
Chapter 81

Spindle came back to report quickly, the dungeon gate was erected in the middle of a large cavern.

It was surrounded by monsters, giant ants, worms, slimes, and even some cave alligators. There was no sign of the boss monster’s location, that thing might be hiding somewhere or he is just blending in well. It wasn’t uncommon for boss monsters to be a rare type of a weaker monster, A king slime for example looks exactly like a normal slime when not irritated.

“Wait until I make my move,” Cain said as he disappeared with [Invisibility] The girls had to wait and see what will he do.

Cain climbed the wall and watched over the monsters, slowly preparing his magic. The cavern was big but he should be able to cover it with multiple [Fireball]s. He started concentrating on his magic, gathering a massive amount of Mana in his hands.

[Fireball], [Fireball], [Fireball], [Fireball], [Fireball], [Fireball], [Fireball], [Fireball]. After spending about a minute, Cain unleashed them at the same time, raining hell down on the monsters.

BANG! Fire roses bloomed in the dark cavern, illuminating the dark ceiling, It was then that Cain spotted the boss monster.

Clinging up to the ceiling, It was far bigger than the Alpha gators, a monster that he only heard about in books. Eight legs and eight red eyes, two massive fangs, and a chitinous body covered with tine gray hair making it blend well with the ceiling.

‘Demon Spider!’ Cain screamed in his mind, this monster was no joke. ‘I have to take it out before the girls think it’s a good idea to interfere!’ [Fly] Cain flew directly toward the boss.

The girls seem to have started moving, they jumped down to finish the remaining monsters on the ground, only the cave alligators seemed to give them a challenge as the combination of Alice’s cursed aura and Sofia’s magic was enough to end the smaller monsters.

[Fireball] Cain fired directly at the spider’s head, his aim was not to kill it but to dry the poison dripping from its massive fangs, having a droplet fall on the girls would be disastrous.

The spider blocked the spell with its front two legs and glared back at Cain hissing, A shiiii! Fshiiii! The combination of its violent moment and loud hissing made its anger visible.

Releasing its grip, the spider fell straight down.




Cain had no time to think about the boss stats, it was falling directly on the girls. “Run!” Cain screamed. Selena jumped away quickly while Sofia flew with [Burning hands] lunching herself away, Alice just teleported toward Cain. The spider landed on its feet as if it was a cat.

Alice was still not accustomed to flying with her wings so she had to cling to Cain so she won’t fall.

“What is this thing?” Sofia shouted, [Firelance] Attacking immediately.

“Idiot, don’t attack!” Cain screamed as he let Alice fall, [Thunder step] he zapped directly toward the spider. Alice wasn’t fazed as she could teleport again to him before she could hit the ground.

Falling from the ceiling as a bright flash of light, Cain swung his sword directly at the spider. Whoosh! The Giant spider suddenly disappeared, no she dodged. In a split second Cain could see it moving toward Sofia.

“Bitch!” Cain cursed at the boss ignoring him, [Thunder step] Chasing after it at top speed. The spider was fast, just her acceleration was out of the roof. With it’s powerful eight legs, It could accelerate from 0 to 100 in a split second and without any warning.

The spider sudden rush toward Sofia has given the girl a jump scare, for a moment she froze in place.

Cain who just teleported there pushed Sofia out of the way, he was still encased in lightning so she received some burns. Luckily Alice teleported back to him and took care of her.

Crunch! With a single powerful bite, Selena cut one of the spiders legs off, SHiii! The spider hissed and white substance came from its back end, the substance seemed to wiggle around like a living snake, quickly engulfing Selena.

[Bonfire] Cain set Selena on fire to burn the threads, they were most likely coated with paralyzing poison and leaving her in them is dangerous for her life.

“Selena report!” Cain shouted at the Selena who has just finished rolling in the ground to put out the fire.

“Hard to breath, my limbs are shaking and I’m leaking-gaw!” She has been effected quickly, The spider’s poison seems to be fast and strong.

[Haste], [Slow] Accelerating himself and slowing the spider, Clang! Clang! The sound of metals rang through the cavern as Cain blocked The spider’s fang from biting him.

“Retreat to Alice!” Selena obeyed his order without saying a word, she knew fighting in her condition meant death. Cain wasn’t worried about her as the spider’s web poison was different then her fang’s one.

If you’re not in contact with the webs, the poison will slowly fade and loss effect. In a certain book he had read that this is because the spider need to feed it’s babies, the little spiders aren’t immune to their mother’s poison so she will hunt with only her webs and wait for the prey to die. After that she will release the dead corpse from it’s web and the poison will quickly lose effect allowing the babies to eat.

Selena should be back to normal in a couple of seconds, [Lesser Empowerment] Cain’s speed and power seemed to gradually increase as his magic got stacked. [Fireball] Cain aimed for the spiders face, he wanted to force it to move as far away from the girls as possible.

[Thunder step] Quickly closing the distance the spider made between him and herself, [Fireblade] With his sword reach extended the fiery blade, Cain managed to slice one of the spider’s eyes.

“He did…Agraaa!” Alice felt something crushing her right leg, a cave alligator had sneaked up on her. Without wasting anytime, the alligator rolled in attempt to tear Alice’s leg off. She was quickly dragged on the ground with the intense pain of her legs being twisted violently.

[Cursed Decay] Being in extreme pain that even she was tearing up, Alice released her magic directly into the alligator’s mouth. The monster’s jaw quickly weakened as it’s powerful muscles rotted away.

Whilst still shaking from the pain, Alice healed herself enough to stoop the bleeding before turning back to Selena who needed attention.

Sofia who just got healed threw her staff away, she didn’t need to pretend to be a mage here, she was a witch. “You damned insect!” She yelled at the top of her lungs [Firelance] sending a firelance directly at the spider.

Cain noticed the spider froze for a second, Sofia’s charisma had effect and the firelance managed to hit his target. “Keep that Sofia!” Cain wasn’t going to waste this chance.

[Fear] Pushing ahead with the theme of scaring the spider, Sofia’s Charisma and Cain’s magic working at the same time to scare the spider away.

BLOSH! The spider quickly regenerated her lost limp and eye, the next thing Cain knew he was face with her butt.

‘The webs are coming!’ Cain quickly retreated after firing a [Fireball].

“Sofia, another taunt!” As Cain turned away, Sofia was being busy dealing with a group of Giant ants that surrounded her. ‘Shit she can’t help!’

‘I have to deal with this on alone.’ When he turned back toward the spider, his eyes only saw the inside of it’s mouth. The spider too the opportunity of him being distracted to close the distance and aim a bite.

Cain tried to avoid it but failed, the spider got hold on one of his left arm. [Fireball] Cain quickly released a spell inside the spider’s mouth forcing it to open her mouth.

As soon as he got that chance, Cain quickly retreated back and gouged his wound open to let the poison out. Cain started to quickly feel the effects of the poison. He started trembling uncontrollably, losing sensation in his limbs and finding it hard to breath or talk.

He didn’t have time so he took control of Alice, teleporting her directly to him and making her use [Holy healing] at maximum output.

Selena was well enough to distract the spider as Cain was being healed, she avoided direct confrontation and was just stalling for time.

Unfortunately for Cain, he was affected by the spider’s fang poison it wasn’t going to disappear like the web poison. After sometime he started feeling better, the poison didn’t seem to spread enough to kill him, but he was left with something nasty.

Cain’s left arm was paralyzed, he could neither feel nor move it! Yet even with that injury, he stood up with a smile on his face, he still had a plan!

[Animate Dead]

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