
Chapter 49: Recovery

Chapter 49: Recovery

Eldrian slowly opened his eyes feeling very tired and uncomfortable. He tried to move only to end up gasping for air. All his strength leaving him due to his small action.

\'Oh god!\'

Feeling the familiar feeling rushing up from his stomach he force himself to move. Making it just in time, letting loose all his food onto the poor person next to him.

Eldrian cursed the developers for the realistic setting as he felt the pain in his chest both from phantom pain as well as the acid, which burned as it went up. Giving up on standing up he fell back into his comfortable lying position. The smell of vomit drifting over as he tried to gain more strength.

\'This is not fun...\'

After a long time, Eldrian managed to move his body, by now he was already used to the acid smell. He still struggled in moving, his muscles screamed at him to stop. Luckily the pain wasn\'t near the level of the last hit he took. But it still caused his body to protest.

Shaking he slowly managed to move. Turning to the opposite way he had vomited. He used his arms to push himself up, managing to sit on his knees. Finally having a higher viewpoint he could start looking around.

His immediate surrounding was filled with others lying like him. There seemed to be half a meter between everyone. Looking to where he had let loose, Eldrian felt intense embarrassment. Realizing he had not hit the ground, but instead an injured man.

The poor man was covered with vomit. Luckily he was unconscious, but he did not look in great shape as he had an arm missing and a nasty scar over his bare chest. Making Eldrian feel even worse.

\'Sorry dude.\' He mumbled as he tried to stand up some more, only to find his legs not wanting to obey him.

He turned his gaze further up. Having given up in standing up, for now. What he saw made him glad and confused. NPCs were running around in a hurry. Dragging or carrying others to what was now a field of injured people.

Eldrian felt dizzy as he looked at the situation all the NPCs were in. Fighting this dizziness he kept looking around, hoping to see someone he knew.

\'What on earth happened?\' Eldrian asked himself as he stared at everyone busy with what he assumed was rescue operations.

As he asked himself this question he remembered a flash of his last fight. This prompted him to look at his chest, which prompted a massive amount of pain. It disappeared a split-second later, like it had never been there. But Eldrian was sweating and struggled to breathe after feeling that pain again.

Confused he started at his chest after recovering. His chest seemed fine now, but his shirt was now more a cape than it was a shirt. Most to the front being torn, but he did not mind this too much. More worried about how everything had ended and if Vivian made it.

\'I guess we won, seeing as I did not revive at the temple. And everyone else not fighting\' He concluded after a few more minutes of looking at the people running about. Still not finding anyone who he knew.

Feeling much better after resting for a minute or two he tried standing again. Finally succeeding, before wanting to cave back down. After straightening his body he had felt a wave of nausea assaulting him. He managed to fight it and keep his balance, but he didn\'t want to risk walking just yet. He waited for the nausea to finish first while rocking on the spot.

\'Guess this is what being revived feels like?\' He mumbled as he looked at his stat window, which stated that he had been killed and revived.

Looking through all his messages he saw that he had leveled up during the fight, which he vaguely remembered. But to his annoyance he had lost that level, thus staying level 1. The message explaining his recovery also didn\'t help him much.

[Battle field resurrection was performed on player.]

[Time between death and resurrection was 24 minutes 43 seconds.]

[Player has received the full death penalty.]

Strangely he found that he still had 752 XP left. He had no idea why he had some XP left and wasn\'t set back to 0 as others had been. But the loss of his first level frustrated him as he wished to let loose a few curses.

As he wanted to start cursing he remembered about his weapon. In frightening haste, he looked to his inventory, hoping that he had not lost it.

To his surprise and great relief, he found that Grace was in his inventory. As the relief washed over him he grew curious about why it was in his inventory. He was certain that it had been inside the Alpha when he likely died.

This discovery helped him cool down from his previous frustration. He knew that he could always get more XP, but he wasn\'t so sure about getting another magic weapon.

As he returned to his previous worried state someone came and offered him a shoulder for support.

"Whoaa there. Don\'t push yourself. Reviving is never easy on anyone." The person said as he maneuvered his shoulder under Eldrian\'s arm. Making it much easier for him to keep steady.

"Thank you," Eldrian said as he felt the support. He then became curious about what had happened exactly.

"What happened? Did I really die? How are my friends?" Eldrian asked in a rushed tone.

"In short, we won and you did die. Luckily we could bring you back. And sorry but I do not know who your friends are." The guy replied.

This reply gave Eldrian chills as he began to fear the worst. He had expected them to have taken him to the medical center. Or that they would be found with him. He started to worry about what happened to Vivian.

"Don\'t panic. Tell me who your friends are and I can help you find out how they are."

"I am mainly concerned about Vivian. But I was also with Jack and John, if that will help in finding her."

"Oh, so you were part of the group who killed that Alpha who broke through the line." The guy said in surprise as he looked at Eldrian. Finding the story to be far-fetched, seeing as Eldrian wasn\'t in good shape nor did he have any armor.

But he felt that the concern was certainly real, thus he decided to tell Eldrian what he knew.

"As far as I know John died and we couldn\'t get his body in time to resurrect him."

Eldrian felt his heart freeze as he heard this, worrying that Vivian would be in the same case.

"Jack, on the other hand, we managed to find his body in time, he is still unconscious but breathing."

This helped Eldrian breathe again, but he still felt like his heart was being squeezed.

"And if the Vivian you are talking about is the one I am thinking of then she came out the best of all."

"One of her arms was torn off," Hearing this Eldrian felt himself freeze, chills spreading over him as he felt like his heart was about to break, "but she managed to survive and get help in time."

Eldrian\'s relief was so great that he lost all strength he had recovered. Only with the help of the stranger did he not fall down.

"How is she now?" Eldrian asked, his voice cracking.

"From what I heard, she is doing well. She hasn\'t gotten healed yet, but she is stable and they had found her arm. So it should all turn out alright."

Eldrian felt great relief again. He hoped the healing would be really good, seeing as magic was a thing. He certainly hoped it wouldn\'t hamper her later on. But he had no idea how well healing magic worked. So he could only hope.

The stranger saw the worry in Eldrian, but he decided to not offer empty words. Seeing as it wouldn\'t do much to help someone. Instead, he wanted to change the subject.

"What unit are you in? I can take you there."

"Unit? I... I am not in any unit."

"Wait, how can that be?"

"I-I\'m a Chosen." Eldrian stuttered as he expected the person to leave him alone as he said these words. To his surprise, the guy looked at him in disbelief.

"Then why are you having such a hard time after reviving?"

"I don\'t know. You said it is normal."

"Yeah, it is normal for us. People of this world. But for you Chosen it is normally as easy as simply waking up. Look over there, they had also been resurrected. They could move normally within seconds of waking up."

The guy turned a quizzical gaze onto Eldrian. But seeing the confusion in Eldrian\'s eyes he left it at that.

The guy used Observe on Eldrian, wanting to confirm his story. To his surprise it was true, but he also saw a debuff on Eldrian. He had never seen this debuff, it seemed to be a more severe condition than standard from the wording.

Normally people would have a Great Fatigue after being revived, but Eldrian for some reason didn\'t have this one. Instead, he had Total Fatigue.

Not one to lose himself too much in such thoughts the guy pulled himself out of the questions which were popping up.

At the same time, Eldrian turned his head searching for a place to go and rest at. He certainly didn\'t want to wait in the middle of the moaning patients.

Seeing the earth ramp he asked, "Can you help me go there." Indicating with his head, as his body was still in shock from the news he had just gotten.


The stranger quickly replied and helped Eldrian head to the wall. It was the only place that had little blood and gore. Even having places that were still nice and green.

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