
Chapter 333

Miguel then said to her : “Think it over Diana, leave that young Drakonit alone and we’ll only take the head of the Titan that brought him here, but if you persist in being unreasonable then it’s your head that I’ll take today.”

Elias then asked Kevin through the communication stones so as not to disturb Miguel, ‘What do you think of him kid ? He’s impressive isn’t he ?’

Kevin immediately replied with a sideways glance, ‘That man doesn’t seem the least bit impressed by this Goddess and what’s a Priest ?’

Elias smirked and he said proudly, ‘A Priest is a mage who can use the 5 elements, but Miguel is even more special than a Priest, you are very similar to him because you are the only Warrior Spirit who is also a mage and he is the only Priest who was born with two reserves of energy, he has an unlimited reserve of chakra and Soul force.’

He added then, ‘Everyone thinks I’m the strongest one in the universe but Miguel has always been and will always be stronger than me, he is the true leader of the Warrior Spirits.’

Kevin was speechless and he asked him, ‘Master, is this man really stronger than you ?’

He heard Elias’ laughter in his mind and Elias said to him, ‘Miguel is my husband, and he was my master before he became my husband so yes, I can guarantee you that he is stronger than me, I will tell you our story another time if you want to hear it, let’s save your friend first.’

Kevin then said smiling, ‘I would love hearing about your story, and otherwise with you here, I have no fear that my friends will be hurt, I will wait for your orders.’

Elias then asked him curious, ‘Just in case, how long can you stay at Stage 3 for now ?’

Kevin immediately replied, ’45 seconds.’

Elias nodded and Diana finally replied to Miguel : “You are far too confident Priest, we outnumber you 10 to 1 and more will be coming soon, give me back my daughter and I will give you back the Drakonit.”

Miguel said to her then : “As I told you the last time we met, your daughter is no longer in our hands. She is being judged for her crimes right now, and she will either be deprived of her God powers or directly executed, and even you can’t do anything about it, unless of course you want to fight against all the Gods that your daughter has offended.”

Diana then said to him: “Then let’s see what fifty of you can do against 500 of us.”

Elias who was ready to contact Liam said to him as Diana was about to execute Ian, ‘Now !’

And Liam activated his special ability which was to freeze time for a few seconds, and fortunately, thanks to his improved Stats, those few seconds were enough for him to regain his human form and go get Ian to bring him back to safety with the others, or so he thought it would be enough.

Before joining Ian to this world, he had told Elias and the others about his special ability that every Legendary wolf gain when they move to Warrior to Legendary wolf, and for the first time he was very happy that he could freeze time even if it was only for a few seconds.

Elias once in this world told him to be ready to intervene and that they had to wait until Diana tried to kill him because she would have to lift her hand to decapite him.

Liam hadn’t argued because this man was Kevin’s master and the God of War so he trust him and just when he thought that their plan had succeeded because he had managed to free Ian from the grip of this Goddess and that his man was now out of danger, Diana managed to give him a sword strike that opened all his back at once when he was returning near Kevin and the others.

Miguel that had been frozen like anyone else had tried to intervene but he was too far away to get there in time so once free of his movements he threw Liam into his husband’s arms and he parried Diana’s next sword strike which would have killed him this time without a doubt.

He shouted to Colin then because he was the most powerful mage after him: “Take care of him, keep him alive until I come back.”

He looked at Diana and he said to her : “This time I will take care of you.”

Colin had rushed to help Liam who was already unconscious and he immediately gave him a healing potion of divine grade.

Ian then said to him as he felt everything that Liam was feeling : “Colin I can feel golden particles that are eating him from the inside, this potion doesn’t seem to have any effect against them, what can we do.”

Alan then arrived and he said to them : “Let me try, after all this man said to keep him alive until he can take care of him, and I’m an expert in healing all kinds of wounds.”

Colin then said to him hurriedly : “Look, the light particles won’t be enough to heal him and Kevin, besides Miguel, is the only one who can use the golden particles and who could have absorbed them to save him.”

Alan then looked Colin in the eyes and he said to him: “Who said that Kevin is the only one who can use the golden particles… Since Erik became a Stage 2 Warrior Spirit, I can see the golden particles, at first I couldn’t use them but…”

He coughed to hide his embarrassment because after all Dual cultivation was related to sex and the more he made love with Erik the more golden particles he saw, and last night, for the first time, he had managed to integrate some into one of his spells and without blowing up their living room which was a real miracle because usually this kind of experience never ended well with him.

So he just told them : “Let me try, I probably won’t be able to absorb them all but at least it should be enough by the time Miguel gets back.”

Colin could hardly believe his ears and then he asked him too surprised not to ask the question: “Do you share a Dual cultivation bond with Erik ?”

Alan nodded but he was already focused on Liam’s wound to see the shocked look on Colin’s face and as he concentrated more and more obscuring everything else around him, he finally saw the golden particles that were really numerous in his body.

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