
Chapter 571 - The Prodigal Son, Feng Zhen (IV)

Chapter 571: The Prodigal Son, Feng Zhen (IV)

Translator: Nyoi-Bo Studio Editor: Nyoi-Bo Studio

Jiang Pengji said, “Please recall the taste when your addiction with Hanshi powder kicks in, touch your heart and tell me it isn’t toxic?”

Feng Zhen’s face froze.

As she said earlier, since he first started taking Hanshi powder, it has already been four and a half years. In the beginning, he only took it rarely, only once every one to two months, it was a means to boost his enjoyment. In recent years, the frequency increased to once every two weeks and now, it is once every 7 to 8 days.

Whenever he ingests it, his heart becomes more light-hearted, his strength increases, he has feeling of light-headedness, and his head becomes rather comfortable. When his addiction for the powder is heightened, and he doesn’t take the Hanshi powder in time, the bones in his body feels like they are being bitten by a multitude of insects and it is so unbearable that he almost wishes he could die.

However, he considers that he lives by his principles and that his reliance on Hanshi powder isn’t severe. If it was someone else who intermittently ingested Hanshi powder for four and a half years, they’d probably have already lost their sanity, yielded to their sensuality, their heads would throb in pain and their hearts would become heavy, they would have no peace when standing or sitting and every day they would live in madness.

Only based on his current situation, if he continues to consume Hanshi powder, the intervals between his intake will become increasingly shorter and he may even lose his life.

Shaking her head in disapproval, she questioned him, “You have also discovered, since you started consuming Hanshi powder till now that the intervals are increasingly shorter. If you miss eating it on time, the bones in your body will feel like it’s being bitten by a multitude of insects, how do you even bear that excruciating pain?”

This damned vicious cycle, if he doesn’t give up on taking Hanshi powder, his dependence on it will become more serious. The intervals between consuming the powder will shorten, the time when his mind remains conscious will decrease, after a series of vicious cycle, only death awaits. Feng Zhen couldn’t refute this.

Yet, to abstain from Hanshi powder, he must withstand till his desperate craving for the powder passes, how can this be easy? Feng Zhen has the same mindset as many aristocrats, his family is wealthy and he doesn’t lack in Hanshi powder. He must just relieve his addiction by consuming it, why torture himself?

He imagined the scenario when his addiction kicks in, the painful process and he shook his head as if it was a rattle-drum. “This must not be, when the craving for the powder kicks in, it leaves one feeling like dying, so why must I give it up? Enjoying pleasures is of utmost importance now, how can this experience be delayed. One doesn’t live past 30 to 50 years, life is short, why torture oneself when you can just enjoy life?”

Viewers in the live streaming room heard their conversation and they then became aware that this frail, young man who wastes his life is a gentleman with addictions.

Jintian Hushijie: “This young brother is superb. He consumed Hanshi powder for more than 4 years, yet he is still alive. What a long life he has.”

Happy Day: “Ai, isn’t it good to be alive? Why does he not treasure his life?”

Mother’s Day is the Day After Tomorrow: “This is frustrating; why do I feel that what this guy says makes sense? This is terrible, my three senses are in a mess. Although Hanshi powder isn’t poisonous. If it is used excessively, one can be addicted and his whole life will be ruined.”

Don’t Forget Alright: “The viewer above who made a big fuss out of nothing, it must be that you haven’t followed the streamer’s livestream for a long time. Hanshi powder, this toy has already been revealed. It is likened to the Wei and Jin dynasties in our country’s history, the rich aristocrats are chasing after such pleasures.”

Are they ignorant that Hanshi powder is poisonous?

Not necessarily!

It is exactly as Feng Zhen thought. Many know that once one is addicted to Hanshi powder, it is extremely hard to give it up, but they have the means to purchase more Hanshi powder. When they feel uncomfortable, they only need to buy more. Why torture themselves and bear the suffering of giving up their addiction?

In present times, beauty is of utmost importance to scale the epitome of life. It is the most important criteria to marry a rich, white beauty. After taking in Hanshi powder, one’s senses will feel relaxed and they will feel energetic and be in the pink of health, with alluring beauty and smooth, fair skin. This is an enjoyment to them.

