
Chapter 193: Informing the family

Chapter 193: Informing the family

"Hey son, you need to call more. It\'s been almost two weeks!" Came Eldrian\'s dad\'s joking voice over the phone, causing Eldrian to feel even worse about what he needed to say.

"Sorry dad, things have been hectic here."

"Oh, did you have some tests? I remember you saying that things were still moving slow last time we talked."

Hearing his reply, Eldrian sighed and decided to just cut to the case. "No. Do you remember that game I was so interested in and bought a headset for?"

"Yeah... Don\'t tell me you are addicted and your grades are slipping." Again his dad joked, but his words were too close to the truth.

"Not exactly." Eldrian rushed the next words, hoping to get through them before his father could react. "I actually got an offer from that company and decided to take it."

"Wha... What!" A shout of disbelief traveled loudly through the phone.

"It\'s not as bad as you think!" Eldrian hurried to explain, "It is a legit contract and I get many perks through it, even a stable income!"

"Stop right there! How could you do this!"

"It really is not as bad as..."

"Eldrian! Stop trying to divert the topic. I am coming over tomorrow."

With that, his dad hung up and left Eldrian twitching as he recognized the tone. The tone his dad would use when he went to get the belt. The tone when his ass would burn. Words no longer something that can change this outcome, though Eldrian certainly felt he was old enough to not get spanked. A lecture was still a certainty.

"He really didn\'t let me explain. Just like those times" Eldrian mumbled, feeling like it was just like back then when he and Jen would cause trouble. A phantom ich growing on as he thought back to those days.

Taking a deep breath, he readied himself to call his mom. He wanted to tell her, before his dad could in his anger. Hopefully, it would cause her to take it better.

"Mom..." Eldrian\'s voice faltered, dreading her reaction to this. Soldiering on, he barely managed to tell her. Though her reply was much calmer and more focused on him.

"Are you sure about this? You know why we want you to finish your degree right?" She asked, worried that Eldrian had fallen into some kind of trap from a large company, that would later discard him. A degree was something he could always rely on and fall back on if things went south.

"Yes, I am sure about it. The contract I signed also stated that I can continue my studies when I want, and they will pay. So it is really not that bad, you can look at it as if I am taking a gap year for now."

"That is easier to swallow than you just dropping out. But do you think you really will go back to studying?"

"I plan to. I just can\'t balance everything at this time. I hope to be able to in the next few months, but naturally studying will have to wait until next year."

This settled, Eldrian started talking about the game and the company. Impressing his mom when he told her how much they had actually offered him. She was quite pissed that he had not told them earlier, though she could understand. They had never reacted favorably to games, only mildly having accepted him studying IT.

In the end, around half an hour later, Eldrian asked her to calm down his dad. Asking that if they still wanted to come tomorrow, then they could. Though he will be unable to show them the place where he is staying as normally a week is needed to organize guest passes.

"Guess I might as well call Jen now..." Eldrian took a long sigh as he thought about her reaction, which ended up very similar to his mom\'s.

After telling her that he stopped his studies, for now, she simply asked, "Are you sure you want to go this route? Do mom and dad know?"

"Yeah... I called them before calling you." Eldrian said, happy that she was not mad or disappointed. Rather just asking if he was sure.

"Good move. It might not matter right now, but in a bit more time, it will be important. So what now?" Her voice came over with a gentle tone.

"I\'ll face the fire tomorrow. So, can I come over for some support?"

"I have class!" Jen replied jokingly. "I am free at two, so meet me on campus."

"Thanks." A smile grew on Eldrian as he hung up, quickly changing into one of the uniforms he had been given. Miracle Corporation had given him five normal uniforms and two training sets, allowing him to live on the premises without problems. Now that he wanted to go out though, he found that he had no clothes. Those he had been brought in with were his pajamas and he certainly did not want to go to the campus in them, nor in the uniform.

