
Chapter 150 Fighting Wu Tianyu

Fighting Wu Tianyu

The village wall was on fire which meant that the inside of the village was currently surrounded by a thick flame that was burning down the thing that was supposed to protect them while trapping the villagers inside.

Inside, the villagers were panicking and screaming for help. However, the culprit of all this didn\'t care.

Outside of the village was a cloaked figure that stood at the village entrance holding a torch.

And while Xue Bai was no detective, he could guess, with certainty, the identity of the figure.

Jumping off his Wind Chasing Horse, Xue Bai wasted no time and charged at Wu Tianyu, hoping to stop the man from burning the village to the ground, villagers included.

"Village Chief, all of this can be avoided if you just hand over your daughter!" Wu Tianyu yelled out maniacally as he sent more and more flames into the village walls.

Even though he was on the run from Iron Fang Base, Wu Tianyu knew that there would be someone coming after him soon and that his 3rd stage Organ Tempering realm cultivation base meant nothing.

So while on the run, he had also been finding random young women from the surrounding villages of Iron Fang Base to suck dry of their Yin Essense to improve his strength.

And due to his efforts, he had been rewarded and now was at the 4th stage.

On his way away from Iron Fang Base, however, he made a pitstop.

From what he knew, the furthest out village was the home of a known beauty. The girl was the daughter of the village chief and often time would come to Iron Fang Base to do various tasks given to her by her father.

He, as a guard, would naturally be there to let her in and would always lust over the women. But since he didn\'t dare act out, he could only suppress it and ogle from afar.

But now, since he would never return to the base and was in possession of a natural treasure made to use young virgin women as furnaces, why not fulfill his long-suppressed desires before leaving?

However, once again, like the damned merchant, this village chief also had a cultivation base that matched his own.

\'You\'re a strong man in the Organ Tempering realm. Why have you put your worth so low to become a village chief?!\' Wu Tianyu was indignant about his poor luck, but since things came this far, there wasn\'t much he could do.

He was confident that in an extended battle, he could outmatch the village chief. However, it had been almost three days since he ran away from Iron Fang Base, and he also knew that whoever came for his bounty would come soon, so instead of continuing the fight, he lit fire to the wooden village walls.

And since he had a fire element Martial Vein, he was also the only one capable of putting the fire out.

So the village chief was now forced to choose. On one side, he had his only child, his daughter, but the village chief knew if he handed his daughter to this maniac, she would certainly die a horrible death. While on the other were the villagers, a group of almost 200 people he had sworn to protect.

"You demonic monster! I saw what you did in the forest with Sister Yao! I\'ll never go with you." The village girl yelled out.

One of the reasons why the village chief was able to find and stop Wu Tianyu from kidnapping her was because the girl saw Wu Tianyu and reported it to her father.

Hearing that he was caught in the act, Wu Tianyu didn\'t seem to care much, but his face became colder.

"Since you all refuse to toast, then drink a forfeit!" Then, throwing his torch into the fire, Wu Tianyu turned to leave.

However, to his shock, before the torch could touch the burning wooden fence, an arrow pierced into it from the side, sending it flying right back at him.

Stunned, Wu Tianyu was caught completely off guard and could only bring his arms up to his chest and defend himself from the incoming torch.

Still, since Xue Bai had put his full strength into the arrow and the fact that the torch was still on fire, the impact sent him flying back and scored forearms.

"Oh?" Xue Bai was also caught off guard, "Why do you still have your right arm?"

From what the Base Lord told him, Wu Tianyu had his right arm severed in the fight with the merchant. Yet now, it was still attached to his body.

Wu Tianyu had no words to exchange with someone here to kill him, so he merely swallowed a pill to heal his wounds and readied himself.

"There\'s no need to be so focused," Xue Bai also readied himself, "You\'re going to die soon. So why not get something off your chest?"

"Shut up!" Wu Tianyu yelled out crazily as his face morphed into one of rage, "I don\'t want to hear those haughty words from someone like you!"

Xue Bai didn\'t expect his words to touch such a sore spot on the man and was about to question further, but Wu Tianyu had already erupted in rage and charged at Xue Bai, sending a punch toward his face.

The punch was fierce and filled with a massive cloud of killing intent that would\'ve made any 13-year-old shiver in fear. However, in Xue Bai\'s eyes, the punch was completely full of flaws and crudeness.

Wu Tianyu did notice Xue Bai\'s robes, but he obviously didn\'t seem to think much of him and sent a simple punch using his full strength.

He, after all, had a cultivation base five stages higher than Xue Bai and had decades more experience under his belt. So no matter how talented and bright of a future Xue Bai had, wasn\'t it suicide to fight him, who was so much stronger?

However, Xue Bai was calm in the face of the overbearing punch. He had also seen the killing intent of some of the commanders under his father and compared to them, this puny amount that Wu Tianyu managed to manifest was nothing.

Undisturbed at the attempt to instill fear in him, Xue Bai jumped back almost 5 meters and let the man\'s momentum die out before sending a slash with his new reforged Lava Spring Sword.

Yue Zifeng didn\'t like the horrible name of Fire Breath and personally renamed it when he handed it back to Xue Bai.