Therefore, there are many supporters.

Feng Zhen’s motive for taking Hanshi powder isn’t to enhance his beauty, rather it is simply to enjoy and live a carefree life. Since his life isn’t going to last long, it is worthwhile to try everything once. Now that Jiang Pengji has advised him to give up his addiction to Hanshi powder, Feng Zhen feels that it is impossible and he’ll not do it even if it means death.

Jiang Pengji has likewise expressed that she doesn’t accept burdens who often do not have a clarity of mind.

Zhang Ping stood by the side sighing; his lord is courting her doom, yet she hasn’t infuriated him till he turns and leave abruptly. It is evident that Feng Zhen is one who enjoys suffering also.

Feng Zhen felt rather bewildered, isn’t it enough to use a talent, why does she have to meddle in his private affairs?

This virtuous lord that Wei Ci approves of, although she has the aura of a noble Emperor, her character isn’t desirable.

Feng Zhen questioned her cynically, “There are numerous people who are addicted to Hanshi powder, are you going to convince one after another to give up on this addiction?”

Be careful or there might be none whom you can use. A young chap poking into another person’s business.

She was stunned, then asked, “How can this be? I am not capable of advising everyone. Once addicted to Hanshi powder, if he doesn’t determine to give it up, I will not use such a useless one. Who knows when his addiction will kick in and it will delay important affairs? The world is huge, it is better to have a clean slate and clarity of mind, why must I invest so much energy on someone useless?”

Feng Zhen didn’t know if he should feel honoured or angry. His lord is destined to fail. If she doesn’t meet her doom, Feng Zhen is in grave trouble.

“You’ve tasted the delicacies from the Gourmet House, what do you think of the standard?” Jiang Pengji asked him curiously.

Feng Zhen commented, “Of all the delicacies in the world, I never knew there are so many different varieties.”

She coldly added, “After you die, you won’t get to feast on these delicious foods, they will be set on someone else’s table.”

Feng Zhen: “...”

She asked, “Do you enjoy visiting brothels, then getting drunk till daylight breaks?”

Feng Zhen laughed carefreely. “The saints once spoke of food, lust, sex also. What is the big deal if I am apt at these?”

He knows his life is short, since his legitimate wife passed on, he hasn’t remarried or gotten a concubine. Frequenting the brothels is freedom at its best.

“After you pass on, the beauty will lie in another’s bosom. The good wine will be enjoyed by another.”

Feng Zhen: “...”

Jiang Pengji said again, “Are you also proficient at gambling?”

Feng Zhen controlled himself then said, “What’s wrong with a small gamble that perks my mood?”

Jiang Pengji sighed saying, “After you die, the family business that you have yet to squander completely away will belong to someone else.”

Feng Zhen: “...”

“You still have a son who’s less than 5 years old. Are there any mean relatives in your household?”

His heart was appalled, he had no idea how the other party knew all this. He replied, “So what if there is?”

“When you die, your relative will use your inheritance to bully your son, won’t he be pitiful?”

Feng Zhen couldn’t bear it anymore: “...”

The words “after you pass on” filled his entire mind now.

If he really dies now —

No, he is still living well now.

She said, “I agree with what you said about “Enjoying pleasures is of utmost importance now, how can this experience be delayed”. However, one must be alive to enjoy the myriad of pleasures. Once you die, all is lost. If you kick your Hanshi powder addiction, you may be able to live carefreely for 7 to 8 years. If you refuse to, I guarantee that you won’t live past 7 to 8 months. From this perspective, doesn’t it feel like you’re on the losing end? You could well have lived a few more years but now you are headed to die in a few months.”

Feng Zhen: “...”

“The beauty isn’t yours, neither are the delicacies, nor this money you gamble and won, they will not belong to you... what do you think, aren’t you on the losing end?”

Living well will give him the energy to lead a carefree life but once he dies, he is but a preserved fish.

Thus, does he not intend to free himself from his addiction to Hanshi powder?

“I will give it up —”

He must live well and see how this young chap torments him to death.

Who asked him to mention “you are going to die”, and words like “this is not yours”, it was unpleasant to the ears when heard.

After he successfully gives up his Hanshi powder addiction, his first goal is to frustrate this youngster!


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