
Chapter 95: Academy visit

Chapter 95: Academy visit

Knocking on the small central room\'s door, Eldrian waited for someone to answer.

"It\'s that elf!" The man who opened the door shouted back into the room. Causing Dave to place down the book he was reading.

Shuffling his way through the messy room Dave asked, "Oh, did you have something else you wanted to ask? Or have you decided?" Closing the door behind him as he did.

"I have, to both in fact. I think I want Old Sword to be my mentor. Sorry, I just want to learn to wield weapons more than magic." Eldrian replied, feeling guilty. He had a feeling that he was betraying the time Dave had placed into him.

"That is quite alright. I had thought that would be your answer. What do you want to ask then?"

"I need to get a few Tier 1 spells, and I was hoping you would be able to guide me as to what I should look for when visiting an academy."

"In what way are you asking. Do you want to know the best spells and skills to learn first or do you want to know what you will likely be able to cast best?" Dave asked, happy to answer.

"Both?" Eldrian answered in confused certainty.

"For affinity, you should look for nature spells. Do you remember the mana you felt when I took you to the Magic Crystal this morning? I think those correlate to your talent. I could even observe them, your next best option would be ice magic.

Dave paused for a few seconds to sort his thoughts, "As for spells and skills to learn first. That depends on your plans. You want to join the mission right?"

"Yes, how did you know?" Eldrian asked, feeling that he was too easy to read.

"Simple, I now Old Sword went, as well as Vivian. So you are going either to become his apprentice or try and help Vivian. Maybe both."

Embarrassed Eldrian simply kept quiet and waited for Dave to continue.

"I guess it is both." He chuckled as he continued, "In that case, certainly try to get the Tier 1 equivalent of Anthos. Also Inspect and Observe will be crucial for you to be able to make any informed decisions."

"After which I would recommend enhancement skills from nature, spells won\'t be as efficient seeing as you will likely self-cast them. But if you plan to help others then the enhancement spells would be better."

"Then, I guess frost would be a nice ice spell. It is weak but effective against armored opponents. Then again you are going to fight monsters, so it might be weak..."

Dave continued to give Eldrian some hints and tips on looking for spells and skills. Eldrian trying his best to remember them all, he even recorded the conversation after the first few examples.

Around twenty minutes later Eldrian started heading to where the academies were situated. His head spinning from the overload Dave had given him. The trip though, was certainly worth the many, many flights of stairs. Eldrian had learned a great deal from Dave, like how some spells have variants and originals.

While in most cases Dave recommended the original, for some he said that the variants could be extremely useful. In general the variants are more constrained to the situation, but if he knew what to expect then they would be a good choice. Unfortunately Eldrian had no idea what to expect, thus he could not really make that choice.

Why are the options so many? Eldrian complained, having hoped that he could simply pick a few perfect picks. Yet there were too many options. Just what Dave had recommended exceeded a 20. That was only off the top of his head, and in an area where Dave actually did not know much. He was a fire focused mage, having dabbled in a bit of water magic.

Argh! Eldrian cursed as he felt he was going to soon become poor.


Half an hour\'s travel later Eldrian arrived at the academy. Finding it strange how closely it resembled universities of reality, large lecture halls covering the outer side of the campus. Inside of which was gardens and more, smaller rooms.

Taking his time Eldrian explored the campus, enjoying the sights while looking for the office. Dave had told him that he first had to register as a student, which would cost him 2 silver each month. This would allow him access to all the places at the academy, also allowing him to join some lectures and buy skills or spells.

While walking around Eldrian saw many students. They taking breaks under the trees or playing in the grass patches. Some even practiced their spells, allowing Eldrian to see many failed attempts. He found it quite interesting to see spells go haywire since he had never gone through that. His failures had simply done nothing.

After a bit of a search and more exploration of the beautiful gardens, Eldrian finally found the academy\'s office. This was actually in the center of the campus, allowing students to easily access it from any part. It did not work so well for strangers who knew nothing of the academy.

Entering the office Eldrian found an old man sitting at the reception desk, reading an old-looking book.

"Hello, sorry. Can you help me?" Eldrian asked, trying to not be a bother.

"Certainly, what is it you are looking for young man?" The elderly man asked pleasantly, placing his book down as he did.

Seeing the cover Eldrian felt even more of a need to ask about it. Suppressing this he asked instead, "I would like to become a student of this academy. Can you help me, I do not really know how this works."

"Oh. That must mean you are not a noble." The old man paused, causing Eldrian to worry for a bit.

"That\'s great, I love seeing young people rise by their own effort. Do you have the tuition fee?"

"Yes, two silvers, right?" Eldrian asked, taking out two silvers from his inventory. To not make this obvious he had placed his hand into his pant\'s pocket. Currently he was wearing one of the more in style clothes he had gotten from Flying Spirits. He had only made some slight changes to make the clothes better in general. He had added more pockets.

"Yes. Do you also want to sign up for a class? We have a merit system to help the students who are short on cash." The old man offered as he took the two silvers and gave Eldrian a card.

Taking the card Eldrian wondered how the merit system worked, he would certainly want to make use of it if he had time. Too curious to skip it he asked, "I can\'t use it right now, but how does the merit system work?"

"Simple, we give student tasks. In general it will match your expertise level. From things as simple as cleaning to fetching certain magical herbs. Naturally this is done more like practice for the students than an actual need."

So, mini-quests? Eldrian thought, after asking a bit more about the merit and how classes worked he moved on to his actual reason for visiting. "For today I would like to go to the library. I want to buy a few skills and spells. Can you help me?"

Hearing this the old man\'s eyes flew wide open in surprise. "You do know that only Tier 0 spells are free. Tier 1 spells cost 10 silver each."

"I did not know that they cost that much... But I knew they cost a bit." Eldrian replied, shocked at the price. It certainly was expensive to normal people, but to those of an advanced craft or profession it was affordable.

"Impressive young man. Let me take you." The old man said, standing up.

"I don\'t want to bother you too much. You can just explain to me where the library is located."

"Nonsense. I don\'t get visitors often, and you looked interested in that book. So this way I can save some of your time by telling you on the way."

Not having a way to stop the old man Eldrian conceded. Talking as they left the office Eldrian quickly learned some of the more common knowledge of the city. This city had 5 normal academies, each specializing in a different area. There were also two noble academies where only nobles could become students. The requirement to enter these were also far higher, requiring a student to reach Tier 2 before they would even be considered.

Eldrian also learned that the libraries for skills and spells were split, with each of them having the faculties to train their respective abilities nearby.

"I can see that you are disappointed that we are a spell focused academy." The old man spoke up.

Embarrassed that he was read again Eldrian sighed first, answering only after having finished his sigh. "It isn\'t that I have something against spells, I just don\'t think it is a good fit for me. I want to use weapons. I am also learning blacksmithing and I hope to be able to make weapons to my fit."

"And you think spells can\'t go well with this?"

"Well, spells require time to cast. Don\'t they?"

"In general, yes. But that is only for normal casters. You are a High Elf right?"

"I am."

"Then remember, you will use magic differently from most."

"But doesn\'t that mean skills and spells?"

"It does. Just keep an open mind, will you? For me."

"Alright, I am planning to learn both in any case."

"We are first going to visit the spell library in any case. So you will be able to see what I mean then." The old man said, chuckling at Eldrian\'s narrow viewpoint. This was what the old man loved about new students. They were all over the place, yet they believe that they were focused.

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