
Chapter 439 A dragon slayer

CRACKLE! A spark of lightning emitted from the maid’s hair. For a moment they could feel the air vibrating in the whole castle.

[Thunder Step] CLAP! With a loud thunderclap, her body disappeared into a lightning bolt zapping across the castle.

Chad stood in his place. He might have higher strength, but the spell was pushing her over his speed limit. There was no benefit in trying to chase her around.

“Ariel, the bow!” Chad yelled.

“Here you go!” Ariel conjured her holy bow and threw it to Chad.

“You can do that?” Alice gasped, she didn’t know that someone else could use such weapons.

“Not me, he can use it. Not as good as me but he’s close.” Ariel smiled.

“Should we help?” Zaleria asked, “Probably we shouldn’t, let that man deal with it on his own.” Farryn was still annoyed with Chad from their argument at the ship.

As the bow fell from the sky toward Chad, the maid flashed toward it. She wasn’t going to let Chad get armed. CLANG! Her fist bounced from the bow without even changing its direction.

“It’s no use, divine weapons (Those created by angels like her, not by clerics or paladins) are tied to their creator. To other people, they always seem a hundred times as heavy as they can lift them.” Ariel smiled, Chad was the stupid exception as that weapon was created by her, from his divine energy.

Thud! Chad grabbed the bow and stretched it open.

“Then how can he lift it!” The maid screamed.

“Tell me if you managed to learn something.” Ariel waved her hands. Everyone besides her hasn’t seen Chad with a bow before. He was even more skilled with it than his sword.

CRACKLE! [Lightning Talon] The maid appeared behind Chad and swung a lightning-fast back kick.

Chad immediately turned around, dodging fast enough that his face seemed a blur. He was pointing to the already drawn bow directly under her skirt.

BAM! He released an arrow. The man managed to leap away with [Thunder step] but she realized that another arrow was flying toward her, Chad had fired twice.

She had no choice but to try and deflect the arrow with her forearm. BOOM! The arrow exploded in a blinding flash of light in front of her face. [Blinding Smite]

Chad rushed immediately at that moment and whacked her with the bow in the face. “That’s not how you use a bow…” She growled. And Chad punched her a second time.

[Thunder step] She flashed away and started firing lightning strikes at Chad.

Thud! Chad stepped to the side, bending his torso and flexing his shoulders. His movement seemed slow but they had short bursts of incredible speed. The dance moves he learned and refined gave him more than just raw power.

“You nimble one, from when humans are able to move like this?” She growled rushing at him with a big smile on her face. Her hands manifested claws and she swung at him.

Chad blocked her attacks and countered with palm strikes of his own. CLAP! Thwack! As they exchanged blows, the castle started to shake. It was rare to see two individuals of such strength fighting.

The guards watched with their jaws dropped, is he really a human? Trading blows with a true dragon! What was even scarier, he was pushing her away.

Chad surpassed her in raw strength. The power he was displaying seemed inhuman.

Feeling cornered, she kicked Chad in the crotch trying to temporarily weaken him. To her surprise, her leg almost broke and he didn’t even flinch. On the other hand, he locked her leg between his thighs and headbutted her.

“What are they made off?” She growled.

Chad didn’t respond and pushed her away with a palm strike taking back his stance. From the balcony, Selena was watching with extreme interest.

The maid opened her mouth getting ready to blast Chad with a full power breath.

“It’s bad, we have to stop her. She will blast half of the city.” Zaleria growled spreading her wings. Even Farryn leaped from the window. Chad should have killed her earlier when he had the chance but then they would have to deal with her body exploding.

Thud! In a quick leap, Chad grabbed her by the face closing her mouth. “We’re in the city, stop it.” He warned her but she didn’t stop. Another moment and the breath will be released.

CRACK! While still holding her by the face, Chad punched her chest as hard as he could aiming for the Draconis Fundamentum [Banishing Smite] [Dispel magic]. She could feel her ribs cracking as her chest was dented inward. CRACK! CRACK! CRACK! Another punch was aimed at her heart and the other at two at her lungs crushing them.

“GRA!” As the air was knocked out of her, she felt Chad’s banishing magic quickly disturbing her draconic magic preventing it from flowing.

‘What is this monster? Why do his hits feel this heavy…’ Her mind wandered as her blurred vision glanced over Chad’s stern face.

“You lot keep coming for my son, do you really expect me to stay silent?” Chad lifted her from the face with one hand. The guards could feel a chill running down their spines, it wasn’t just Cain who could play with a monster. His father Chad was just as much of a powerhouse as his son.

“A dragon slayer…he slayed a dragon bare-handed!” One of the guards shouted. He never expected to see something like this.

The king couldn’t believe it, he knew Chad was strong, but not to this extent.

[Aura of Vitality] A holy glow started emitting from Chad healing the maid’s wounds. “Not enough, Ariel!” He shouted.

“I’m coming.” She leaped toward him in a single jump and started healing the maid. “Are you interested in her now?” Ariel smirked.

“Interrogation, we need to know everything about the other dragons.” Chad dropped the maid on the ground and started walking toward the castle gate.

“Where are you going?” Farryn stood behind Chad with an intense glare. He could alert the other dragons by going to hunt them directly.

“Hunt them all.” Chad glared back at her.

“That’s…A bad idea.” The maid growled just as Ariel fixed her lungs. “The red general is coming…you better save…your strength.”

Zaleria landed beside her grabbing her by the hair. “I’m healing her here,” Ariel growled.

“It’s a disgrace if this even hurt her.” Zaleria believed this couldn’t possibly hurt a dragon if they were on the death door.

“The red general, do you mean Atlas the Great Red?” She glared at the maid.

“In the flesh, his wife got killed by the white-haired mage a few days ago. He is coming for revenge.”

Zaleria’s face went sore as she thought about it, that dragon was a problem. He led the king’s armies of red dragons and was known for his temper and destruction. Having him come here only meant the kingdom’s downfall.

“How many are coming with him, how did you know?” Zaleria started shaking the poor maid.

“There are already fifteen dragons hiding in the city, I don’t know how many are coming with if any.” She cried.

“Why have you been calm all this time? What have you been planning?” Sofia flew down to ask a question that was troubling Cain. From what he said, dragons are relentless and they should have been attacking constantly after Morena’s death if she was working for them.

“What? It’s you who’s been killing us nonstop. It’s the first time in millennia that we lost as many soldiers in a continent besides the elvish one.” The maid growled.

“We only killed two, maybe three, and sealed one. What are you talking about?” Sofia yelled, she was sure they didn’t kill that much.

“Lier, hundreds of our kind never returned.” The maid yelled.

“It doesn’t matter, I don’t care if you were wrong or right. What I care about is my only son and you’re a problem to him.” Chad said looking back at her.

He then turned around and summoned his horse, there was no time to waste. As he tried to rush away, Farryn stopped him, “At least give us five minutes to plan. Otherwise, the causalities are going to be massive and some of the dragons might run away.”

“They have already heard the fight, it’s too late to stop now. The war already started!” Chad glared at her with his golden glowing eyes.

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