
Chapter 428 The battle of the Royal Palace part 28

Sora only hesitated for a split second, but finally she took Willow’s hand and the black walls of the room she was in started to shatter and the light that came from the walls blinded her.

When she finally opened her eyes, she was no longer in that dark room and she was back to the reality.

The first person she saw was Solomon, and she blushed again when she realized that he was still carrying her in his strong arms.

She then heard her sister calling her name softly and she turned her head towards her. Lena seemed to have cried a lot too, and her smile of relief as she saw her wake up was tinged with infinite sadness.

She reached out her hand and Lena took it immediately, she then heard Solomon’s voice in her head asking her how she was feeling and she told him that he could put her down now and that she should be fine.

As soon as he put her gently on the ground, Lena took her in her arms and she hugged her tightly without saying anything.

Words were meaningless in the face of such a tragedy, so she did the only thing she could do to help her sister feel better and she asked the particles of light to protect her and re-energize her.

As Sora could feel their telepathic link she used it to communicate with Lena and she said to her, ‘There are enough people to take care of me here, so don’t worry, and go back to save your man, I can’t wait to finally meet him.’

Lena after hearing this, took a look at Solomon and it was quite obvious that this demon’s feelings for her sister was not only related to their partnership to unite their two races.

She had a feeling he wouldn’t let anything happen to her sister, so now that she felt reassured by this discovery, she simply said to Sora : “Call me if you need me, Caleb will teleport me to join you as soon as possible.”

And once Lena was sure that her sister was okay and would hold up, Caleb teleported her back to Atlas, and Jordan was still there, trying his best to be able to save him.

After Lena left, Sora looked at the baby phoenix that Kevin was carrying in his arms, and she recognized Willow’s eyes and feathers so she reached out to her, and Willow without hesitation rubbed against her hand making a connection with her.

When Sora heard Willow’s voice in her head, she immediately recognized her and she thanked her from the bottom of her heart for coming to help her and especially for giving her the memories of her son.

Kevin was relieved that Axel’s plan worked and he said to him through their link, ‘Honey, your idea was brilliant, our daughter’s healing powers are beyond anything I could have imagined.’

Axel, who had kept a protective arm around his shoulders, kissed the top of his head and he said to him, ‘You’re right, our little girl is truly amazing.’

Sora after petting Willow looked Kevin in the eye and even though her son was dead, this man standing in front of her was a man who deserved her respect and she even felt a lot of admiration for him, because despite all the hardships he had endured, he always put others before himself, and he fought for a world that was not even his own.

And in just a few weeks, this man who was a stranger to their world had succeeded where everyone else had failed.

Thanks to him and his allies, their world was finally rid of the evil that gnawed at it, and peace between humans and demons would finally be restored.

She then said to him, bowing her head in respect : “Thank you, for everything…”

The words stuck in her throat in spite of herself, and she immediately felt a powerful hand resting on her shoulder and when she looked up in surprise, she saw that it was Solomon who was looking at her with concern.

So she smiled awkwardly at him and put her hand on the one he had placed on her shoulder before saying to him : “Don’t worry, I promise I’ll be fine.”

Solomon then looked at Kevin and as he was about to ask him if he really needed Sora or if she could just go back to her sister until the battle was over, Sora then said before he could speak : “Kevin, you sent Solomon to get me because you needed me, tell me how I can help you… You’ve done already so much, I also want to participate.”

Kevin smiled at her and he said, explaining the situation to her : “The battle is almost over in the courtyard of the Royal Palace but to make sure that the soldiers who are still fighting surrender, I would like you to accompany me there and stand by my side.”

He then showed her the head of the former King that lay on the ground and he said : “By showing them that the King is dead, then the pentagram mark on my chest, and finally that you have been freed, I hope that the fighting will stop on its own.”

Sora nodded, Kevin was right, the fact that she openly supports him after the King’s death should help him gain the trust of the soldiers who were still reluctant to surrender.

She then looked with undisguised hatred at the face of the man who had made her life hell.

This man who had been her brother-in-law, was the man who was responsible for Xander’s death, and it was also because of him and his plots with these Goddesses that she had to abandon her son, which still led him to his death.

It was also he who had used Lena to manipulate her and keep her under his control, and so, completely independently of her will, green flames suddenly appeared in her hand.

Just the sight of that head disgusted her deeply and Kevin said to her hastily before she destroyed the proof that they had killed the King : “Sora, please calm down, I promise I will let you destroy that head when I don’t need it anymore.”

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