Guess I have to go back to my commune.Eldrian realized, already used to having so many things done for him. He also realized actually having a work uniform would likely help dispel any worries his mom might still have, and quench his dad\'s anger.

As he thought about how the encounter might go tomorrow, Eldrian placed an order for a car and driver. Heading out to the lobby while at it.


Luckily Eldrian\'s student card still worked and he managed to get onto campus without much fuss. He had not officially deregistered and was actually waiting for news from Gengxin on what would be done in regards to it.

Before coming to the campus, he had gone to his commune and packed all his clothes, as well as some other things he wanted to actually bring with him.

Even informing the old man, who rented the place to him, that he would be gone. But still wanted to keep the contract going. He could easily pay for it with the income he was getting from Miracle Corporation, and Eldrian felt having a place outside of the company would be a good thing. Should he ever want an escape or simply wanted a place of his own if he went out.

On campus, Eldrian headed to the most famous and luxurious restaurant. It truly was a strange restaurant, almost no students actually eating there as it made no sense for them on their little spare cash. Its clients were normally some of the rich kids, or when professors had a meeting with an investor.

"This place? Really?" Jen asked as soon as Eldrian arrived. She was currently in sports clothing, she normally used one of her free time slots to get some exercise in. A simple gym available to students, though it really did not have a large variety of equipment, nor weights.

Looking at the old-style entrance of the restaurant, Eldrian smiled, "Yeah, I promised myself that I would try it at least once. Since I am no longer a student, or at least don\'t plan on coming here for some time... I want to try it, at least once."

"Alright. But your paying!"

Laughing, Eldrian quickly agreed. "No problem, and you don\'t have to hold back. I know it\'s not really in our budget to normally eat here."

"Oh! Bigshot! Fine, then get ready for a couple of hundred dollars!"

"No problem," Eldrian replied, causing Jen\'s joking attitude to falter as she stared at her brother in disbelief.

"Really? No problem!?"

"Mmmhmmm." Eldrian simply replied through murmuring and led her inside. He was dressed in semi-formal clothing and still felt underdressed as soon as he entered to room. Turning to his sister, a smile grew as he saw her blushing beet red.

"Why are you in your sports clothes?" He asked, curious and jokingly as they saw everyone inside in really formal clothing. Though there were not many people, only around seven other guests, they still stood out like a sore thumb.

"Why the hell are they in suits!?" She countered, her shout causing many to raise their heads and look at them as two ignorant kids who had stumbled into a bar by accident.

"Probably because they want to look smart." Eldrian teased, asking the confused waiter to give them a table.

"Are you sure? Don\'t you first want to go change?" She asked, looking at both of them equally.

"Nah, it\'s fine. Or is there a rule against not being formally dressed?" Eldrian replied.

"No written rule but..."

"Good, then a table for two please." Eldrian quickly interrupted before she could continue.

She slowly nodded and told them to simply pick any that were open. Eldrian smiled and thanked her, heading to one of the tables near a window.

"So, what do you want?" He asked Jen, who was still embarrassed and shocked.


"No, come on. Get something you want, my treat. Remember."

Slowly she overcame her embarrassment and managed to enjoy their lunch. Eldrian making sure to avoid the topic of him dropping out as they enjoyed their food. After some time, Jen could no longer hold it.

"Why did you decide to quit?"

"I... I didn\'t really quit. It is more that I set it aside for now, so that I can focus on the game. It really isn\'t as simple, and I don\'t think calling it a game really works. I just realized I can\'t keep studying full time and also progress in the game as much as I need."

"Isn\'t that quitting?" She quickly countered.

"No... The contract I signed said that they would help me to restart my studies should I wish, at any time. They will also cover all the cost."

"Really?" She asked, her tone filled with disbelief. A bursary without the need to work at the company was quite weird.

"Yup, really."

With this silence grew and ruled over them for a while. Only broken as the bill came, and Eldrian whistled jokingly. He had no problem paying it, but the cost still shocked him. It left Jen simply thunderstruck.

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