
Chapter 328 - War Tactics 3

Within just a few minutes, his 400 Uruks were turned into corpses. Being surrounded and without his help, none of them could escape the one-sided massacre. In comparison to how many they had lost, they only managed to kill 200 of their opponents, which included the 50 that fell by Tristan\'s own hands.

Tristan was still trying hard to outpower the elf. Unfortunately, despite his incessant attempt, Dios held him very tight and showed no signs of loosening, not giving him any chance of breaking free. He felt as if he was being crushed by a mountain.

Finally, when the last Uruk died, the 800 enemy Uruks went ahead running toward the direction of his hill, leaving him still unmoving under Dios\' arms.

"Seriously man, release me and have a proper fight!!" Tristan struggled more while glaring at the elf hindering him, impatience apparent on his face.

The large elf, however, did not budge nor say any words, acting like a deaf and mute. If it were not for his minimal breathing movement, Tristan might have thought that the elf had turned to stone.

"You\'re a man, aren\'t you!? Let me go! I don\'t swing that way!"

Tristan tried everything he could think of, from using force to curses and insults to make this chunk of steel let go of him, but to no avail.

Moments passed, but Tristan was still unable to break free nor make this man let go.

Tristan knew that his 500 Uruks defending the hill would not be able to survive for long against the enemy, he reckon he would only have thirty minutes left before he really needed to free himself from this buffoon.

Tristan tried using [Fire Aura] to increase his strength to try to break free, but even that was only able to shake Dion very slightly, not enough for Tristan to escape at all.

He then tried to control his Blood Synthesis, creating a few flying blades to hit the elf, however, with both of his arms being immobile due to the restrain, Tristan was unable to use his real strength to move the blades and made him unable to cause any deep wounds on Dios\' body, 


With no other alternative at hand, Tristan decided that he had to use his [Blood Legacy] if he wanted to have any chance.


It was always painful when he used the transformation skill.

Blood spilled all over his body, forming into muscles as his body rapidly enlarged. However, Dios seemed unfazed at this development as he used a skill in response, Dios\' body turned into a glowing dark steel and even his chains also tightened it appears the artifact also showing its unique ability.

The two silently fought as they tried to overpower one another, and even after tens of minutes of  battle of strength, the large elf still showed no signs of weakening.

Tristan could not believe what he was feeling. Although he did not want to believe it, he had to accept the bitter truth. His [Blood Legacy] had found its match. Its extreme strength boost given by the blood legacy still not enough to defeat his opponent

This large masked dark elf named Dios was, after all, a peak Crescent Magus elf with a body harder than a tier 5 artifact .

After a few more minutes of constant pushing and pulling with fruitless results, Tristan gradually returned to his human form. 

Tristan was irritated to the bone. He could not accept such a defeat. He looked toward the palace of the dark elves, and using his enhanced senses, he could see the female elf smirk toward him. An imaginary vein popped at his forehead.

\'I won\'t let you win. Never.\'

Not willing to be defeated just like that, Tristan took a drastic measure.

Tristan\'s restrained arms were suddenly engulfed with fire as he cast [Heat Touch]. However, it was not aimed at the large elf. Instead of burning Dios\' body or artifact, he decided to burn his own arms.


Even though an excruciating sensation of pain coursed fervently on his burning arms, Tristan quickly increased the power of the flames, and at that moment, the initial fire fervently roared, burning his entire arms to his shoulders.

The fierce flames also began to engulf Dios as well, but he couldn\'t care less. Instead of directing the raging fire to the elf holding him down, Tristan let his whole arm burn even fiercer.

He gritted his teeth as he could feel the burning pain reaching his bones.

As soon as his crisped arms were completely destroyed, Tristan forced his way out of Dios\' grasp.


Tristan\'s flesh and bones tore apart and his blood splattered everywhere, painting a grotesque scene.

This took all the elves who were watching from the palace balcony by surprise. Tristan\'s determination and willingness to sacrifice managed to impress many of them. Even Iliana was impressed. She never expected the elf would be so savage and willing to destroy his own body like that.

As soon as Tristan successfully got out of Dios\' grasp, he quickly cast [Blood Synthesis] to regrow his arm and [Fire Aura] to boost his speed, in time to dodge the elf\'s chain artifact from capturing him again.

Time was at its essence. The previous struggle made him lose track of time, so he could not be sure of whether the enemies had arrived at their destination. His Uruk forces could be annihilated at any moment, so he could not afford to waste time fighting this lump of steel.

He used his [Blood Synthesis] to create his own chains and swiftly restrained Dios before he could restrain him, quickly holding the elf down.

The chains would most likely not be able to hold the large elf for long, but Tristan at the moment only needed them to hold the other party down for a while.

Rushing at the fastest speed he could muster, Tristan ran toward his hill, leaving the huge elf behind. 

After about five minutes of full speed, finally he reached the hill and to his surprise, the battle was almost at its end.

He saw that only around 50 of his initial 500 Uruks were left standing on top of the hill. All was fighting fiercely defending the flag on top of the hill.

Just a minute too late, and he would have lost the battle. 

Without a second thought, Tristan bombarded the hill with his fire spells. [Fireball] and [Firewall] multiple times, turning the bottom of the hill into a sea of fire.


Loud blaring sounds that would make one wish their ears were torn off rang out in the air in rapid succession, following that was several scintillating light of explosions that changed the basic feature of the terrain. Dirt and dust blasted around unconcerned with what and who they hit as visibility level dipped to maximum.

This upheaval was the result of Tristan\'s action. 

He unabashedly and consecutively cast [Fireball], not the normal kind but the enhanced ones, and sent them away like throwing out candies on the night of halloween. He didn\'t even bat an eyelid when his reserve of Blood Essence was drained at an extremely alarming rate as he continued to dish out enhanced [Fireball] as if it was vegetables. 

Currently, Tristan literally \'wasted\' thousands of Blood Essence to light the whole hill into the very personification of \'bright\' with his fire spells. Immediately after, he created two blood-synthesized two meter swords and dashed toward the burning hordes of Uruk with killing intent shrouding his entire being. 

Tristan shot straight toward the hordes which were in indescribable agony and began his massacre, swinging his swords when any Uruk entered his attacking range. He maintained his killing tempo as he continued to run toward the top of the hill where his flag was.

By the time he reached the top of the hill and could catch the sight of his flag, there were only a dozen of his Uruks left in the area, struggling and giving their all to fend off the other side\'s Uruk from grabbing the flag.

Seeing the situation was hanging by a thread, Tristan immediately used his [Blood Synthesis] again, creating dozens of constructs to assist and protect the last bit of his force. The top of the hill quickly turned red by the seer amount of blood it received. The area was also swiftly covered with the dead bodies of the Uruks as Tristan proceeded to cut all the other side\'s Uruk as long as they came close to his flag.

The incredulousness of the scene Tristan currently caused once again brought attention to the elders watching at the palace balcony. They were dumbfounded, flabbergasted, and stupefied by what Tristan could do.


Written by Avans, Published exclusively by W.e.b.n.o.v.e.l, 

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