
Chapter 189 - Grabbed By A Stranger

Kevin, who couldn\'t get rid of this bad feeling since he had discovered the needles in Ian\'s body, thought quickly before finally making a decision and going to get a dummy.

He said to Erik after having taken out the diagrams he had made on the blood circulation in the human body and on the precise locations of the pressure points : "I\'m going to give Axel and Alan the same training as the one we just did.

In the meantime, would you please start explaining the pressure points to Yelena and Ashton."

Erik seemed surprised that Kevin would ask him to do such a thing, but he nodded and motioned for Ashton and Yelena to come over to the dummy.

Kevin explained his doubts and fears to Axel and Alan and told them that from now on he would train them every day individually for 30 minutes on his secret technique, which by the way was starting to be not really a secret technique anymore because of the number of people he was teaching it to.

After this hour of discovery for some and deepening their knowledge for others, they all went back to their respective training and Kevin this time taught Erik lightning attacks to kill the monsters he would meet tomorrow.

When Kevin ended the training it was already 7.30pm and before leaving he gave his advice for Yelena and Ashton who wanted to continue training together tomorrow.

He told them to alternate between hand-to-hand and weapon training and not to forget to work on their strong points which were respectively the use of chakra for Yelena and the huge reserve of Soul force for Ashton.

For Ashton he couldn\'t say it so openly because he was not supposed to know his amount of Soul force so he just told him to practice what teacher Julian had shown them this morning.

After that, everyone went back home and Yelena walked Ashton back to the dormitory because she was staying there too.

He proposed her to have dinner together and she gladly accepted because it was a good opportunity to get acquainted.

So after taking a shower and changing, they met for dinner and they talked about their respective childhoods and Yelena, who came from a modest family and was the first fighter of her family, felt impressed by the fact that Ashton came from a powerful family of mages, she was suddenly afraid that she would not be up to him, but Ashton laughed and told her that he thought she was awesome.

He was very impressed with the kind of shockwave she had created and they decided to see if it was possible to do it with spiritual energy tomorrow.

They parted in a very good mood and after making an appointment to meet at the training ground number 10 tomorrow morning at 9am Ashton returned to his room.

And as he closed his room door whistling happily very satisfied with his day even though he was now feeling exhausted, he was grabbed from behind by a stranger.

His arm was locked behind his back and a hand covered his mouth to prevent him from shouting, he found himself stuck between the door of his room and his assailant, and when he tried to struggle he quickly understood that it was useless because his attacker was much stronger than him.

He then heard a tongue click near his ear as if the person who was holding him prisoner was annoyed and he then heard the voice he dreamed of hearing every day without exception and who seemed really pissed off : "My little rabbit, tell me what makes you so happy ... Is it this girl by any chance ?"

Ashton calmed down immediately and the man released his grip, he released his mouth and turned him towards him but he kept him against the door visibly waiting for an answer.

Ashton stared at him and even with his black clothes and hood falling in front of his eyes he couldn\'t help but whisper his name : "Nolan."

Nolan took off his hood and put one of his hands right next to Ashton\'s head, he tilted his head until it was very close to his face, and he was only satisfied when he saw the cloudiness in his eyes and his breathing quicken.

He smirked satisfied with this reaction and then he asked him again because seeing him through the window flirting with this girl did not please him at all : "Is it this girl who makes you so happy ?"

Ashton who had just been pushed against the door and somehow imprisoned by the man of his dreams, felt his heart racing and his breathing accelerating.

Nolan looked like a drop of water to Alan, the same features, the same eye color, the same muscular body, and the same hair cut, the only thing that differentiated them was their character.

Nolan was someone who liked to get into trouble, he was provocative, quarrelsome and disdainful, but usually he never acted like that with him, this was the first time he seemed angry with him.

And Ashton, who was so close to him that if he leaned forward slightly he could touch his lips, could not think of anything else.

He had heard his question but as always when Nolan was close to him he lost all his means and his IQ although impressive was dropping dangerously as if he was unable to think correctly when he was in his presence.

Nolan began to smile when he saw Ashton looking at his lips. He had never had this kind of desire for him, he had always seen him as a kind of little brother but the jealousy he felt right now was much too intense for him to ignore it.

He called him again by the nickname he had given him when he was a kid and kept running and jumping all around : "My little rabbit, I\'m still waiting for an answer, you\'re going to make me wait a long time like this again."

Ashton forced himself to focus and he asked him with a frown : "A girl ? You mean Yelena ?"

Nolan again felt jealousy wash over him and his gray eyes became threatening : " I\'m talking about that girl, the girl you were talking to outside just now ... Why, do you mean you are seeing more than one girl ?"

Ashton realized that Nolan had misunderstood him and he did not want this kind of misunderstanding between them, so he grabbed his jacket for fear that he would leave immediately because he seemed really upset, and he said quickly without thinking about the consequences of his words : "No, it\'s not what you think, Yelena is my duo fight partner, there is nothing between us and there is no other girl either."

Nolan looked at Ashton\'s hands on him and he felt his blood boil which took him a little off guard.

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