
Chapter 243





Gunshots and metallic crashing sound echoed through the night as Tong mowed down the closest soldiers with his blade while his left index finger pulled the triggered as he aimed at anyone who appeared to be their captains .

Tong activated his full-overclock mode and swung his blade while the surrounding was in a slow-motion pace . It tired his psyche, but it was the right time to use it .

For each second, two or three soldiers would die by either Tong’s blade or his gun .

"Fwoo . "

Tong slowly exhaled as he regulated his breathing . The fight had started for only a minute, but he already slain over a hundred soldiers . The repeated sword swing continued to drain his stamina . Though he was not tired yet, Tong’s right arm had shown a hint of a sluggish movement .

’Not having that 20x stamina buff really hurts!’

Stepping on a corpse of a dead soldier, Tong pressed forward, ignoring the spear-wall, shield-wall, or occasionally tackles by random soldiers .

The shield and spear formation was in front of Tong .



The bullets penetrated the soldiers behind the packed wall of iron shields, and the formation crumbled . Tong dove into the crack in the formation, flashing his blade, killing three soldiers in a second .

A five-man squad of spearmen rushed behind Tong, thrusting their spears forward, aiming at his back .

Sensing the ill omen, Tong shouted .


[Time Stop] activated .


’Here we go again . I forgot about this . ’

Every time Tong used a system skill with an anime-keyword, his [Pride] acted up . However, he also noticed a strange occasion .

He remembered that when he did not use a system skill and uttered a similar skill-name from an anime from his previous world, his [Pride] did not increase .

But this was not the time to reminisce about the past, Tong did not waste his time thinking about how his [Sin] increased or decreased . He jumped and stepped onto the head of the soldier in front of him .

Leaping from a head of a soldier to one another, Tong passed the five-lined formation troops and broke through the encirclement .

After getting through the net, Tong continued dashing toward the south, gaining the distance from Liu Yan Army .


Hearing the notification from the auto-sound, Tong turned around and hid behind a tree .

"He disappears!"

"What the!?"


Sure enough, the soldiers panicked . Their face lost color as if they saw a ghost .

Tong peeked at the soldiers from the shade and switched his weapon again . He put his gun and blade away and took out his bow from the back .

Before he could lock-on the pursuing troops, Tong heard a voice from a distance within the dark forest .

"That was just his skill . He can only use it once a day! All troops, search the southern areas . He should not have gone too far!"

Tong was shocked when he heard the command . It was as if this person knew everything about him .

’Holy shit damn! Are you Zhuge Liang or what!?’

Gritting his teeth, Tong aimed his bow at the direction of the sound and activated his lock-on .



Tong glanced at his [Homing Arrow] skill . It was now level six with a range of 350 meters .

’Over 350 meters? But, I thought he was so close?’

The voice of the commander was loud and clear despite the long distance . It was not that the commander shouted a loud voice, it was Tong’s hearing sense which was enhanced by his demonic blood and his two-winged status .

’Fine . I can’t kill you now, but I’ll kill every single soldier you have! I’ll grind my arrow EXP and steal your lifespans!’

25 Targets were locked on, and Tong released the bowstring, firing another barrage at toward the dense crowd .

"More arrows!"


"The south! He’s over there!"

Because the magic arrows were too bright, they revealed Tong’s current location to the pursuing soldiers . However, Tong did not mind exposing his position .

Tong did not stop pulling and releasing his bowstring as his eyes darted around the areas, locking-on every living being he could sense .

Each second, 25 magic arrows chased after the targets as if they had eyes . Before the batch of the first 25 arrows hit the soldiers, 25 more arrows flew in the sky from Tong’s bow .

The sequence continued for another ten seconds, and nobody managed to get closer to Tong .

"T-That’s not Zhang Tong! That’s Hua Shi!"

"Damn it! That’s the Goddess of Death!"


The charging soldiers began to hesitate . Half of them was terrified by the signature arrows of Hua Shi and ran away .

’Dafuq? They’re scared of Sunday, but they don’t afraid of me!? This is an insult!’

Annoyed by the remarks and the comparison from the soldiers, his barrage firing rate increased, which frightened the soldiers .


The sound of the commander could be heard again . Several torches had been lighted, and Tong could see the fireballs and bright areas far away .

’I don’t think you can retreat faster than I run!’

Tong got out of his cover and chased after the fleeing troops while continued shooting his magic arrows .

Screams and death throes intensified and echoed in the forest .


Thirty minutes later .

Tong pulled his bowstring and felt something wrong with his finger .

The bowstring broke, snapping in half . The cord durability had reached its end because of the intense usage .

Looking at the snapped bowstring, Tong had a cringed smile on his face .

’Right, I have 6 shopping tickets . I should buy a durable bow and continue fighting . ’

Tong opened the menu to look at the system shop .


" . . . Are you serious?"

