
Chapter 215: Meeting the twins

Chapter 215: Meeting the twins

"They are both great fighters, the sister a great archer and the brother a great swordmaster." Pelaros continued to say as they left the basement and entered the main hall of the manor.

"She is currently Tier 7 and would gladly be taken in by any army division if only she would actually leave her hometown. They are both truly good nobles, and while most of our nobles are disciplined and know not to cross certain lines, many love to be in the gray area."

"Both these siblings absolutely hate any who actually try to be in the gray area. The brother is a Tier 6 swordsman, and again any army would want to take him in within seconds. Instead, he stays part of his town\'s patrol group. Ensuring that no monsters make it within five kilometers of their town\'s walls."

"Alright, but why are you telling me all this?" Eldrian asked, not sure why he needed to know all this right now.

"Simple, I believe these two will be most welcoming to you. You know, since you are only here for if they all die. Also, be warned that they are centaurs, and unlike us..." Pelaros paused and suddenly grew in size.

Shocked Eldrian stepped to the side to make room as Pelaros legs morphed into a horse\'s body. "They can\'t shapeshift at will. It is normally only something one can learn at Tier 7, but in the case of the royal family we all have the ability from birth."

"Wait, is...?"

"Yes, Myropsis is also a centaur. I am sure you were very curious about who she is, seeing as she never tells anyone I assumed you didn\'t know. She is actually from one of the major family branches. Not the main one, but the top three. You see each city has a branch of the family ruling it. And the further out the city, the less direct royal blood flows in our veins, our branch is quite distanced."

"Where is your family?" Eldrian asked, having keenly noticed that this manor was empty if the guards and servants were taken away.

"In the capital, for their safety. It would be beyond reckless to keep my children and wives here. Too many things can go wrong if we decide to do so, shapeshifting is not all that rare. A lesser form of it is even slightly common, where you only change your appearance."

As Pelaros said this Eldrian thought back to Andreas who had snuck into the army even though he was actually a devil. He also noted on the last part that it was only appearance, "You mean..."

"Yes, traitors. Not all races in the Kalos classification have the privilege to live peaceful lives. Calling them traitors might be a bit much since they were born in the Chaos lands, it is all they know. They are actually slaves, but they don\'t even realize it. They are often controlled either through brainwashing or in some cases through magic contracts."

Really!? Things just keep getting more and more complicated. Eldrian sighed as he listened, not liking how things were developing. Though he had long wondered what happened to all the people who had been conquered in the invasion. It didn\'t make sense to kill them all within a short time, controlling them and using them as slave labor was probably much better in the long run.

"Back to the topic, just don\'t be impolite when meeting them. And I hope you don\'t mind having to look up to someone the entire time." Only once Pelaros said this did it click with Eldrian.

Crap, he is really tall in this form. Now I know why the roof is three meters high everywhere. Eldrian thought as he actually looked at Pelaros in detail for the first time. Somehow his horse half was not naked, even after just shapeshifting into this form.

It was covered in green cape-like clothing that clung over him and covered up to his hooves. This cape-like clothing was then attached to the gray and dark green shirt Pelaros was wearing. The patterns of both matched without a single mistake. Somehow his pants had shapeshifted along with his horse half to never let him be naked.

"First time realizing how tall I am? Don\'t worry I don\'t mind the stare. Just try and not stare like this at others." Pelaros laughed a little after saying this and after a few seconds shifted back into his human form.

"This is just so much easier to actually fit in a city setting. Especially when you want to use chairs, tables and anything else really. Our centaur bodies are just too large and bulky for most of these things."

As Pelaros said this they actually arrived at the reception hall, or rather at one of the doors leading into it. "Right, let\'s go in. Bursting through the door Pelaros said loudly to the two inside, "Sorry for the wait! I quickly went to fetch our plan F."

"Lord Pelaros, it is no trouble. Your servants have been more than good to us," Said the brother, both turning around to face them. Having been looking out the panoramic windows of the room while enjoying some tea they had been offered.

This guy was much larger than Pelaros in his centaur form. He was only barely not hitting the roof with his head as he stood there, he would not be able to stretch his arms out at all. Eldrian was quite shocked at how large he was. In comparison the sister looked like a child, she only reached to where her brother\'s ribs started.

"Lord Pelaros, an honor to meet you." Said the sister, slightly bending at the waist in a bow. She was wearing light brown leather armor on her human half, while her horse half was covered in cape-like clothing. Eldrian quickly realizing that this must be what they considered pants. He wondered what they were called it.

The brother instead was wearing plate armor on his human half, his horse half also covered in cape-like clothing. The brother spoke after seeing Pelaros nod to his sister\'s greeting, "Sorry for our appearance, we just finished the journey from our hometown. It is disturbing, the undead has become more and more common."

"If my lord wouldn\'t mind, can you please send a regiment to my town to investigate? I fear we need to evacuate before it is too late."

"Of course, let me get on that right now. Haru, introduce yourself, I don\'t wish to delay this." With this Pelaros quickly left the room, leaving a flabbergasted Eldrian behind standing in the way of the doors closing.

Wait, isn\'t that your job! Eldrian sighed as he realized Pelaros was really leaving him before introducing him. Coughing he tried to clear his throat. "Ah, hi."

Luckily this seemed to be enough as the brother replied, "Hi, you must be the Chosen seeing as Pelaros introduced you as plan F."

"Ah, yes. I am Haru, and you are?"

"I am Evules and my sister is Evale." As he said this the sister chipped in a short greeting of her own.

"So what are your specialties?" Evules asked as soon as Evale was done greeting, Eldrian having slowly moved forward and the doors closed behind him by the servants.

"Ah... Um... Yeah, I don\'t really have any." Eldrian said after a few seconds of pause.

"What?" Evules asked confused.

"Umm... I am just Tier 1, so I won\'t be of much use." Eldrian added, not even considering the fact that he might be of help. He would have done this if most of the party was below Tier 5. Yet he knew from Pelaros that Evules was Tier 6 and Evale Tier 7.

He had no thoughts of being of any use to them other than being plan F. He knew how strong Old Sword was, and using that as a reference he really did not think he would be able to do much.

"Ah... I see." Evules said softly before turning quiet.

"Don\'t worry, at least when things go completely wrong our sacrifices won\'t be in vain with you joining. That is something that no one else can actually do for us." Evale said as she saw her brother turning somber, trying to lift the mood.

"Thanks, Evale. That isn\'t necessary though. I had thought I would be able to offer some support, but I won\'t keep those thoughts after hearing how strong both of you are." Eldrian replied in a light tone, trying to convey that he really wasn\'t bothered by this. "Oh, there is one thing I might be able to help with."

"Really?" Evale asked in surprise, not understand how Eldrian suddenly thought he could help.

"Yeah, baggage. I have a dimension space of three cubic meters. I currently have a few barrels of food and water in it, along with some camping equipment. I can fit a great deal more in it though."

Hearing this Evale\'s eyes flew open in surprise while Evules looked up in shock, asking in disbelief. "What, three cubic meters?"

"Yes, it is something all Chosen have. So it isn\'t something too special, but it should be useful."

"Most certainly, I mean very few nobles can even afford a half meter cubic space," Evale replied in a chirpy mood, already trying to determine what the inventory should be filled with.

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