
Chapter 322

= North Shore of the Yellow River =

While Tong was battling at Hulao Gate, Li Feihong and the others were still camping on the opposite side of Yellow River .

Li Feihong looked at the status within his private world as he examined the features of his power .


[Private Farm World] LV 7 .

- Able to access a private world in another dimension .

- World Size 7,000 km .

- The time scale of the real world: Private World: 1 day – 1 month .

- The host can grow crops in the private world .

- The host can raise animals in the private world .

- All objects in the private world can be taken out to the real world .

- The host can utilize monitors in both worlds .

- The host can open a gate four times a day .

Skill Cost:

- 1 Lifespan per one-minute gate connection .

- Upkeep: 2,000 lifespans per year .

Skill Restriction:

- Can only grow crops that exist in this world .

- Can only raise animals that exist in this world .


Not many things changed after three years of hard working, and his resources within this world increased .





A message from the separated system of his [Private Farm World] rang inside his head, which Li Feihong got used to it .













Messages kept coming every second, which could drive any mortal insane within a day . However, Li Feihong got used to it as he lived with these sounds for 20 years .

To him, these sounds were like music, and it was proof that he was still alive . Furthermore, his mental fortitude was now stronger than everyone within the Mountaineer Legion, including Lu Bu .

As Li Feihong was concentrating on his private world’s management, Zhang Liao visited him .

"Feihong, all troops are ready . Tong sent words that we have to cross the river by nightfall . "

Li Feihong closed his system menu and looked back, "Get everyone in my world . We’ll open one gate behind the enemy’s line and another gate behind the walls of Luo Yang . "

"What about the combat policy? Have you talked with Ju Shou?"

"Yes . Ju Shou will remain on the north shore with 10,000 men and become our decoy . Zhang He will take care of the city raiding while our legion will clean the soldiers on the south shore . "




= Three days later =

Hua Xiong watched the shoreline without blinking . From Khan’s order, he had to stop Tong’s 100,000 soldiers from crossing the river .

However, both legions on the opposite side of the river had not constructed a boat or showed a sign of preparation to cross to this side .

"Odd . "

Hua Xiong’s instinct told him that he fell into the enemy’s trap even though they had yet to fight .

"Very odd . "

Hua Xiong clicked his tongue and rode back to his tent . He texted Khan in the clan chat .

Hua Xiong: "Zhang Tong’s armies haven’t moved, but I think we’re going to suffer a major loss . "

Hua Xiong: "I need help . "

Khan: "Why do you think you’ll lose?"

Hua Xiong: "Instinct . I can just tell . "

Khan: "I’m retreating back to Luo Yang . When I reach there, we’ll pull back to Hongnong . "

Khan: "I should reach Luo Yang before the sunset . Before I arrive, avoid fighting with their soldiers head-on . Once we get back to Chang’An, this coalition will fall apart . "

Hua Xiong: "Alright . "


10 Minutes later after the Hua Xiong reorganized the four battalions of Han Sui, Li Jue, Guo Si, and his troops, Hua Xiong and all soldiers saw black smokes coming from Luo Yang City’s direction .

The location between the south shore and Luo Yang was 40 kilometers away, which translated to one day distance of forced marching or two to four days of regular marching on foot .

As cavalry units of Xiongnu, they could reach the city in a couple of hours .

"What happens in the city?"

Soldiers gossiped and guessed about the black smoke, which was expanding . For every second, the black cloud got more intense as more sources of the smoke increased .

Hua Xiong clicked his tongue . His skins had been itching for the past 10 minutes that he could not suppress his inner voice anymore .

It had been yelling in his mind that he had to retreat now!


Hearing the yell of Hua Xiong, all soldiers and the three generals were shocked .

Han Sui walked to Hua Xiong as he was confused by the sudden order .

"Why do we have to retreat? Our order is to hold this position . "

"If we don’t retreat now, we’re all going to die! The enemies had already crossed the river!"


"The troop on the opposite shore is a decoy! They must have crossed from the other location and struck Luo Yang City behind our back . Tell the men to get out of here before the sunset, or we’ll be surrounded!"

Though they were shocked, the three generals complied with Hua Xiong’s order .

As veterans, Han Sui, Li Jue, and Guo Si reorganized their platoons and withdrew from the shore within one hour . They burnt a portion of their supplies that they could not bring with them and left the camp without bothering packing their tents .


After Hua Xiong’s had retreated for two hours, a cavalry unit of 10,000 soldiers reached the previous location of Hua Xiong and the others . Banners of "Ding" fluttered in the wind .

Ding Yuan led the 10,000 heavy knights of Mountaineer Legion here to harass the 200,000 soldiers of Xiongnu, but they withdrew before he could cross sword with them .

