
Chapter 590 Two Divine Archers Vs Three Ancient Demons

With a nod to each other, the archers knew what they had to do first. Both of them utilized their strongest defensive arrows to set up a wall of protection for the humans.

Aurelio utilized arrow named Holy Infernal Barrier, while Rueben utilized arrow named Darkmoon Eclipse Shield to set up two layered defensive barriers around the ground of humans. It was nice of demons to have placed the humans so close to each other as it made it easier to defend them with their barriers.

Individually, these barriers are extremely strong as one possesses holy powers while the other possesses dark powers. However, collectively, these barriers were unbreakable unless the power of these demons far surpassed the combined power of Rueben and Aurelio.

"Good. This should safeguard their lives from the battle," Aurelio sighed in relief.

"Let\'s deal with the lesser demons first," Rueben spoke as he gazed at the demons charging towards them.

His comrade agreed with his assertion as the archers commenced their attack.

Aurelio utilized his powerful and forceful style, and fired the Piercing Thunderbolt Arrow, which created a massive explosion upon impact, taking out a group of lesser demons.

Meanwhile, Rueben followed up with his swift and accurate approach as he fired the Silent Death Arrow, which struck down a group of demons with a single shot.

Zorath, the Soul-Eater, charged towards Aurelio with his heavy mace in hand.

Aurelio dodged the first swing, firing the Whirlwind Tempest Arrow, which summoned a tornado that sent Zorath flying. But the demon quickly recovered and swung his mace with such force that it caused the ground to shake.

Rueben faced Valtor, the Shadow Wraith, who wielded a heavy axe. Valtor\'s ability to manipulate shadows made him a formidable opponent.

Rueben shot Blazing Sun Arrow, which produced a bright light that dispelled the shadows, leaving Valtor temporarily exposed. Rueben followed with the Thousand Cuts Arrow, which split into numerous projectiles, striking Valtor multiple times.

Sylphida, the Stormcaller, confronted both archers at once, wielding a deadly halberd. She unleashed a powerful storm that sent the archers flying.

Aurelio fired his Divine Shield Arrow, which created a barrier that protected him and Rueben from the storm\'s wrath.

The archers regrouped, and Aurelio narrowed his eyes as he spoke with a wrinkled forehead, "Aren\'t these demons too strong? It doesn\'t feel like I am fighting typical Demon Kings."

Rueben grunted as he fired off another arrow, "You\'re right. These are much stronger than the Demon Kings I defeated a month ago."

"Is it because they are ancient demons? Were demon kings this powerful in ancient times?" Aurelio couldn\'t help but wonder as he dodged another attack and launched his arrow.

Rueben remained silent for a short period as he analyzed the battlefield carefully. He soon noticed the altar in the middle and a thin stream of red ardor connecting it to the three Demon Kings.

"I can sense a strong demonic energy coming from that altar behind them. It\'s probably what\'s powering them up."

Aurelio raised his brows and spoke, "That\'s interesting. The altar can actually empower them that greatly. We should try to destroy it, or else things will get bad for us."

Rueben groaned in agreement.

As they fought, Aurelio and Rueben kept a watchful eye on the altar, searching for an opening to attack it. But the demon kings were skilled warriors, and they were not going to make it easy for the archers.

As they clashed once more, Valtor the Shadow Wraith smirked wickedly, "You humans are like ants before us. You think you can defeat us and destroy our source of power? You are fools."

Zorath the Soul-Eater snarled, "Their arrogance will be their downfall."

With a cackling cry, Sylphida spoke, "Kekeke…After sacrificing you, the altar will definitely possess enough power to activate."

Both the archers didn\'t like the sound of that. They fired their arrows simultaneously. Aurelio unleashed the Inferno Rain, which rained down a shower of flames on the demon horde. Rueben used the Thunderclap Shot, which split into multiple bolts of lightning that struck the demons with deadly precision.

The three Demon Kings, who had been holding back until now, unleashed their full power. Zorath charged at Aurelio with a roar, swinging his mace with ferocity.

Aurelio dodged and fired Infernal Strike Arrow, which summoned a beam of flame that struck Zorath, causing the demon to howl in pain.

Valtor unleashed his shadows, which swarmed around Rueben, ready to consume him.

Rueben fired the Radiant Beacon Arrow, which produced a blinding light that shattered the shadows. He then followed with his fifth arrow, the Arcane Frost, which froze Valtor\'s feet to the ground.

