
Chapter 187 The Bordering Village (1) The Observation

Chapter 187 The Bordering Village (1) The Observation

The morning was rowdy because of Tesha\'s rowdiness due to the breakfast that has not yet been made. Annoyed by her pesterings, Lyan ended up being the one who make the breakfast for everyone, making the morning to be rather lively. The smell of his cooking invited the villagers that came to the house to either greet him or bring them some food and food ingredients to get drawn like ants.

The breakfast ended up being Lyan cooking for a lot of people including Wilhelmina and the freed slaves and some of the villagers. The breakfast was lively and because of the sudden gathering, it triggers the start of a conversation between the villagers and former slave girls.

With a single start of a conversation, it leads to another topic and soon, everyone is talking with each other which makes the mood inside the house to be light and lively. Everyone is talking on a friendly terms with each other, and because of their past as a slave, talking to such kind villagers made the former slave girls to be very comfortable with the conversation.

"I like to complain about how a pain in the ass cooking for a bunch of people like this, but well... I guess the outcome is not bad, huh?" Lyan let out a sigh as he stared at the lively house.

Cooking is a complex order, and even though he could ask his disguised skeletons to cook, the food that they cook won\'t be as delicious as what he could make.

(In the end, I was forced to make them myself... Maybe asking Griselda to train some skeletons to cook might not be a bad idea) (Lyan)

As Lyan is having an idea inside his head, a figure approached him from behind.

"I thought I heard you say you\'re a merchant. Didn\'t know you\'re a cook as well," Aisha, the female guard of the village uttered with a smile. Still using a set of leather armor with her sword on her waist, she holds the food Lyan made for breakfast in her hand and seems to be enjoying them.

Lyan\'s eyes scanned and he started his observation.

Lyan\'s keen senses and analytical mind immediately went to work, scanning Aisha from head to toe. He took in every detail, noting the way she carried herself, the way her armor fit, and the subtle signs of muscle and strength in her arms.

"Good observation skills, is it merchants\' unique traits?" Aisha said with a small smirk. "But don\'t worry, I won\'t attack you or anything."

Lyan chuckled at her comment. "I\'m not worried about that. I\'m just always observing. It\'s a habit of mine."

Aisha nodded in understanding, finishing the food she was holding before turning back to Lyan. "So, what did you observe about me?"

Lyan began to speak, his voice low and measured as he carefully considered his words. "You\'re wearing leather armor, but it\'s not the typical armor that a guard would wear. It\'s more flexible and fitted, designed for someone who needs to move quickly and with precision. I also noticed the subtle muscles in your arms and shoulders, which suggest that you\'re no stranger to physical training."

Aisha\'s eyes widened slightly in surprise, but she didn\'t interrupt as Lyan continued.

"You carry yourself with confidence and authority, but there\'s also a hint of weariness in your movements, as if you\'ve been carrying a heavy burden for a long time. That, combined with the way you\'re interacting with the villagers and former slaves, tells me that you\'re not just a guard. You\'re someone important in this village, someone with a lot of responsibility on your shoulders."

Aisha smiled slightly, nodding her head in agreement. "You\'re right. I\'m the daughter of the village chief, and I\'m also in charge of training the guards and overseeing the village\'s defenses."

Lyan nodded, pleased with his deductions. "I thought as much. You\'re doing a good job, by the way. The villagers and the other guards seem to trust you a lot,"

Aisha\'s smile widened, and Lyan noticed a hint of pride in her expression. "Thank you. It\'s not always easy, but I believe it\'s important to work."

As they continued their conversation, Lyan couldn\'t help but notice the small details about Aisha that others might overlook. He observed the way she held herself with poise and grace, but also noticed the calluses on her hands that suggested she enjoyed practicing swordsmanship.

"You have a passion for swordsmanship, don\'t you?" Lyan asked, eyeing the calluses on Aisha\'s hand.

Aisha\'s eyes widened in surprise, clearly impressed by Lyan\'s keen eye.

"Yes, I do. How did you know?"

"It\'s all in the details," Lyan said with a small smile. "The way you hold your sword suggests you\'ve been practicing for a long time. And the calluses on your hands tell me you\'ve been doing it consistently."

Aisha nodded in agreement, impressed by Lyan\'s powers of observation. "You\'re very perceptive. But what else did you notice?"