The sword\'s quality was also greatly enhanced, becoming a peak Yellow-grade weapon. And since Yue Zifeng was such a skilled blacksmith, its quality was at the peak of the Yellow-grade and wasn\'t much inferior to a Black-grade sword.

Wu Tianyu was surprised at how calm Xue Bai was, but it only lasted for a moment before he hardened his focus and dodged Xue Bai\'s sword.

Now once again at odds, the two looked at each other, but this time it was different. The two now had a rough grasp of the other\'s strength, and neither underestimated the other.

"Why are you here?" Wu Tianyu probed, "Iron Fang Base doesn\'t have the capital to hire a high and mighty Core Disciple from the Soaring Sword Sect."

"You\'re right. They don\'t." Xue Bai nodded, "I, however, felt a small bottleneck in my cultivation and thought to accept a bounty. I heard that combat is the best form of loosening bottlenecks."

"So you\'re only thinking of me as a whetstone!" Wu Tianyu was a man quick to anger.

"You can think of it as such." Xue Bai merely shrugged his shoulders in response. Talking with this man would only end up in a screaming match.

Taking back up the Lava Spring Sword, Xue Bai started another brawl.

Wu Tianyu saw that the sword in Xue Bai\'s hands was definitely a treasure and didn\'t dare to take it head-on, while Xue Bai didn\'t want to take a punch from Wu Tianyu. His body was weak, and a good punch from the once soldier could spell the end of the fight for Xue Bai.

And since their combat strengths were just about even, the fight eventually grew into a stalemate.

However, Xue Bai knew that this situation was extremely unfavorable for him.

While he was strong as someone in the 4th stage of the Organ Tempering realm, his cultivation was still only in the Bone Strengthening realm, meaning that he had far less Spiritual Qi than Wu Tianyu.

Thankfully he had cultivated the Purification Stages, so the originally huge gap between their gas tanks was lessened. But the main part was the villagers.

Even though he had stopped Wu Tianyu was completely razing the village down, most of the village wall was wooden. So once, a small fire that was supposed to be a deterrent was now slowly turning into a large forest fire that threatened the villagers.

Knowing that if this stalemate continued, his situation would get worse, Xue Bai eventually hardened his will and decided to end the fight quickly.

Sending a wide slash that forced Wu Tianyu to back up, Xue Bai jumped back/

Now with some breathing room, Xue Bai sighed, "You know what, why not. Come Sword Law!"

At his command, instantly, Xue Bai\'s Dantian was separated from half of its Spiritual Qi, while a familiar-looking purple sword appeared in Xue Bai\'s left hand.

\'You can dodge one sword, but what about two.\' Xue Bai angrily thought before starting a new fight.

Wu Tianyu was annoyingly good at fighting and was indeed a man with decades of combat experience.

He knew that Xue Bai\'s sword was something that, if he were touched by once, he would suffer greatly.

So instead of constantly dodging it and wasting a huge amount of stamina, he played on Xue Bai\'s left side. And since Xue Bai was right-handed, he would be able to dodge most attacks easily, saving both his stamina and reducing chances for Xue Bai to get a hit in.

But now that he had another sword, his strategy was useless.

The first exchange proved it, as almost instantly, Xue Bai managed to land a slash onto his chest.

In the second exchange, Xue Bai almost connected with Wu Tianyu\'s neck. However, he dodged at the last second at the cost of his hair.

But the third exchange changed the momentum of the fight, as Xue Bai landed a deep gash on Wu Tianyu\'s left arm, basically rendering it useless. Xue Bai had luckily managed to sever the nerves on his arm, making it impossible for it to react to Wu Tianyu\'s wishes.

"Damn it!" Wu Tianyu was both angered beyond measure and aggrieved.

He had just used a legendary peak Yellow-grade Limb Restoring Pill to bring back his right arm after it was severed, only to have his other arm crippled.

After that, Wu Tianyu knew he couldn\'t win, and after giving one more regretful look at the village, he ran off into the forest.

"You slut, just wait until I reach the Qi Sea realm! Then, I\'ll make you live a life worse than death as a furnace!" Wu Tianyu yelled as he ran into the treeline.

Xue Bai was about to chase, but Wu Tianyu went into his spatial ring and pulled out a talisman that set fire to the forest behind him, blocking Xue Bai.

Since Xue Bai was a part of the Soaring Sword Sect, he knew that a righteous man wouldn\'t chase him but instead go and say the villagers. So after cursing Xue Bai until he felt better, Wu Tianyu disappeared into the forest.

Sadly his guess was wrong.

"Big Wang, save the villagers," Xue Bai spoke to the air with a dark expression, "This flower picker needs to die."

Though Xue Bai was used to being called a female, most of the culprits of this were random people who didn\'t know better. And the people would also still call Xue Bai a respectful term like Young Miss or something similar.

So hearing this rapist not only call him a slut but threaten to rape him, Xue Bai was, for the first time in this world, angered.

"Yes, Young Master!" Big Wang was indeed nearby, and with a wave of his hand, the raging fire that had surrounded the village and was threatening the lives of the village was quelled.

Seeing the situation under control, Xue Bai ran off to chase Wu Tianyu.

This scum had to die!

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