
Chapter 125 124. Need A Bow

Chapter 125  124. Need A Bow

Karna entered in the treasury after the fox and was stunned seeing the mountains of golds in it, Whole area was glowing golden in that aura. There were gold coins, various precious jewellery, multi-

coloured beautiful gems etc.

But that was just a tip of it, After Karna walked in he saw even more blizzard things. There were some ordinary-looking tools, Which Karna can tell that were far from the ordinary then they looked.

There were also things like clothes, armors and all but Karna ignored them and was just glad that his fox did not eat these things. He walked ahead-searching for her and entered a deeper area of the treasury.

Unlike outside there were not too many things but looking at how carefully the things here are stored says that the things here can\'t be measured in mere wealth.

This stuff here shows the status of the kingdom and Hastinapur being the one of the strongest right now, it\'s not odd that each one of the things here is one of their kind.


While Karna was searching for a fox appreciating the things around him, He heard he loud shriek from the deepest part of the treasury, Which is weird as no one was supposed to be here right now.

And this treasury supposed to be a tower then how come he was walking straight all this while? Too many questions but knowing the source of the voice seems most important and so Karna dashed towards it.

"Look Bhrata, How cute is this fox, Can we keep it?"

When Karna reached the position of the source of the voice, He saw the fox he was searching for with so much anxiousness was playing with the little loli Sushala while Duryodhana was looking at the fox in suspicion.

Karna then saw that in the hands of Sushala was a bunch of sweets, After which Karna put it all together, This fox might have smelled the scent of the sweets and then just ran after it.

That\'s it, Karna can only think of this and still somehow feel this is a case, Which is a big deal as the someone who likes to overthink even little things was not able to come up with anything else than this one.

That just shows how simple and gluttonous this fox is, For food, she might even cross any boundaries.

"No we can\'t, we didn\'t even know how this fox get in here, No one other than the people approved can enter here and yet this fox is here, Don\'t you think it\'s a little odd?"

Duryodhana was keeping his distance from the fox and also held Sushala back who wanted nothing but to hug that cute beautiful fluffy being in her arm.

Meanwhile, the fox looked at both of them with her head tilted in confusion but her eyes never left the bag of sweets in the hands of Sushala at all.

Currently, she was looking too cute to resist but Duryodhana held himself back as he still did not get the answer how this fox got here, There is no way to bypass the security here.

This whole tower and its security was made by the gods architecture Vishwakarma himself at the request of the old king of the throne to the King of God Indra.

So Duryodhan was sure that this fox who broke in here was not simple, He even not rejected the idea of this fox being Asura or Mayavi Rakshasa.

And yet he felt this fox is familiar despite never seeing such a beautiful being, Of course after Karna.

"Why? What\'s matter how this fox got here, Look how cute she is, I want to keep it. Anyway, even if she is an Asura or Rakshasa, I don\'t care. There is the grandfather and you to protect me."

Sushala was not that stupid not to realise this fox is not normal, This fox has nine tails, That is, given this is not normal but she still wanted to keep it, After all girls are weak to beautiful things.

Even if the things they know are potentially dangerous, they dive head straight into it without caring as the said thing is beautiful, And her being little here does not have any control over this emotion at all.

She never thought that she while searching for her best jewellery stumble upon the most beautiful fox she ever seen.

"You can\'t keep her little Sushala, She will cause famine in a week in this Hastinapur."

Karna finally walked upto them after seeing the fox just sat there staring at the sweets in Sushala\'s hand.

He on purpose did not come out to them, He wanted to see if this fox would attack them to get food as he saw how she destroyed the inferno of the fire outside. But to his relief this fox at least knows not to attack people, This is a plus point.

Unknown to Karna the only reason why this fox did not snatch the food from them was because they have the scent of Karna on them, Fox didn\'t want to offend anyone close to Karna hence why she was well-behaved here.

"Mitra, Is this fox yours?"

Duryodhna was the first to speak in joy, He came forward and hugged Karna, Karna too did the same, Then he picked up the unwilling fox from the ground and put it back on his shoulders.

"Yes she is mine, She smelled the food and ran here, So little Sushala can you spare the few sweets in your bags for her?"

Karna after patting the head of the fox and replying to Duryodhana turned to Sushla and asked for a few sweets from her. This fox deserves it for behaving, It will not hurt to treat such positive behaviour.

Sushala just stared at Karna both in amazement and envy, Amazement is that for some reason she felt that Karna was even more handsome than before which is impossible, He already hit the ceiling of handsomeness.

But she still felt the changes in him. It\'s his aura that changed, The mere presence of his smoothing, She can\'t understand why, And of course the most beautiful fox she saw on his shoulder just added another layer to his charms.

As for envy is simple. When she first saw the fox she was quick to react and wanted to hug the fox or at least get a chance to touch her but this fox did not even allow her to touch a single hair on her body.

She jumped here and there out of her range while looking at her, Maybe she was playing with her but for Karna she did not resist at all, Sushala can see fox was unwilling but show no resistance to him

How can she not feel envious? She also wants to feel her soft fur.

"Hey I am not little, I am a big girl, Mata said it ...mAlso here are your sweets, but are you sure it\'s okay to feed her this?"

Sushala was triggered hearing Karna calling her little, Her mother told her that she is not little, Well she did not say the words but they are now gone to fix the marriage with Karna doesn\'t that mean she is old now?

That\'s her logic, By the way she still thinks the marriage they were talking about is the same as she plays with her dolls and her brothers. She is in fact looking forward to capturing her elder brother Sushasan to make him wear the Sari (dress).

The sari she thinks Karna will of course going to make for his wife by default, Yup if it\'s official that she is the only normal 5-year-old among the children, At least for now.

Sushala even after not liking being called little gave Karna a free pass, Anyway they will be married and he will make a dress for too, Plus she didn\'t want to disappoint the fox whose eyes light up hearing Karna asking the sweets from her.

"Thank you, Princess Sushala, Also don\'t worry this one can eat anything."

Karna received sweets from her and fed them to the fox who, as expected, gulped in one bite. She didn\'t even chew, just swallowed like a snake.

"Hey, Mitra, why did you come here? If you want I can search it for you. This place is big and it\'s hard to find the layout."

Duryodhana suppressed his curiosity about a fox and asked Karna why he was there. If Karna needed something he could search for him as he knows this place a lot better than Karna.

"Oh yeah, I am searching for a bow. A good bow that can launch Astras but not too big, It\'s for Eklavya. He is using the makeshift bow for practice."

Karna thought for a second and told Duryodhan it was a problem, After all like Duryodhan said this place was really unscientifically big, He didn\'t want to waste time searching for the bow that long.

Hearing this Duryodhan started thinking, There are many such bows Karna described here but many of them are too big, There are nearly any suitable for childrens.

Which is logical as which sane craftsman will make a bow capable of launching divine weapons for childrens, That is not only a waste of precious materials but also the time as most people do not learn knowledge of divine weapons until they are teenagers.

"Hey, I know a bow like that. We received it as a gift, Come follow me, I show you."

It was Sushala who reacted first, And quickly ran towards the secluded area of the treasury without much treasure around.

Karna and Duryodhan both share a look and also follow after her.

(A/N : Like always thank you for reading and have a good day .)

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