Tong sighed as he took a mental note, "Never rely 100% on the system . "

’Next time, I’ll carry a spare . ’

Tong gazed toward the north where the retreating soldiers gathered . At a glance, their number should be around 10,000, which was impossible for Tong to kill them all by himself at his current power without the stamina buff and the regen from [Immoral Yang Vein] skill .

"Lucky you . I’ll be back (speaks in Arnold’s voice)"

Tong turned around and headed back south, running back to his camp .



Zou Jing had a pale and distorted face after he ensured that Tong did not follow after them anymore .

The origin of this plan was not from Liu Yan Army, but Tian Feng of Yuan Shao .

Yuan Shao, Liu Yan, and Sun Jian had formed a coalition against the Yellow Turban in secret while they were preparing their forces in winter .

For this coalition to work, Tian Feng sent his planning suggestion messages to all lords . He inputted his insight and intelligence about Tong in the reports .

In Tian Feng’s analysis, Tong had a habit of attacking his enemies at night, which sometimes he moved alone . This was Tong’s major weakness that their forces could exploit .

In addition, Tian Feng also listed the discovered skills of Tong which he had used in the past . This information was composed by Te Langpu and Tian Feng together by deducing the records from all battles Tong participated and in the peaceful times .

Liu Yan received the message from Tian Feng and agreed to utilize this suggested plan to capture or kill Tong in this counter-ambush .

Because of the danger that Tong could conjure hot oil out of thin air, they decided to avoid fighting with Tong head-on, but they planned to catch him off-guard .

This plan began when Zou Jing and his force detected Tong Army in the south . In response, they fortified their camp as if they wanted to protect them at all costs . However, Zou Jing put flammable hays and dried woods inside the tents instead of letting his soldiers rest in it .

He stationed his troops at the east and west of the camp while he left some cannon fodders inside the trenches, in the camp, and watchtowers to bait Tong .

The troops that had stationed outside monitored the movement inside the camp . The purpose of the monitoring was to detect if Tong took the bait or not .

As they had predicted, Tong snipped the watchtower guards and slowly slipped into the trench . By the time Tong entered the first line of the three lines of trenches, the scouts had relayed the message to Zou Jing that the fish had appeared .

Both troops on the west and east moved in, encircling Tong from behind . As soon as the army position was completed, they blew the horns and signaled the entrapment plan .

Unfortunately, Tong did not enter into the camp, but he returned to the first line of the trenches, which he ultimately slipped away from the fire trap .

The back-up plan was in motion as the troops blocked Tong’s escape routes, leaving the north direction open so Tong could have moved as they directed him .

Again, Tong did not move as they had predicted . He charged south and broke through the fortified southern troopers . Moreover, he turned back and used his wife’s light arrows to decimate his elite soldiers .

Zou Jing looked at his tattered soldiers with trembling clenched fists . He was angered by the magic arrows that Tong had displayed, which destroyed his ambush plan .

’Why is Heaven so bias!? Why can he use sorceries!? What did we do wrong!? Why does he even exist in our land?’

Frustration, anger, and despair overwhelmed Zou Jing as he reevaluated his ambush plans . Everything had been perfect, yet Tong brute-forced his way out .

"Sir, how are we going to win against that monster?"

A lieutenant of Zou Jing began calling Tong a monster after the short fight . The moment he uttered the word, several soldiers picked up the vocabulary and used it to gossip .

"Zhang Tong is a monster . We can’t even catch him after all these . "

"Where is the spearhead units? Has that monster killed them all?"

"How many of us died because of that monster?"

Their morale lowered every time they talked about Tong . This frustrated Zou Jing more .


All lieutenants of Zou Jing were sweating bullets from the desperation and insecurity feeling in their heart .

Zou Jing gritted his teeth, "Withdraw from the forest road . Lord Yan Yan is leading the pincer troops, and he’s detouring the forest . We’ll draw Zhang Tong to our turf . "

"Sir, are you sure that it was Zhang Tong? But those arrows are the Goddess of Death’s ..."

"That’s definitely Zhang Tong! Hua Shi never moves alone like this . I don’t know how he can use those deadly arrows, but I’m sure that it’s that monster!"

Even Zou Jing slipped the word [Monster] by accident, which shaken the hearts of the lieutenants .

"It’s fine . I also have heard that a volunteer army has been formed, and they will help us . For now, we will draw them to fight in the open field . By the time they are outside of the forest, Lord Yan Yan should have captured Zhongshan and cut their supplies . Then, no matter how strong he is, he will die without food and water!"

All lieutenants thought they had seen the light in the darkness . Their morale increased as they saw hope once more .

Smiled appeared on their face while they were busy praising Zou Jing for his intelligence .

None of them knew that Zou Jing did not want to be there, fighting Tong anymore .

’I’m not going to fight him . I’ll keep running away and have that guy win the war for me! Yep, I’m not fighting with Zhang Tong again . ’

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