Your mindset was never that death was acceptable, correct?" Constantin asked.

"Well, yes. I mean if I just died then the NPCs would also have died. I can accept losing XP, but not..." Eldrian failed to finish as he realized that he had indeed lost those he had wanted to protect.

"Then, in this case, the reason for you are asking this. What will be happening when you die?" Constantin pressed.

"I-I... I don\'t know."

"According to the data, you should be fine if you die like other players. There isn\'t something inherently different in you." Joren added.

"But the way you approach the game is inherently different. That is why you are able to do so much more inside of it, and also most likely where all the problems come from." Gengxin added further onto it.

"What are you saying?" Eldrian asked in exasperation.

"It is simple, we believe if you can die without fighting as if it is life and death. Die as if it is just a game, then you most likely won\'t have any problems." Joren answered.

"But... It isn\'t just a game." Eldrian countered softly.

"It isn\'t, but for us, it is just a simulation. For other players, it is just a game. For you, it is much more... That is something you will likely need to change if you want to die without repercussions." Constantin added, understanding where Eldrian was coming from but not able to actually feel the same about ANW.

Eldrian sighed as he heard all this, he knew he would never be able to do that. While he didn\'t know Evale, Evules, and especially Kydone all that well. He felt he would still fight to his utmost to try and help them. No matter how small the chance. For the others in the party, he might just try his best. But for them, he would likely go past trying just his best.

"Then you will have to monitor me well, for the next few weeks," Eldrian said after finished a couple more deep sighs.

"Why?" Gengxin and Joren both asked with worry. Gengxin\'s for Eldrian\'s health, and Joren\'s for the possible repercussions from another upset.

Eldrian then quickly went on to explain to them that he had accepted a suicide mission. Joren quickly calling up Eldrian\'s data and confirming the quest.

"Dammit, can\'t you just rest for a month or two!?" Joren cursed upon seeing the storyline quest. It wasn\'t something they had expected players to touch for nearly a year. Though Joren quickly accepted that this fit in with Eldrian. They had also not expected anyone capable of actually using magic for years, not just one. Yet here Eldrian was... Nearly three weeks in the company already.

In the original plan, they hoped to have the complete immersion cabins on sale before anyone was supposed to start having affinity problems. A lot of things had to be sped up due to Eldrian.

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