The battle raged on, with both sides unleashing devastating attacks at each other. The three Demon Kings were relentless, using their powerful abilities to try and overwhelm the human archers.

However, Aurelio and Rueben were skilled and determined, firing arrow after arrow with incredible accuracy and speed.

Zorath the Soul-Eater, Valtor the Shadow Wraith, and Sylphida the Stormcaller continued to launch fierce attacks, but the human archers managed to dodge and weave their way around the powerful blows.

Aurelio and Rueben kept their distance, using their bows and arrows to deal precise and deadly damage to their demon foes.

Zorath unleashed his fearsome ability known as "Soul Devourer," which allowed him to steal the life force of his opponents with a single touch.

But Aurelio was ready with his attack, the Celestial Arrow Strike. The arrow glowed with a brilliant white light as it struck Zorath, disrupting his technique and pushing him back.

Valtor utilized his own unique power, "Shadowmeld," to disappear into the shadows and reappear behind his enemies for a surprise attack.

However, Rueben anticipated this move and was ready with his Darklight Arrow Barrage, which illuminated the surrounding area and forced Valtor to retreat.

Sylphida summoned powerful lightning strikes with her ability "Thundercall," which could strike multiple targets at once.

Aurelio and Rueben responded with their Galeforce Arrow Shower, a technique that sent a barrage of arrows flying towards the demon king, disrupting her concentration, and forcing her to dispel the storm.

As the battle between the demon kings and the human archers raged on, Zorath, Valtor, and Sylphida began to call upon their most powerful attacks.

Zorath\'s Soul Devourer was now accompanied by a new move, Void Implosion, which caused the very fabric of reality to collapse in on itself.

As Zorath unleashed his new move, Aurelio remained alert and vigilant. The demon king created a powerful black hole that threatened to consume everything in its path, including the human archers. However, Aurelio was not one to be easily intimidated. He quickly raised his bow and took aim.

The arrow he used was named Celestial Piercer, a powerful arrow that began to glow with a brilliant light. He let go of the string, and the arrow shot through the air like a streak of lightning.

The Celestial Piercer collided with the Void Implosion, causing a massive explosion that shook the entire mountain. The force of the blast sent Zorath flying backward, his body crashing into the rocks.

Meanwhile, Valtor unleashed his Nightfall attack, the sky darkened, and the temperature around them dropped suddenly. Shadows began to form around the demon king, coalescing into a massive wave that threatened to engulf Rueben and Aurelio.

Thinking quickly, Rueben drew his bow and created an arrow. He focused his energy and released his powerful Triple Shot technique, firing three arrows at once. The first arrow, named Starlight Cascade, exploded in a burst of bright light, illuminating the darkness, and weakening the shadows that Valtor had conjured. The second arrow, called Flickering Ember, was imbued with flame magic, burning away the remaining shadows and dealing significant damage to Valtor. The third and final arrow, known as Thundering Gale, was infused with the power of the wind, striking Valtor with a powerful gust that sent him reeling backwards.

Lastly, Sylphida unleashed her Tempest Surge attack, the wind and lightning raged out of control, threatening to overwhelm the human archers. Aurelio and Rueben quickly sprang into action, drawing their bows in unison and selecting their arrows carefully.

Aurelio\'s arrow was named Stormbreaker Strike, a rare arrow imbued with the power of the storm itself. He loosened the arrow, and it flew straight into the heart of the tempest, tearing apart the wind and lightning with a brilliant explosion of lightning and thunder.

Rueben\'s arrow, named Shadowbane Shot, was a dark arrow that could destroy the very essence of the wind demon. He fired his arrow, and it struck Sylphida directly, causing her to shriek in agony as the dark energy burned her from within.

Aurelio and Rueben knew they should focus on finishing this battle quickly, and so they drew upon one of their strongest techniques.

Aurelio\'s Starfall Arrow, a gleaming bolt of pure light, exploded in a shower of radiant energy as it struck the ground, blasting the demons back with its holy power.

Rueben\'s Shadow Piercer, a jet-black arrow that seemed to draw in all light, punctured through the darkness of Nightfall and embedded itself in Valtor\'s chest, leaving a gaping wound.

The archers weren\'t out of the woods yet, however, as the demon kings continued to assault them with increasingly powerful and complex attacks.

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