
Chapter 301

This prison dimension was really convenient, at the moment it was not used as a prison but rather as a meeting point. All the Warrior Spirits under his command had access to it and Mykael, Lucas and Colin were rare exceptions who also had access to this dimension, so no matter where they were, they could all meet here.

Caleb was the first to react and he whispered after kneeling next to the demon to check on his conditionÂ: “That’s impossible, he died 17 years ago, I saw his body…”

But the fact that Connor kept calling Derek even when he was unconscious was an irrefutable proof that this demon was indeed him.

Elias sighed with relief and he asked himÂ: “Just tell me that this Derek is still alive, like that I could give that good news to Miguel.”

Caleb nodded and he put Connor over his shoulder before saying to EliasÂ: “Connor was the leader of the demon rebellion against their despot King, who we’re pretty sure now is a Titan.”

Mykael then asked EliasÂ: “Where did you find him ?”

Elias told him what Miguel had told him and when he described the building in which Miguel and his men had found them Mykael said to himÂ: “There was the same kind of prison in Cassandra’s domain, you can go take a look if you want.”

Elias nodded and he said looking more specifically at CalebÂ: “Your brothers had a vision together and two cell numbers appeared to them, one was Connor and the other was that werewolf.”

He then pointed to the werewolf and Mykael in turn widened his eyes as he too said ‘impossible’.

Elias raised a eyebrow surprised and he asked him dumbfounded : “Don’t tell me you know him ?”

Mykael shook his head and he said to himÂ: “I don’t know him personally, but the tattoo he has on his left shoulder is the same tattoo that Axel’s mother also had in the same place, it can’t be a coincidence… Do you mind if I take him with me.”

Elias agreed and then he said to the both of themÂ: “Look, whether it’s Connor or this Werewolf, both of them will probably have a big role to play in the upcoming war.

Try to find out what kind of role they might have, Lilith has an army of tens of thousands of demons and thousands of other legendary creatures just waiting for her command to invade worlds, and I’m not even talking about the Titans… They must never get their hands on the Acrium, as soon as you have a serious lead, contact me immediately.”

Caleb and Mykael nodded and Elias said to them before disappearingÂ: “Ask Colin to check their condition tomorrow, we can’t afford to lose them.”

When Elias disappeared Caleb asked MykaelÂ: “Can you take me to Derek, I don’t think there will be any better medicine for Connor… I can’t believe he keeps calling him when he’s still unconscious.”

Mykael nodded and he said to himÂ: “I’ll leave you to deal with Connor and I’ll deal with this Werewolf, if he really is part of the same pack as Axel’s mother then it’s my duty to help him.”

Caleb nodded and once Mykael put that Werewolf over his shoulder too he put his hand on Caleb’s free shoulder and before he teleported them to Derek he said to him : “Tell him to go in his room, I think he’ll want to be alone with him for a while.”

Caleb smirked and when Mykael didn’t feel any more presence around Derek he teleported them at once.

He saw the surprise in Derek’s eyes and he said to them before teleporting to Axel and Kevin : “I’ll send Colin over tomorrow to check on him, but he has been treated by the best mage in this universe so he probably just needs some rest now.”

Derek was like frozen in place because he would have recognized this man’s body under any circumstances and even though Caleb had thrown him over his shoulder and he couldn’t see his face he couldn’t help but whisper his heart beating wildly under his chestÂ: “Connor…”

Caleb smiled at him and gently placed Connor on the bed because they were well in Derek’s room and when Derek heard him whisper his name, tears began to roll down his cheeks and Caleb put a hand on his shoulder and said to him : “Derek, it’s really him, you have my word, the men of the God of War found him in a prison in the world ruled by the Titans… Look, there’s no good way to tell you this but Connor has been tortured all these years so I don’t know what his mental state will be when he wakes up, all I know is that it’s you he wants to see when he wakes up.”

He added before opening a teleportation portal and leaving them aloneÂ: “The fact that Connor is alive must be kept a secret, you can tell the boys but no one else, not right now it’s too risky… Do you understand ?”

Derek nodded and Caleb said to him before walking through the portalÂ: “Let me know if you need anything.”

Derek quickly wiped the tears from his face and he went to kneel beside Connor.

Connor was unrecognizable and he didn’t know what to do to help him. He was paler and thinner than before and his beautiful short black hair that was always messy was now long and curly… But it was really him.

He kept whispering his name and moving his head from side to side, his body was in spasms and he looked very weak.

And as he had to try something, he took his hand and he kissed it, saying to him : “Connor, my love, I’m here… I’m here, you’re home now.”

He kissed his palm and he said againÂ: “You are safe now, I will never let anyone hurt you again.”

He saw that the sound of his voice seemed to soothe him so he contacted Solomon via the communication stones and he told him to finish the arrangements for the duel without him and that he would see them tomorrow.

Once he was sure they wouldn’t be disturbed, he quickly undressed, keeping only his underwear on, and he did the same with Connor.

His hands were shaking as he undressed him, but when he inspected his body he didn’t notice anything unusual, Mykael had assured him that he had been healed by the most powerful mage in existence and he had to admit that his body didn’t seem to have any marks from the torture he had suffered.

He decided to clean his body with a damp towel, and once he was done he lay down next to him and wrapped a blanket around them. He then took him in his arms and he continued to tell him how much he had missed him and how much he loved him.

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