
Chapter 190: Empires stirring

Chapter 190: Empires stirring

At about the time when Eldrian finally finished the hidden quest, a major development happened in many kingdoms. Give or take a week.

In Vruntis, the kingdom where Erik had started out and was currently working as a healer, a group of people arrived from the empire of Floria. This took place as Eldrian finally entered a land with grass again, Taurus. This group from the empire directly set out to the commander of the army and the mayor of the city, taking control over in just a few hours. No one daring to refuse their \'kind\' offer of help.

From there the group sent out word that they wished to offer all Chosen a unique opportunity to become stronger. At the same time, they also cracked down on all the people who were not willing to fight for their kingdom and more importantly, their empire.

Quickly bringing militarian order to the corrupt parties in the city. Most importantly, just a few of them went out and quickly killed thousands of beasts. Giving the city some breathing room, allowing them to truly vet out everyone who did not wish to cooperate. Sending these people to the frontlines in an almost certain sentence of death, as punishment.

Erik heard of the offer for players, but he did not care much. He had hoped to play this game as a game, though this had long since become a distance dream. He had become invested in mastering healing and learning more about the dryad race. He highly doubted that a human kingdom, or even an empire, would be able to help him much in the latter. He had to accept that they would certainly be able to help in becoming a great healer, though certainly at a cost.

Still, he went to the site where all Chosen were asked to gather. While he did not care much, he was willing to listen. If he could organize to get Akarui out of the city and into the empire, he might even take them up on their offer. If, and only if, the cost was acceptable.

Unlike the other players, he was not thrilled and full of wonder. Many of them had stopped trying to get close to NPCs, after a few of those they had come close to had died. Due to this, they could still treat the game moderately as a game.

Though they certainly understood that things were not so simple. They choose to turn a blind eye and keep it simple to allow them to enjoy the game. Many players adopted this approach to keep their conscience clear as they watched NPCs die, day in and day out. It might sound cruel and inhumane, but in a way it was humane. One of the easiest ways to keep themselves from receiving traumas from playing a game.

All of them were currently gathered in an auditorium, naturally not a modern one. One where a hole had been dug and the stage set at the bottom of it. On this stage, a male in pitch-black armor appeared seemingly from thin air. Causing whispers to spread as all the players wondered just how they had failed to see him approach the stage.

This person in black gave the players a few seconds to finish their whispers. After which he spoke, his voice traveling with ease to all those in the auditorium.

"I am Galleus from the Imperial\'s sixth legion, the Tenebris Knight. I have been sent to offer you all a chance to join the empire. To become part of our glory and gain access to the opportunity of a lifetime."

This declaration quickly led to whispers, which irritated Galleus. "Quite! Please allow me to finish before discussing." Galleus bellowed, causing all those in the auditorium to nurse their ears from the noise. Strangely this did not turn the players against joining, instead it added to their wonder of the person on stage.

"To join us, you simply need to swear an oath of loyalty. In return, we will take you in as a fellow brother! We will teach you how to fight! How to use magic, how to turn the impossible possible!"

He then continued to explain what else they would offer, how they would teleport to the Empire after traveling to the capital of the kingdom. How they would be provided with weapons equaling their talents. Not needing to scramble to get a decent weapon, instead given banquet to choose from.

Naturally, the offer made many players willing to join. Seeing the S-ranked quest popping up as Galleus finished his performance made them even more eager.

After the speech was finished, Galleus stated that everyone could ask those stationed at the entrances for more details. Sometime during his speech, all the entrances had been closed and now each entrance had a person in black standing next to it. Upon hearing him mention them, these people in black opened the doors. In a symbolic manner, indicating that the players should start heading out.

Erik was in no rush to head out, contrasting most of the other players who rushed to get in front to sign up. Erik waited for a few minutes, allowing the rows to shorten before he finally stood up and headed over.

"A Dryad, wonderful. I am Fini, what is yours?" The woman standing next to the door asked as soon as Erik approached. Like the others in the group, she wore form-fitting black armor which seemed to be made out of a certain type of metal. It fit well with her black hair and dark eyes, allowing her to almost seep into the shadows without any effort.

"Faust..." Erik replied, confused by the approachable energy she gave off. It contrasted strongly with how she had handled the other players.

"Well Faust, should I put you down for joining?" She asked, a small crystal ball appearing in her hand.

"That depends. Can I take someone with me?" Erik asked.

"No, sorry. None of you have family, seeing as you are not from our world. Why would you wish to take someone with you?" She asked, slightly confused but clearly denying his request.

"Because she is a friend," Erik replied, causing her to misunderstand.

"I am certain she might be, but as they say, there are many fish in the sea." Hearing this caused Erik to be slightly irritated.

"Are you sure?" He asked, already feeling that it would be better to continue on his own path. He simply felt that something was not right, that signing up would lead to him not managing to have fun. He was not a battle fanatic like most players, his truest wish would be to be able to simply read of the stories in this world. Not to be part of these stories.

"Yes. We were tasked with only bringing Chosen back. So will I add you to the list?" She asked, her tone clearly saying that it was a done deal.

"No," Erik flatly denied and walked out. Leaving Fini stunned as she watched him leave without turning back. She almost felt like going after him, seeing as he was the only Tier 2 Chosen she had ever heard of. However, the line pushing forward stopped her from doing this.

She quickly added the next Chosen to the list, a feeling of having lost a treasure plaguing her mind. Unable to understand how important the person he wanted to bring with must be, to turn down a direct invitation from an empire.


Similar offers were given to almost all players, as long as they were still in their starting kingdoms. Almost all the players took the offer. Posts were added like crazy to the forum as people ridiculed those who had turned the offer down. Calling them shortsighted and foolish.

However, the players who had accepted the offer still had to wait as an oracle came down from the gods. Informing all nations that a new wave of Chosen will arrive within the week.

A few days the craze calmed down, yet the news kept spreading. Empires\' recruiting players staying solidly the main focus on the forum. Miracle Corporation took this opportunity to announce the date when the new headsets would be sold. Stating again that it only had ten million in stock, each going to 20 000 dollars, and that preorders were recommended. Old players were also recommended to upgrade, as the limit on playtime had been removed.

Within hours, all the headsets were sold out. Leaving only a few days of waiting as the actual release date needed to arrive.

Eldrian had looked at all this with an awkward feeling; the day before they reached the city. He could understand the players\' point of view, and he felt that Miracle had waited for the opportune time to rope in more players. The hype of empires recruiting players made the game far more appealing as it promised a golden start to new players.

No struggling for scraps as the first wave of players had. They would directly be taken in and groomed, causing many to dream of grandeur.

Seeing and realizing this caused him to wonder just how they could still treat this world they had created as a mere experiment. How they could ignore the possible profit, and keep things so limited.

If they wanted, they could instantly become one of the largest gaming companies. Yet they kept the number of headsets they sold low. Refusing to actually simply treat it as a game they needed to treasure and allow to grow.

Eldrian simply could not comprehend how they thought. Had they no need for more income?

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