
Chapter 655 Marked Target. Part 1

The female attendant spoke with an expressionless face and voice that made it clear that she was not asking them to be naked to observe their bodies in any lewd manner but to check if they were fit i.e to check if they still had their dicks.

Hal and the rest of the lineup quickly stripped out of their robes until they were naked and their nethers were in view.

Hal had the visage of the nervous young man he was required to have but in his mind, he eyed the attendants as they stepped closer to better observe and hoped they did not touch him.

The glamour was in no way physical and a touch would reveal it as the sham that it was.

He did not have anything to worry about because as dedicated with their studious looks as they were and stared closely at the young men\'s nethers, none of the female attendants touched any of them.

There was a sort of disputed look in their eyes that was not too evident to others but was clear to Hal as they stared at the young men\'s neutered nether regions.

Their expressions betrayed their inner thoughts and as Hal eyed them all, he quickly picked his target and she was the one with the most disgusted expression.

Never had Hal planned to simply enter the Duchy palace and make his way blindly about and neither had that been what Princess Tanya had expected him to do.

The very reason he was considered the best for this mission here was because of his way with the ladies and that was not only to be used against to Duchess but instead it was meant to be used in any essential way.

Hal, from the moment he stepped into the duchy palace, had his eyes wandering while he plotted his plans and made his strategies and try disgusted looks in the female attendants\' eyes now seemed to be way into the grand scheme of things in regards to the Duchy palace and the Duchess.

The one with the most disgusted expression was oozing sexual frustration that could easily be perceived by the Devil that was Hal.

Now, it wasn\'t just her who smelled of sexual frustration though... Quite a number of the other female attendants smelled of it as well.

Ha reasoned that this was part of the reason that they were all disgusted at the sight of the neutered nethers.

Not only did they see those in the lineup as pathetic, but they also saw them as useless to soothe their craving for animalistic lovemaking.

The fact that sexual frustration was so rampant among them was a detail that had Hal internally raising his brow in wonder...

Were they not allowed to have relations and forced to always be in the Duchy palace under the strict watch of the Duchess?

Or was it that, for some reason, it did not matter how much sex they had, they were never satisfied?

Hal had his eyes narrowed slightly in thought but he decided that those were questions he could afford to have the answers to once he was in close quarters with the female attendant that he had marked as his target.

Once they had inspected the neutered regions as thoroughly as they could without touching, the female attendants stepped back, and the one who seemed to be in charge and was Hal\'s marked target said,

"Now we will test your cultivation levels"

Normally, thanks to Grimoire, Hao could efficiently hide his cultivation so that it would remain unknown until he actually let out his cultivation pressure but there was no need for this as Tanya\'s glamour rune made it so that his cultivation was revealed to be at the Cosmic Armament realm which was quite mediocre in the Duchy capital but was just right for the pretty boys who would only exist and live in the Duchy Palace for the Duchess\' use.

The rest of the lineup had similar cultivation levels.

Hal reasoned that making sure the cultivation was so low was to further push the agenda of how pathetic and otherwise useless they all were and was in no way for the purpose of protecting the Duchess who he believed must be a Cosmic Saint.


The attendants said with bland expressions and bland voices as they produced Eunuch robes for the new Eunuchs of the Duchess to put on.

Hal and the others put on the robes and then one of those female attendants, not Hal\'s target, led them away to the quarters they would stay in for the rest of their days as the Duchess\' male attendants.

Hal had no one to ask and he wondered why there were so many newly made Eunuchs on such a random day because even if Aliya had used her connections to get him in, the fact that there were others here meant that the Duchess was in search or needed new material anyways.

And if she already had several male attendants already, why would there be a need for more.

Had they all gotten so old that they were no longer desirable or were their bodies reduced to conditions that, while still young looking, made them useless?

Or maybe they were dead?

Morbid as the last option was, it was not the death part that caused the furrowing of Hal\'s eyebrows but it was his wonder about just what treatment they had received at the hands of the Duchess that resulted in their deaths.

Once they were in their quarters within which they were to all share a room, the female attendant with them said they only had half an hour to get settler and after that, they were to get to work.

She stayed behind at the quarters, saying she would be leading them to sections they would work at.

For the newest addition to the Duchess\' amassing of Eunuchs though, there was as nothing to really get settled with.

Hal noticed that they all had nothing of their own.

No spare robes, no spatial rings, no nothing.

There were Eunuch robes in the room already waiting for them and would serve as a change of clothes.

There was no sadness in the faces of any of them as their faces were filled with joy and anticipation.

They were discussing among themselves and wondering when it was that would get to serve the Duchess directly and also wondered when they would earn their first pay which was rumored to be a hefty sum that would greatly help their families.

It would seem that despite all the talk of the man who brought Hal into their Duchy palace, all about him now being the Duchess\' property and whatnot, he was not completely cut off from any of the external relatives, should he have one.

He could still send them all or parts of his earnings from working with the Duchess

Anyway, overall, what Hal got from their words was the anticipation of meeting the Duchess and getting paid for doing what they loved the most which was to serve her.

"What about you?... What\'s your name?"

Suddenly, they turned to Hal to bring him into their excited conversations.

Hal smiled nervously as he should as the character he was playing to them,

"My name is Allan," he said.

"What are you doing this work for?" one asked excitedly and there was a sort of gleam in Hal\'s eyes as he said,

"Same as you. I want to get as close as I can to the Duchess"

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