
Chapter 443 Don't hesitate to send them to me

Axel then continued : “I don’t know how it is in the other Sects, but the system that has been established in the Sun Sect is a system that is fair and gives everyone a chance no matter what their background is, there is no shortcut and you receive reward through your hard work.”

He then said to the members of the other Sects who were present : “As Kevin announced earlier, your leaders will be punished and they will also all be banned from your respective Sects.

But like the members of the capital academy, if they can afford it, they will be able to form a new Sect in a region far from the capital and the purple dungeons.

What we propose is that you elect new leaders for your Sects, preferably from among those who have participated in the battle, and we would like you to be able to offer all of your members the same benefits that we have in the Sun Sect.

You can ask Garry and Liam to help you set these up and we are ready with Kevin to pay all the costs for your sect to be able to get those advantages.

We will also give you an aera where purple dungeons are so that your sect can benefits from looting these dungons.”

Kevin then asked because with Axel they were done saying what they wanted : “Garry, you first, what do you think of our proposals with Axel ?”

Garry could hardly realize what Kevin, their new King, had just offered to the Sun Sect, so he answered him as humbly as possible : “It will be a real honor for the Sun Sect to replace the capital academy, and as for the tuition fees, I promise to respect your wish, because this is also what all the leaders of the Sun Sect have always wanted since we founded our Sect.

From now on, the registration and tuition fees will be collected exclusively from the potions craft by the mages and from the income received by the fighters by looting dungeons.

I also agree to share the knowledge contained in the books of the capital academy library and copies of these valuable books will be sent to other sects who can make their own copies for their students.

And of course, if the new leaders of the Moon Sect and the Sky Sect would like advice on how to run their Sect, we will be happy to help them.”

Kevin was relieved that Garry had accepted and Dilan then said : “I have a request to make my King.”

Kevin looked at him surprised, and he said with a smile : “Speak freely, Dilan, and I will try to do my best to grant your request.”

Dilan also smiled at him, and he looked alternately at Kevin and Garry and said : “Well, there are many soldiers’ children who are currently students in the capital academy, if they could be integrated into the Sun Sect so that they can stay in the capital it will be great.”

Garry then looked at Kevin and he said : “Of course, we are committed to welcoming all the children of those who fought alongside us.”

Kevin nodded thankful for Garry’s goodwill and he said to Dilan : “To make it easier for Garry and the Sun Sect instructors, you will need to provide them with a list of these students with their class and which grade they are in, and only those on this list will be allowed to transfer.”

Dilan was relieved to hear this and he told them that it would be done as soon as possible.

Kevin then took the opportunity to tell him : “I’m counting on you and your soldiers to enforce what was just decided here.

The sooner the better, and if you meet resistance from the leaders of the academy or the ones from the Sects, don’t hesitate to send them to me, I will be happy to receive them.”

A golden glow appeared in his eyes as he said this and everyone around the table shivered.

Those who try to rebel against their new King will regret it bitterly and they will have no choice but to accept their punishment.

Kevin then turned to the instructors who represented the Moon Sect and the Sky Sect and asked them : “What do you think about all this ? And if you have any special requests, please feel free to make them.”

The instructor of the fighters of the Moon Sect then said to Kevin : “I agree with everything you want to put in place, that’s what we have been dreaming of since a long time, but the only problem is that the current leaders of our Sect were trying to make as much profit as possible and therefore only the nobles had access to certain privileges.

We need to change our whole system but if Master Garry and Master Liam agree to help us, I’m sure we can do it.”

The Sky Sect had a similar system to the Moon Sect so Kevin curiously asked them : “What privileges are you talking about exactly ?”

One of the instructors then explained to him : “For those who come from an ordinary family it is almost impossible to be able to study in our Sect, the ingredients to make potions are so expensive that it is better to buy them outside of the Sect and the same goes for reselling them, and for the fighters, it’s also much better to buy potions outside of our Sect.

The leaders have set such high prices for the most needed products that a kind of black market has emerged in our Sect where fighters and mages exchange products with each other.

For example, the fighters provide magic herbs they find when they go on expeditions to the mages in exchange for healing potions and the like.

Other privileges that nobles receive because their parents are willing to pay a lot of money is unlimited access to dungeons and our library, otherwise for the rest of the students they have to pay to be able to go in the library and the access to dungeon is restricted to the minimum.”

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