
Chapter 143 141. Undeserved Credit

Nakul the self-titled most handsome man in Aryavart ran to his mother Kunti and hugged her legs to seek shelter as the wave of power that just passed through terrified him.

Before was that blinding light which was followed by the sonic boom after which there was that terrifying power, His young soft heart can\'t comprehend the level of power he just experienced.

So like every human being the instinct of survival triggered making him to seek shelter with the person he thinks will protect him from any harm, His stepmother Kunti.

"Yeah Mata, I too feel it, Something terrible happening outside, Are you sure it\'s best to lock ourselves in this room all this while?"

Yudister the son of Dharmaraj Yama spoke to his mother, As eldest after his father passed he took over the duty of father and try to become the rock his brothers can rely upon.

Yeah he was losing his childhood but he thinks for his family it is worth it, So he is still a child but he acts and behaves like an adult or say better than most adults. There are privileges of being demi-god.

Right now even his senses were tingling, He though wanted to be obedient like always to his mother and follow her order of being locked in their room for a while, But he is very curious of what was happening outside.

He so for the first time tried to go against the words of his mother but it\'s obvious Kunti has the ways to fix him too.

"Ohh, Now you are doubting my decision? Tell me since when I was wrong son? Or do you no longer trust the decision made by me? You know that it\'s Adhrama to doubt the intention of their mother, she always wants what is best for her children."

Kunti countered the Yudhister\'s words with her own words to guilt trip him. After all, she needs to have total control over them, That is the only way she can for more in her life can get what she wants not the others throw to her way.

As for the reason being locked in this room is very simple, She thought her secret spy network in the Palace would find out that Rishi Durvasa was staying in the palace.

The last man she wanted to run in, Because if he saw her or her children he most definitely could tell what she did, And if he found out that she threw the innocent newborn in the river, His rage would be unimaginable.

This is the same guy who is famous for given curses to people over minor issues. She is terrified of even imagining what would her punishment would be if he ever found out how she misused the boon he gave to her.

That\'s why since yesterday she locked herself and her children into their chamber. She just hoped that unlike before in her kingdom Rishi Durva would not stay here for a few months and go away after a few days.

Until then they have to be hidden, Thankfully this royal chamber is connected to the hidden pathways of Royal maids to make them easy to reach chambers, So food and such are not a problem here.

"No Mata, I will never do a sin of doubting the one who gave me this gift of life, Mother always think for her children and I know that, Forgive me because of my curiosity I misspoke."

Yudhister panicked hearing the words of his mother. Someone like him saying he was doing Adharma is a big point that can be used against him to lead him by the nose.

He rather lose his head than to do anything that the authority figure says is Adharma, Which is his worst point as he follows the Dharma blindly only thinking what is written is truth rather than to use his brain and actually trying to see the reason behind those words

But sadly there was no one here to show him the path he was walking was wrong, Because he thought what he was doing was the right path while others were Adharma.

You can only show the path to the wanderer. It was totally up to him what to do and follow, As it\'s easy to wake up a person who is sleeping but it\'s impossible to wake up the one who is pretending to be one.

"No, Don\'t feel that bad, I was the one who should have told you the reason why we are hiding it rather than hiding from you thinking you will understand I am doing this for you.

After all you all are growing up, You don\'t need this mother of yours to lead the way for you, You are capable of doing that on your own."

Kunti as good as she is maintained her white lotus persona and quickly came up with the solution for sio the bud of doubt from their mind.

If Karna was here he would have been laughed at this moment seeing how low the level of manipulation truck she used, Which might made him doubt if he was giving her more credit then she deserves.

After all this is a simple psychological trick, The world play she used to make her look friendly and at the same time taunt the others which not only make others thinks and guilty but she also remains in the positive side of their them making them trust her even more.

The next step of course would be to reveal the reason suitable and sufficient for them to make them even more guilty for doubting the person and so the first under guilt will also grow.

This looks a flawless trick to the layman but the experienced professional sees too many problems in this method.

First of all in this method, all the control is given to the other party you are trying to trick which is actually needed for manipulation but the problem is that others only have to think they have control while you will secretly pull the strings to make them dance.

But here all is spent on the other part making uncertain how they will react and who would be consequences of it. This is a deal breaker for any person good at manipulation.

And yet this is not this trick fails. The huge drawback of this method is that this will limit manipulators actions as now the persona they created has to be maintained because they foolishly used this method on the people who are going to spend most time with them.

Which means, Kunti always has to maintain her white lotus persona. If not it will be a matter of moments before everyone will turn against you as their loyalty belongs to the persona, not the person.

"Mata we- "

"No need you to apologise Yudhister, I know you don\'t mean it, Also forgive me for reacting this way, I am just anxious, I already know something bad is going to happen.

Don\'t you see how bad they treated your younger brother Bheema? He has yet to wake up from his coma, I thought those evi- I mean your other brothers also try to atta- harm you.

But I never knew there would be this big Heaven and Earth vision, But still it worked out right? Who knows what is happening outside but I am relaxed that the people dear to all are here, Healthy and safe."

Kunti like guessed followed the script and gave them the reason sufficient for them to feel guilty, Which looks like it worked on the little Yudhister.

She sat on her knees and took both Nakul and Yudhister in her arms, To which both of them happily accepted.

Then she looked at her two other sons who were lost on their own though totally ignoring her melodrama.

Arjun in the corner going through jealousy and depression as he staring at the bow crafted by his late father Pandu with reddish eyes.

He was trying, Trying so hard to make the bow rise up like it did a moment before but now did not move an inch. This made him even more mad, He picked up the bow and clearly felt the bow\'s dislike of being picked by him.

Before the same bow used to feel happy when he picked it up and now there was an unwillingness to be wielded by him, He was going crazy over this fact.

He as a boy born with the divine gift from his celestial father has a very strong talent in archery, So he can feel the emotion of the bow where other people can\'t, From which knows how his bow feels excited when that white light eloped them.

And now it becomes unwilling to be touched by him, This only means one thing is there is someone better archer than him, the fact he can\'t digest, He as the Son Of King of Gods Indra can never be 2nd in anything.

While Shadeva was worried in another corner looking out of the window towards the sky in horror, That because the stars which used to shower him with their best knowledge and the prediction of the future stopped communicating with him.

No, not even one star wants to talk with him, share the secrets of the cosmos. This terrified him as by the last foresight he knows that the danger is coming for them and with this it\'s become even more concrete.

\'O\'Lord what is about to unfold?\'

He thought to himself as he still tried his futile attempts to communicate with the cosmic bodies.


"My friend will be so happy to see me."

In the forest, Drona was walking happily towards the kingdom of his childhood friend. Imagine what their meeting will be like, How happy his friend would be to see him.

He, unknown to what is waiting for him ahead, walked toward the event which put the base for the upcoming events.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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