Lyan paused for a moment, considering his next words carefully. "You\'re a disciplined person, but you also have a wild streak. You enjoy taking risks and pushing yourself to your limits. I can tell by the way you carry yourself and the way you talk about your swordsmanship. It\'s not just a job for you, it\'s a passion."

Aisha\'s eyes lit up with excitement, clearly pleased by Lyan\'s assessment. "Yes, that\'s exactly right. I do enjoy taking risks and pushing myself. It\'s part of what makes swordsmanship so exciting for me."

Lyan couldn\'t help but feel a sense of satisfaction at having read Aisha so accurately. He had always prided himself on his ability to read people, and Aisha was no exception.

"But there\'s more, isn\'t there?" Aisha asked, a hint of challenge in her voice.

Lyan nodded, feeling a sense of excitement building inside him. "Yes, there is. You\'re a leader, but you also value your independence. You don\'t like being told what to do, but you\'re also not afraid to take charge when the situation demands it."

Aisha\'s expression grew serious, and Lyan could tell that he had hit a nerve. "That\'s true. I\'ve always been independent, even as a child. But being a leader comes with its own set of responsibilities. Sometimes I wish I could just be free to do as I please, but I know that\'s not possible."

Lyan nodded sympathetically, feeling a sense of kinship with Aisha. He too had always valued his independence, but had also felt the weight of responsibility that came with leadership.

"I understand how you feel," Lyan said, his voice soft and comforting. "But I think you\'re doing a great job. You\'re a natural leader, and the people here respect you."

Aisha smiled, a hint of relief in her expression. "Thank you. That means a lot coming from you."

"You\'re welcome. Now, let\'s try guessing your hobby," Lyan suddenly continued.

Aisha raised an eyebrow in surprise. "My hobbies? That\'s quite a leap. What makes you think you know anything about that?"

Lyan shrugged, a small smirk appearing on his face. "Just some educated guesses. You strike me as someone who enjoys a challenge, someone who likes to push themselves to their limits. And given your position as the head of the village\'s defenses, I imagine you enjoy training and practicing your skills in your spare time. Perhaps even competing with others to see who is the strongest or fastest."

Aisha\'s expression softened, and Lyan could see a hint of amusement in her eyes. "You\'re not wrong. I do enjoy a good challenge, and I do like to stay in shape. But how did you guess that?"

Lyan chuckled, feeling a sense of satisfaction at his accurate deductions. "It\'s all in the details. The way you carry yourself, the way you interact with the other guards, the way you handle your sword. It all tells a story about who you are and what you value. And once you start piecing those details together, it becomes easier to see the bigger picture."

Aisha nodded, impressed. "You\'re very observant. I can see why you\'re successful as a merchant."

Lyan chuckled. "Observation is a key skill for any merchant. It helps me understand my customers and what they need, and it allows me to negotiate better deals."

(Yeah. Observation skills that allow you to create bullshit so naturally, you mean?) (Griselda)

Despite Griselda\'s nasty comment inside his head, Lyan maintains his smile intact on his face.

(Let\'s try to squeeze every information I could from this girl) (Lyan)


Name: Lyan Arkanium Evocatore

Occupation: Mythril-ranked Mercenary

Money: 3,797,710,950 Elnes / 3797 gold 71 big silver 9 big coppers 5 coppers

Weapon: Magic Glaive, 1 (Decent) One-handed Sword, 2 (Good-Quality) One-handed swords, 1 (Decent) bow

Equipment: Black leather cloak, Leather Armor, Breastplate, 2 Health Potions, 2 Poison Vials

Grimoire\'s Companions: 8 High Spirits, 3 Valkyrie, Shadow Goblin Lord (Lv. 5), Papilio Slime (Lv. 45), Galewing Butterfly (Lv. 45), Rock Golem (Lv. 50), Deadlight (Lv. 63), Moonlight Butterfly (Lv. 45), Ice Golem (Lv. 50), Acid Ant Queen (Lv. 9), Magma Bear (Lv. 1), Fey Mammoth (Lv. 1), Arcane Retriever (Lv. 1), Winter Wolf Alpha (Lv. 12)

Grimoire\'s Army: 6 Shadow Servants, 800 Skeleton Army

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