
Chapter 43: Killing and injury

Chapter 43: Killing and injury

\'These fights are so quick.\' Eldrian complained, finding it quite weird. It felt very different from any other game he had ever played. But it also added a different aspect to each fight. As each fight certainly felt much more deadly.

This made him very grateful for using a polearm. As he was certain he would have taken many hits, if he had been using a sword. The double-headed spear gave him so much reach and speed, allowing him to control almost every fight. Instead of being on the back foot.

The situation had also started improving as the surrounding soldiers had started acting, sending those they could spare over. This helped in maintaining the melee, but the situation still did not turn for good. The hole in the formation was growing.

Eldrian started fighting against a new beast. The fight having reached the situation where everyone had to basically fight alone versus a beast. Due to this, the players started dying far quicker. But as they did they bought time for soldiers to fill the gaps. Therefore the fight seemed to have stabilized.

Eldrian immediately thrust his spear at the direwolf he was facing. Following the thrust with an upward slash bringing his back blade towards the direwolf. It dodged these strikes easily, but Eldrian now had his spear overhead, back blade over the beast. He brought it down quickly, catching the beast unaware.

The entire action was like this, thrusting the spear forward. Then pushing the spear upward, bringing the back end towards the target, before quickly bringing it back down. Either striking the target with the back blade, or cutting it with the front blade.

The back blade struck into its back. Piercing into its left shoulder. Eldrian promptly pulled spear to himself. As he did the back blade cut through the beast, followed by the front blade hitting the beast in the same place. Causing massive damage.

The beast struggled to keep upright, as its leg had almost been removed by these two attacks.

Eldrian thrust his spear immediately into the beast\'s chest. Seeing that the beast would be unable to dodge.

[90 XP gained]

[Level gained]

Eldrian merely glanced at the message, moving on after confirming the kill. He had no time to decide how he was going to use his level up.

Eldrian continued fighting, using the backside of his double-headed spear to great effect. The beasts would often focus on his front blade. Making the back blade his trump card. Catching the beasts of guard, almost every time. The precious move soon became his go-to.

This was mostly because he had not trained enough to use more complex moves. But it was working well against the beasts. Seeing as they over-focused on what was pointing at them.

Slowly Eldrian finished off his targets. One on one, each fight taking just under 10 seconds.

[90 XP gained] ; [90 XP gained] ; [180 XP gained]

The last beast had managed to give Eldrian a nice slash over his right leg. This had happened as Eldrian had made a feint. The beast had gambled and won, but in doing so Eldrian found a nice opportunity to cut its neck.

Still, the damage had been done. The slash looked very nasty, consisting of four claw marks, each almost as deep as Eldrian\'s finger\'s width. Looking at it Eldrian flinched, expecting extreme pain. But instead, he only felt a mild burning feeling.

He had not even realized about the injury until after he finished the beast.

Luckily the situation had stabilized as the nearby soldiers had gotten a hold of the situation. But Eldrian felt certain the fight was not over yet.

This respite allowed him to observe his first real in-game wound. It pained like a cut caused by glass. As if he had just climbed through a broken window, and his leg had gotten caught. Not in a terrible way, but in a manner resembling nicking your leg as you climb through the window.

Luckily he had the moment of respite, helping him adjust to this strange feeling. He glanced at his stats, shocked to see his current situation.

[HP: 81/105] [No regen]

[Bleeding: 1HP loss every minute]

[Stamina 54/105][2 per 3 seconds]

\'Dang, a single hit, and I lost nearly a fifth of my health. And the hit wasn\'t even at a critical location.\' Eldrian complained. Luckily he had kept his eyes in front, helping him see the beast charging at him.

Not having time to react well or treat his wound, Eldrian simply jumped to his left. Falling onto his side, while bringing his spear to his right. Directing it at the beast.

Seeing the spear facing it, the beast tried to circle Eldrian. But Eldrian did not allow this, keeping the spear between him and the beast. Trying to get back onto his feet. But the beast gave him no time to finish the movement. Causing him to often fall after trying.

Getting bored, the beast changed focus to Eldrian\'s legs. Instead of trying to go for his vitals.

\'Fuck me, why is it so smart!\' Eldrian cursed as he was forced to pull his legs in. If he did not, then he would be at its mercy. Seeing as it could seemingly just deliver four attacks onto his leg and he would die.

Eldrian did not like this unrealistic part of the game, but he understood why it was added. Without it, the game would seem far too realistic. Heck, it can already be described as a borderline new reality, instead of being a game. But these game functions kept it teetering to the game world, instead of reality.