"Good foresight . Too bad, the Xiongnu is a bit late . "

Ding Yuan hummed as he opened his clan chat .

Ding Yuan: "They have retreated from the camp . It seems they left in a hurry . All tents and several belongings are left behind . "

Li Feihong: "Roger that . "

Li Feihong: "I have them on my monitors . They are moving southwest toward Hongnong . Wenyuan, Fengxian, I’ll leave them to both of you . "

Zhang Liao: "On it . "

Lu Bu: "Fine . "


It was at 6 PM . The sun had half-sunk into the horizon, and the sky turned orange .

Hua Xiong and his cavalry unit of 50,000 soldiers led the vanguard and pushed westward . After galloping for hours, they were in front of Henan County, which located between Luo Yang City and Hangu Gate .

Upon seeing the wall surrounding the county, Hua Xiong raised his fist to stop his platoon .

On the top of Henan County wall, banners of "Li" had replaced the picture banners of Xiongnu tribes .

’Li Clan? Is that one of the immortals, Li Feihong in the rumor?’

Hua Xiong frowned and clicked his tongue . They indeed fell into a trap as he had predicted .

’They took Henan County . Then has Hangu Gate lost?’

If Hangu Gate, which located further west of Henan County, were taken by Tong’s subordinates, they would be isolated from the rest of Xiongnu . Khan and his legion would have been trapped under Tong’s encirclement between Tong’s two armies and the coalition forces .

While Hua Xiong was in deep thought, his three assisting generals arrived .

Han Sui gazed at the top of the wall in shock, "Have they taken Henan!?"

Hua Xiong turned to Han Sui, "Where are the rest of the men? Have they arrived here yet?"

"They will be here in two hours . I made them rest for dinner ..."


Han Sui’s mouth turned into an "O" as he did not understand Hua Xiong’s worries .


"If I were the enemies, I would have prepared a night assault while 200,000 soldiers are trapped over here . We have to either cross Hangu Gate or retake Henan within today!"

"B-But, the King hasn’t regrouped with us yet ..."

"Forget that brat and survive first! If we can’t cross Hangu Gate before the sunrise, all of us will either be captured or killed!"

"We have a superior number . Why are you so scared?"

Hua Xiong grabbed the collar of Han Sui and dragged him to his face, staring into Han Sui’s eyes .

"You may be a general from the west border, but you have no clue that number is not everything! Even if these soldiers are not fear of death, a good trap and encirclement can kill them all! Our last intel said that the army from the opposite side of the river is about 100,000 . Then, we are facing the enemies half of our number!"

Throwing Han Sui on the ground, Hua Xiong bellowed, "Get your 50,000 soldiers to siege Henan County . I’ll take my cavalry to Hangu Gate . As for the rest of 100,000 soldiers, support Han Sui . "

50,000 heavy cavalry of Hua Xiong rushed west and detoured Henan County, leaving the 150,000 soldiers, Han Sui, Li Jue, and Guo Si behind .

The three generals looked at each other in confusion .

"What’s next?"

Li Jue mumbled, "Let’s ask our boss in the chat . "

"Yeah, let’s do that . "

Li Jue told everything in the clan chat and informed Khan about Hua Xiong’s decision . However, Khan did not reply . "

"The boss didn’t reply . What to do?"

"For now, we have to siege the county . "


9 PM .

The sky had long darkened as it had been hours into the night time .

50,000 Horsemen of Hua Xiong, who each carried a torch, galloped through the darkness . While they focused on the front, they heard a sound .


It was a familiar horn sound which commonly used as a signal .

"An enemy attack! Draw your weapons and get ready!"

The sound of metallic clinking and swords coming out of the sheath resounded in the night along with the galloping noises of the horse hooves .

Yet, they saw no one .

"Keep going!"

Hearing the voice of Hua Xiong, they slapped the butt of their horses to increase the pace .

Soon, they saw the Hangu Pass, which did not have a banner or garrison troops on the top of the wall . The gate was also wide-open .

"Enter the gate! Get to the other side first and worry about the ambush later!"

All horsemen lined into three columns and moved through the gate . Hua Xiong remained behind as a rearguard and looked around him .

"Odd . Is this a trick?"

Hua Xiong did not hear the sound of fighting from behind the gate, so he thought that they crossed the gate safely .

He turned around and entered the gate as well .

Because of the panic and the chaos, all 50,000 soldiers did not notice that there was a giant portal within the gate, and they all entered it .

As soon as Hua Xiong crossed the portal, the sky became bright .


All soldiers also looked lost . They scanned their surrounding in a panic .

They found themselves on grassland on daytime, but they remembered that it should have been the night time .

The portal closed after Hua Xiong, and his horse had entered .

Then, they heard another familiar noise .


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