With Eldrian having balled up to keep his leg safe, he was left immobile. The beast wanted to use this to circumvent Eldrian\'s spear. Which would again leave Eldrian at its mercy.

Luckily at this time the arrow suddenly lodged itself into the beast\'s hind leg. Hitting through the leg.

Not one to waste an opportunity, Eldrian delivered a weak thrust into the beast\'s chest. Surprisingly killing it.

[45 XP gained]

\'Huh?\' Eldrian asked himself. Confused about how it died so easily. The thrust he had delivered had only gone in for at most 5 centimeters. Just around the length of his hand. He knew from experience that it was not a fatal wound, as it would have been unable to reach the beast\'s vitals.

This experience came from his past fights, so he could not claim it to be perfect. But he felt it was strange. \'Likely that HP mechanic.\' Eldrian reasoned, finding it funny that it saved his life, after he had just complained about it.

As Eldrian stood up he saw another beast charging him. And past this beast he saw the other pack, rushing to them.

\'Fuck, just can\'t get a break.\' He cursed as he readied for another fight. Realizing that the numerical advantage was about to dip to the beasts again, as soon as this pack reached the fight. But Eldrian did not focus on this as he started fighting the new beast. He could not afford to split his attention.

In this fight, Eldrian quickly learned that it was more difficult. The beast was faster than the others. Not by much, but enough to take Eldrian\'s back blade into consideration.

Curious about why it was so different when it looked just like the other direwolves. Eldrian lamented again about the fact that he had not mastered magic. Thus not allowing him to learn observe.

\'Got to do that before I go out again.\' He thought as he and the beast were at a standstill. Neither gaining the advantage.

A good half minute later Eldrian cursed, \'This one is god damn good!\'

Luckily he had not been bothered by other beasts, but in the same manner, he had not received any help. He had managed to not take a hit, having blocked every attack. But a few of the attacks had shaken him. Even causing him to lose a few points of health. Luckily not nearly as much as a direct hit, even after the entire standstill.

Suddenly the speed of everything slowed down. But Eldrian was far to focused on the beast to even realize. Completely focused on all its movements. Taking in every breath the beast took. Every time its muscles twitched. Every time it blinked.

Finding an opening, where the beast was busy breathing in and blinking at the same time. Eldrian rushed in with his classic thrust. Followed but dragging the blade up, causing the back blade to strike the beast. As it had only managed to dodge backward for the thrust. Not having time to react to the back blade.

The blade knocked its head up, cutting open its jaw. Before it could gain control over its own head, Eldrian brought the blade down again, piercing through the beast\'s head.

[450 XP gained]

Immediately as the strike connected everything turned back to normal. Eldrian not even realizing that something had happened.

As he glanced at his health, wondering what the total exchange cost him, he was surprised to see the extra attribute which was drained. Along with the gaining of fatigue level 2.

[HP:70/105][No regen]

[Bleeding: 1HP loss every minute]

[Stamina: 10/95][3 per 5 seconds]

[Mana: 90/105][2 per 3 seconds]

\'How the hell did I use mana?\' He questioned himself, as he tore his default clothing. Making a makeshift bandage for his leg. Hoping it would stop the bleeding, as he did not have time to do more, or seek aid.

Shaking his head to get rid of the needless question, Eldrian saw a player struggling heavily against a wolfbeast. He rushed over to help, quickly killing the beast. As it had been focused on the player, who was desperately defending himself from its onslaught.

[30 XP gained]

"Thank you for your help, I would have been dead. If not for you." The player said. Really glad for the timely help, as he only had 10HP left. The next successful hit, or few exchanges would have been his death.

"No problem," Eldrian replied as he turned around. A grim look on his face as he saw a few bigger direwolves moving forward to the formation.

"Can you tell me those beasts\' stats?" Eldrian asked, stopping the player from leaving.

Confused the player asked, "Can\'t you just do it yourself?"

"No, I am a High Elf. Thus I do not have the basic skills."

The player looked at Eldrian in surprise. He knew a few people who had also taken the High Elf race. But some of them had already remade their avatar. They had found the inability to see any in game elements too jarring.

Not being able to just see the entire city map, or who was an NPC, had been too much for some of them. Others were still holding on, as they did not know of any other penalties, currently. Unlike Eldrian who knew learning magic would be a massive struggle.

Contrary to their feelings, Eldrian felt it made the world far more real. Which he actually enjoyed, but he did wish to get access to the skill. As he knew it was very useful for planning and such. Luckily he knew how to get it, thus he only needed time.

"Um, sure." The player said after being quiet for around a second. Currently, the soldiers were pushing the beasts back, almost having closed the gap. Thus the fighting was quieting down.

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